#being an fc lead soon.... damn. i have a lot of plans in my head.
noxtivagus · 2 years
alphinaud leveilleur 🤍 c:
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Contrasting Styles
Requested by Anonymous
Pairing:  Bushi/FC/Evil
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 1946
Warnings: Light choking, public fingering, threesome,
35.          “It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.” And 41. “Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?”
“Oh yeah, she’s definitely not wearing any panties.”  Evil said cocking his head to the side to get a better view of the woman bending over the bar trying to flag down the bartender.  Her skirt was riding up giving Evil and Bushi a clear view of her ass and pussy.   The two had been debating whether she was after watching her on the dance floor and catching peeks of flesh as she spun. 
“You?  Me? Both?” Bushi asked chuckling as he watched her mounting frustration at being ignored.   He bet she wasn’t used to it, looking the way she did.  Unfortunately for her, flashing her tits at this particular bartender wasn’t going to get her much.  Bushi was more his type than she was.  
“Bring her over.  We’ll see what happens.”  Evil said with a shrug. 
Rising from their table Bushi made his way behind her, his hand going to her hip as he nestled himself against her. 
“It seems you forgot to wear any underwear tonight.” Bushi said in her ear as he flagged down the bartender. 
“Oh my god, you could see that?” She asked in embarrassment.   She felt sexy with no underwear.  A dirty little secret that no one else new and gave her confidence.  
“Everyone can see.”  Bushi said ordering another round for him and Evil and letting her make her selection.  “No panties short skirt.”  He gave her a slow look over.  “What did you expect to happen?”  Grabbing the drinks Bushi motioned for her to follow him, Evil watching their progress as they approached.  
“I’m  Bushi.   This is Evil.”  Bushi introduced as they sat down. 
“Yuko.”  She said sitting across from the two men.  Evil watched her as she sat, struggling to pull the skirt down to a more acceptable level. 
“Stop with the innocent act.”  Evil told her gruffly.  “You don’t wear a skirt like that with no panties unless you’re looking for attention.” 
“I didn’t realize.”  Yuko protested.
“Shut up.”  Evil snapped.  “Of course you did.  As if you can’t feel the air on your cunt.” 
Unsure what to say Yuko took a hurried drink from her cocktail having a feeling she may have bit off more than she could chew with these men.  They didn’t seem interested in flattering her or flirting.  Really she should just get up and walk away. 
“Is that true Yuko?”  Bushi teased bringing her attention back to him.   “Did you want all the boys to look at your pussy? Did it make you wet being a little tease?”  He grinned leaning forward in his chair, forearms resting on his knees.  “Are you wet right now?”  He asked.
“What?  No. I’m not wet.”  Yuko denied.  “I wasn’t trying to be a tease.”
“Prove it.”  Evil said making Yuko gape at him.  “Show us your pussy and prove you’re not dripping right now.  No juices you can go on your merry way and find some other boys to play with cause we’re not interested.  But if you are wet, we’re going to go back to our hotel and make you our fucktoy.”  Bushi sat back watching the interplay content to let Evil take the lead for the moment. 
Taking a sip of his drink he watched as Yuko warred with her ethics, eyes flitting around nervously as she tried to decide whether to stay or flee.  With a shaky breath she made her decision, slowly spreading apart her legs and showing off the decidedly noticeable slickness. 
“Looks pretty fucking wet to me.” Bushi said with a grin.  “Let’s go. We’re gonna have some fun tonight.”
The trio rose, Evil heading to the bar to close out their tab as Bushi led Yuko out with him to wait for the hotel’s town car to pull around.  Pushing her against a light pole Bushi put one hand around her neck and slid his hand beneath her skirt not giving a damn about the people milling about.  Pushing his fingers into her cunt Bushi made Yuko gasp as he finger fucked her, his hand slowly tightening around her throat as he increased the speed of his movements.  
Seeing the car pull up Bushi pulled his hand free and pushed Yuko in as soon as the driver had the door open.  Pulling her onto his lap Bushi put his fingers back under her skirt and resumed fingering her as Evil slid into the opposite seat. 
“What?” Bushi asked feeling the weight of Evil’s glare though the big man hadn’t said a word.  He was displeased.  Bushi could practically feel the anger emanating from him.  Yuko moaned loudly as Bushi inserted a third finger pushing them deep inside her. 
“She hasn’t earned her pleasure yet.”  Evil said making Bushi roll his eyes.
