#because when you start insisiting on even the most basic of respect (and boundaries) from others when you havent before people dont like it
kittykatinabag ยท 9 months
I think a lot of my anger at society is just a projection of my anger at the people throughout my life who never cared as much about me as I cared about them and who never noticed how much more support I needed than I ever indicated because I didn't know how to ask for it. All I knew, and still know, is that other people were getting something that wasn't being given to me on a regular basis because of opaque reasons like 'oh it's Kristen she's always on top of her shit/strong/smart, she can figure it out, she always has' or 'but you never asked for this specific type of help/support' even though I never was given the language to describe what I needed.
And I hate how this realization is making me realize that I still don't know what a passion or internal motivation is and that whatever I've been doing for the past year has not been any type of passion or motivation, it's primarily anger and hurt and desperation for any sliver of hope that I'm wrong about my current worldview. And sure parts here have shown me that parts of my worldview have been flawed and I'm very grateful for that, but the flip side is that those parts are over painted by other parts that have so dramatically reinforced this point of view that I logically know is not true.
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