#before y'all come for me I am literally a logan girlie and have been since he debuted. I think this decision is horrible and even though
nerdyfangirlingbooks · 3 months
Okay the thing is with the Williams decision is that it's obviously so horrendously shit at a personal level. Logan should NOT be having to pay for someone else's mistakes, let alone this severely. And because of this whole situation, there's an insane amount of pressure on Alex to perform well now too.
But they don't have the luxury of looking at it solely on a personal level, because the whole reason they're in this mess is because of funding (and their lack thereof). As insane as it might seem that they're doing this so early in the season since we don't even know what place they might be fighting for later and whether this would make a difference, that's exactly why they have to do it. Placing higher in constructors means they get more money, which improves their chances in the future. Sure, this might not amount to anything later, but it also might be what gets them that extra place and extra money.
Objectively, putting Alex in the car is the best decision for the team.
Should they have been in this situation at all? Of course not. Is it fair that Logan is taking the consequences of everyone else's mistakes? Of course not. But they don't have the luxury of ignoring what's best for the team right now, however much it completely sucks
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