“Not everything is about earning Evil.” Bushi retorted. “Sometimes you give a little to get a lot.” 
“Or you just take what you want and maybe give a little if they behave.”  Evil shot back.  “A slut walking around with no panties on for anyone to see shouldn’t be rewarded.”
“Fine.”   Bushi said with a disgruntled sigh pulling his fingers free and shoving Yuko off his lap and onto the floor.  “Sorry Yuko, Evil says you don’t get to come.”  He said with a shrug as she whimpered at the loss. 
The car pulled up to the limo, the concierge keeping his face carefully blank as they climbed out, Yuko crawling from the floor as Evil led them towards the elevators.  As the doors closed behind them Evil turned his attention to Yuko. 
“I’m not nearly as easy to sway as Bushi.”  He told her.  “You want pleasure you’re going to have to earn it.  We’re going to start with you on your knees.”  The elevator pinged signaling their arrival.  As they exited Yuko trailed behind the two men as they carried on a whispered conversation before reaching the room. 
Yuko stood unsurely in front of the door as Evil and Bushi stripped off their clothing.  Yet she couldn’t help but admire the contrasting beauty of the two men, staring at them mouth agape as she imagined being used by both of them.   
“Are you going to eye fuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?” Bushi joked as he saw her staring. “Come on girlie, we didn’t bring you hear to look.”
“What part of starting on your knees was hard to understand?” Evil groused pointing impatiently to the floor as his fist stroked his cock.   “Get naked and suck my cock.”  Yuko hurriedly undressed and dropped to her knees in front of them.
Her hand reached to replace Evil’s stroking his cock before taking him into her mouth as the other hand grabbed Bushi’s cock and stroked it.   Yuko hummed and bobbed on Evil’s dick, her tongue pressing along his length as she slid him deeper into her mouth before pulling off and taking Bushi into her mouth.  Yuko sucked hard on Bushi’s tip, her tongue swirling around his cock as she hallowed her cheeks as his hand guided her along.   Evil got impatient waiting and grabbed her hair pulling her to his cock and burying it in her throat her nose touching his stomach as he held her in place with both hands on the back of her head grunting in pleasure as she gagged and struggled against him.
Bushi rolled his eyes and moved over to the bed telling Evil to hurry up and quit fucking around with her.  Muttering under his breath Evil pulled her off his cock and pushed her in the direction of the bed.  Having Yuko straddle him facing towards Evil, Bushi pushed his cock into her waiting pussy sinking her down on his length as his fingers reached to the front on stroked her clit.  
Evil tutted but didn’t stop his actions as he lined his cock up with her mouth.  Once again he buried himself in her throat, repeatedly holding her in place before pulling out and letting her get a quick breath before pushing right back in.  Yuko struggled to maintain her balance as Bushi thrust up into her while Evil abused her throat.  Bushi’s fingers on her clit were making her clench around him and moan against Evil’s cock.  
Evil pulled her off his cock and titled her head back to look at him. 
“You have thirty seconds to come. Fail and you get nothing the rest of your time with us.”  Evil said sharply pushing her back onto his cock as Bushi’s fingers picked up pace as Evil slowly began counting down from thirty.  Yuko focused on the pleasure Bushi was bringing her, raising her hands to her breasts and playing with her nipples as she tried desperately to orgasm in the prescribed time. 
It was only after Evil hit zero that she gave a final tug of her nipples and came, her scream muffled by Evil’s dick as she shuddered around Bushi. 
“Did you just cum after I told you not to?” Evil snapped pulling her head back while his cock was still in her throat. 
“Evil,” Bushi said. “It was only a second. Relax.  This isn’t the dungeon.” 
“She’s lucky it’s not.”  Evil muttered but released her and pulled his cock free.  “Switch me.” 
Bushi pulled her off his cock and rose from the bed, Evil kneeling in his spot and putting Yuko on all fours. 
“Let’s see if you can manage to make her choke Bushi.  Unless you’re planning to coddle her all night.”  Evil said slamming his cock into her pussy making Yuko cry out as he stretched her.
“Jesus Evil stop being such a dick.”  Bushi snapped.  “We need to get your ass home and in your dungeon.” 
Evil grunted out a sorry as he snapped his hips into Yuko once again as Bushi took her mouth.  Bushi wasn’t wrong Evil was definitely feeling the frustration of a long month of travel.  If he didn’t get to play in his dungeon to work out his aggression he tended to get little unreasonable.  Or a lot, depending whether you asked him or his brothers. 
