#because i couldn't remember which of oswald's legs. was fucked up lmfao? and i tried to just hop over to the gotham wiki to check
gothamslimpestwrist · 4 years
s1e1 pilot
patrick “matches” malone: thomas wayne, martha wayne
harvey bullock: mario pepper
mooks (directed by carmine falcone): “frankie” the executioner, “sergio” the cameraman, one (?) unnamed fish mooney grunt
oswald cobblepot: fisherman
episode total: 7 total count: 7
the dark knight rises: this is the episode that sets up everything. introduces us to the corruption in the city and how everyone, including the politicians, are dirty, as well as a good number of bruce’s rogues (namely selina, oswald, ed, & ivy). also sets off his whole quest for justice, vengeance, etc. alfred tells bruce not to cry while he’s being lead away from the scene of his parents murder. he decides to conquer fear. he feels responsible for his parents’ death. he is JUST A BABY BOY!!!
sliding scale of barbara kean’s sanity: her introduction. we’re given hints to her troubled past, and she is noticeably upset by the accusation against jim, his concerning absence as he gets into The Shit™, and the way he comes home roughed up. still, at this point, she’s just a concerned fiance w/ an ex-girlfriend. basically okay. baseline barb.
sliding scale of ed nygma’s sanity: also introduced. likes riddles (seriously, the lack of subtlety this show has...), troubled when bullock dismisses him, but it can’t be anything new. just a harmless little guy for the time being! almost makes me forget how much i fucking despise him! 
he also looks Shocked when jim answers his riddle correctly, which is neither here nor there, but it might say smthn about him... what, finding a match? being taken seriously? for the first time.
continuity: can it be continuity if it’s literally the first episode? well, given that all of this is being written by someone who’s seen the entire show multiple times over, it’s the start of a thread of the continuity that i’m going to touch on later, so, whatever. it’s continuity in hindsight. oswald sells mooney out for the necklace, which immediately comes back to bite him. crispus allen does comment that he’s doing this to push her out, a power grab of sorts, but given how clumsy and ill fated that attempt was, all we and the gcpd have been shown of oswald at this point is that he’s kind of a rube. if only they knew....
parallels: ok i only noticed this later, but!!! jim & oswald have SO MANY parallels with all the het couples on this show baby batcat, specifically, and they start at the very beginning. both selina & bruce and jim & oswald have their first encounters (even if bruce isn’t aware of it at the time) in an alley. selina spends the episode keeping tabs on bruce (showing up outside wayne manor and the funeral), while oswald spends the episode doing the same for jim (he’s the one who greets jim at fish’s club when he comes back, we see him reading a newspaper article about jim’s heroics before snitching to montoya and allen). makes you think...!
gobblepot: ohhhhohohohohoho. this is the episode that started it all, baby. jim & oswald meet when oswald, a sadistic umbrella boy for a mobster, is getting a little too aggressive beating some punk in a back alley & jim, a boyscout rookie cop, goes to check it out. diametrically opposed. they briefly meet again when jim comes to threaten mooney, but then, naturally, the Pier Scene™. jim gordon does not shoot oswald cobblepot. and therein lies the source of everyone’s problems from here on out... and the bedrock on which the most interesting relationship in the show is forged. metatexually, renee calls barbara an “old friend” when she’s confronted by jim, setting the phrase up to be somewhat of a sexual dogwhistle (this is admittedly very zig-zagged over the course of the show. still, this is the FIRST usage, and that has to mean SOMETHING). 
jim gordon trauma count: he gets his hand sliced by mario pepper (the first instance of hand trauma on this show preceding many, many to come), and his forehead busted by fish and her guys.
oswald cobblepot trauma count: fish mooney destroys his right leg with a baseball bat, defining his characteristic limp for the rest of the show.
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