#because taht can be the enemy of income
docholligay · 2 months
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Okay, I guess I am gonna balk at this. Me and this show are clearly coming from different points of view and different conclusions. I don't think the ending to Drosselmeyer's original story was UNHOPEFUL. THis idea the prince had, that the world was worth GIVING HIMSELF UP FOR, I find that beautiful. To hear, "If you do this, you will become a shell of yourself. You will never feel anything ever again" and to look back at the world and go, "Yes. I'll do it." I think that is hopeful and courageous and noble.
So to act here like Drosselmeyer has never heard of hope, just because he doesn't want a story where a duck can inspire everyone to be real cool all of a sudden through the power of a whole fuckin lot of pirouettes, is annoying to me.
I get that this is just two people who look at the world differently and I am sure this writer finds this all very heart swelling, but unless she's prepared (she is not) to have Ahiru actually drop dead Red Shoes style, I refuse to be like, "Ah yes, this is a story about hope, and the story where someone chose to hollow themselves out for the love of others is drivel"
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