Shaking off his irritation Evil concentrated on the girl below him, his thrusts hitting deep inside her as his hands held her waist and pulled her back on him while Bushi fucked her face in time with Evil’s thrusts.   Grunts and groans sounded throughout the room as skin slapped together, as they set into a rhythm with Yuko trapped between them.
Bushi pushed Yuko’s head down on him as he felt his orgasm fast approaching, groaning appreciation as he filled her mouth and felt her swallow around him.  Evil pulled out of her pussy, grabbing her hair and yanking her back around to face him, his cock barely passed her lips before he filled her mouth with his seed. 
Pushing her away from him Evil climbed off the bed and reached for his boxers.  Yoko moved to dress, getting stopped by Bushi’s hand on her arm.
“No need for you to dress.  We’re nowhere near done with you yet.”  Bushi said pulling on his own shorts and sprawling down on the couch.  “Let’s see if we can find some way for you to entertain us until we’re ready for round two.”  He said making Evil grin.
“I think can come up with something.”  Evil said with a chuckle that sent both fear and anticipation through Yuko. 
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ruined-rp · 5 years
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Hello Addie and welcome to New Orleans, the city of The Damned. Thank you so much for applying, you have been successful for the role of Hayley Labonair. Welcome to the family, but for now it’s time to get down to business…
Head on over to the New Member Checklist, careful not to go down any dark alleys, it’s not safe here.
Name: Addie
Pronouns: Anything of the feminine variety (she/her, etc)
Age: 21
Timezone/Country: EST
Triggers: N/A
Activity Level: 8 – I’m around nearly every day for at least one round of replies. However, I do have things like work and school that might mean I cannot be on every single day. However, I do normally have a pretty quick turn around and am always lurking on discord for plotting.
How Did You Hear About Us: I heard through a friend! The plot and intricate weaving of the shows are what made me decide to throw my hat into the ring. I have a special place in my heart for these three shows, and I’ve never quite seen them woven together in such a manner. I think it offers an opportunity to find grounds in canon but also gives the opportunity for interpretation and divergence, which I love.
Anything Else?: Excited to see how this roleplay unfolds!
Desired Character: Hayley Labonair, queen of the wolves and my heart.
Why This Character?: In response to this specific rp, I want to play Hayley because I think her character has a lot of room to grow. In the actual show(s), she had connections that helped her grow and realize who she was. Here, she’s been thrown quite literally to the wolves, and she’s got no earthly clue what she’s doing. She has no one looking out for her, aside from Derek. I want to go through all the character building that needs to be done to make her into an alpha that’s worthy of leading the pack on her own accord. I want to expand her ability to let others in as her tumultuous life has left her rather incapable of developing and committing to relationships of any type. Hayley needs to learn that people aren’t always the enemy, and that no matter how it’s been in the past, she’s not invincible and immune to failure. I think it’ll be rewarding to help with the transition from a loner into an alpha that isn’t in power because of her namesake, but because she’s capable and able to lead the pack to a better tomorrow. In general, Hayley has always been my favorite muse to write. If you will, she’s likeable to a first language for me. I learned to play her through multiple scenarios until doing so was as natural as speaking. I feel that I have a grasp on who she is and her mannerisms because I’ve spent so long working at it. I’ve always loved her as a character, and I don’t doubt that I’ll ever stop having a soft spot in my heart for her.
Any FC Changes? No, Phoebe is an utter goddess.
Ships/Anti-ships: I’ve played out Hayley with a variety of significant others (Jackson, Elijah, Klaus, Tyler, and Derek to be exact.) Though, aside from an attraction to males, I have no firm headcanons when it comes to ships. I find that I ship based on chemistry that occurs in the writing rather than theory originating from the shows or elsewhere. I need to write against the other character and examine how my muse reacts to them before committing to a ship fully.
Headcanons: 1. Hayley’s not done digging for information on her parents. While she’s procured more information than she ever has, the wolf wants more. Hayley wants to know who they were, how they met, and just the little intricacies of their lives. Maybe it’s for her own closure or maybe just curiosity, but Hayley’s created so many scenarios of who they were and what paths had brought them to each other in her head. She wants to know everything she can because it’s the closest she’ll ever get to having them in her life. Hayley keeps this desire to herself. She knows that it isn’t outlandish to think that someone would understand why she needs this closure, but Hayley never has been good at extending her trust to anyone other than herself. 2. Hayley’s fairly handy with construction and carpentry. It’s an odd talent she truly has no use for, but she’s always been good at repairs and woodwork. When she’s stressed or angered, there’s a good chance she’ll end up doing some DIY remodeling on her cabin. Her cabin was also the first place she really utilized her abilities. The cabin already existed, but when Hayley came to the Bayou, it was uninhabitable. Weeks of work went into the refurbishing, but Hayley has successfully created a quaint and likeable home for herself. Overall, it could be said that Hayley reverts to this habit of carpentry because she needs control. Her life has been unpredictable and left her with a complex. Carpentry is solely in her hands. Every move is her choice, every mistake is her own, and most importantly, every outcome is of her choosing. 3. Hayley is claustrophobic. Hayley can’t quite place where this fear arose from. Her realization of it came after her first turn as a wolf. In preparing for her second moon, Hayley found an abandoned cellar and tried to lock herself inside to prevent anyone else from getting hurt. However, the dark, cramped space triggered more than just her curse that night. Hayley had a panic attack and did a fair amount of damage to her hands trying to get out of the cellar she’d put herself in. Ever since, she’s been extremely wary of any place that is either cramped or doesn’t have a clear exit. This fear likely arises partly from her wolf side. Freedom and the ability to roam are in her blood, and reasonably, that ability being taken away from her would cause agitation. On the other hand, it could be attributed to Hayley’s commitment to survival. She’s spent so long fending for herself that being trapped or unable to save herself sets off a fair amount of alarm bells in her head.
Please Provide At Least One: I’m submitting this on my mock blog! The blog contains what I would like to call a character study. I’ve created a playlist and an aesthetic for Hayley here. I’ve also included a few reblogs that I feel summarize my take on who she is as a character and expand on her traits and personality. All of the things mentioned above can be viewed on the blog itself or can be found in the about link! - Moodboard/Aesthetic - Playlist - Mock Blog
How Does Your Character Feel About The Peace Treaty?: Hayley accepts the peace treaty, but her own predispositions make her extremely wary of it. To her, it’s the kind of thing that sounds great in theory but turns to shit when put into practice. Hayley knows that peace is a fickle beast, and as soon as someone feels threatened, it’ll go right out the window. So, while she works to uphold the treaty as a member for the faction, you can bet your ass she has a contingency plan lined up. Hayley doesn’t want to fight, but she’ll be damned if she or her pack suffer because she was too confident in a piece of parchment.
Slice of Life:Hayley spends most of her time in the Bayou. She has a decent sized cabin to call her own, but the girl prefers to be outdoors, even if it is just on the porch. Hayley’s not the type to sleep in, and as a result, she’s normally up early in the day. Hayley goes for a morning run and comes home an hour or so later to shower. After that, she’ll grab breakfast and eat it out on the porch and watch as the rest of the world comes to life. Later, she’ll walk around their community and chat with a few other wolves and see what’s going on for the day. If there’s nothing that needs her attention, Hayley will venture into the Quarter to see what she can see. Whether it’s hanging out at Rousseau’s or down where the witch community congregates, the wolf likes observing. It’s not quite surveillance, but it helps to stay in the know—especially because news doesn’t exactly spread to the Bayou at god-speed. When she’s satisfied with that, she may seek out Derek and ask him to help her train. It also her hope that if she’s with him when dinner time circles around, he’ll cook a portion up for her as well. Seeing as her ability to cook stretches to about boiling water, if she doesn’t have dinner with Derek, she’ll likely pick up something to eat. Her night after her meal typically winds down with a couple of beers and a fire. Hayley doesn’t mind if this time is spent alone or with others, but it gives her a chance to unwind and settle her thoughts before she heads off to sleep.
What is Your Character’s Greatest Fear? How Does This Affect Your Character?: Hayley’s biggest fear is commitment. This isn’t specific to any singular area of her life. The wolf has issues sticking to any one home, friendship, or relationship. This fear stems from her childhood. Being bounced around a system that could care less about her shaped her into a person who learned to anticipate and expect change. Hayley is incapable of trusting that anything good with last forever and will often self-destruct whatever it is before it gets the chance to hurt her. In her mind, settling down is pointless because it will either be taken away from her or scar her even more.
SAMPLE: Removed for Privacy
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