#beatrice bauldelaire
raythecomputerart · 9 months
Post Mortem of Beatrice Bauldelaire for @hauntthenarrative bracket:
She has sadly passed on from us but I just want to give a final parting to her, out of all of the characters in the bracket I definitely feel like she was one who haunted the narrative from the beginning with us never even realizing she was part of it.
As has been said before Beatrice has every book dedicated to her from Lemony Snicket with proclamations of love. I read the book series when I was very young and it took so long to realize that she was the Bauldelaires mother, who dies in the first book.
With the dedications to her, we know that this woman is dead despite not knowing that it is the same woman. So not only is she haunting the story from a reader pov watching these dedications on every book, knowing she's dead but still watching these proclamations of love take place. She's also haunting the story as one of the parental figures who have died that caused the Bauldelaire children's story to kick off and haunting their lives from her actions in the VFD organization.
Add to that layer of haunting with Beatrice Bauldelaire the second who is technically Beatrice Snicket named after this woman as her mother died trying to regain the sugar bowl that the og Beatrice caused the situation of
All in all Beatrice now finally gets to haunt this narrative as she has lost but just remember, she's been haunting for a while now, she's quite good at it <3
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ubejamjar · 9 days
Me: Make cute happy things! Romantic vignettes! Sweet moments! True romance is tucked in moments of mundane tranquility!
Also me: What if Ajisai pulled a ‘Beatrice Bauldelaire’ and sent Aymeric a 200-page letter explaining why they can’t be together. What if we wrote about that instead?
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himboratking · 4 years
For the character game, G, or if you don't have, then I :)
Don't have much Gs I think but doesn't mean I don't have any at all. The names in parentheses are the stories they're in)
Edit: I w a s w r o n g
Gabriel Gale Johnson (Clair De Lune)
Gabe, Gale, iel, goldilocks
New Life, Who Dis? by Unlike Pluto
Clara Luna Beauchêne (Girlfriend), Marshall Mitch Ó Maoilriain (Brother figure), Isabella Elise Johnson (sister)
Nyctophobia, Astraphobia
Backstory: Being the middle child out of three siblings, Gabriel didn't really have as much attention in the family. He was still somewhat famous at school for being the rich kid, or the golden winged, but other than it didn't matter. It was only until he met Clara that everything did, not because it was romantic, but because Clara was proof of his little sister Stella's sadistic tendencies.
Gailen Legazpi (Missing Family)
Len, Leg, Puto
Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney
Alec Miller (Close friend, Helped start a somewhat small coup.), Sheila Richards (Mother figure/Cousin), Jessie Jimenez (Was trapped alongside her/Close friends)
Autophobia, Tomophobia,
Backstory: He used to have a normal life, trying his best to be a responsible student but end up failing due to his childhood urges, though when suddenly his cousin and uncle goes missing, he looks for them, only to end up getting kidnapped. Unbeknownst to him, it was the same place his cousin was at but they were gone. Ever since then he has been traumatized by his time in the Project COPE.
Garry Oseman (Dear Overcast)
Bro, Big bro
Now You're A Home by Christian Reindl
Gina Oseman (Little sister), Harry Tydings (Close friend), Kevin Langley (Sort of leader, inspiration.)
Claustrophobia, Gelotophobia
Backstory: Had a somewhat normal life albeit poor and bullied for being too poor and "unable to love" though it doesn't bother him as much anymore. Until the sun dissapeared and so did his parents. He only had Gina now.
Generosity/Hemshail (It All Started With Boredom, Brother Brother
Gene, Hem, Shail, Hemshie, (Not much of a nickname but still) The White Hole Gaurded
The Therapist by Foreign Air
Gluttony/Pyrrhos (Best bud, partner in crime, co worker), Chastity/Carysiel (Younger brother, Close friend), Ermyntrude/Vladeti (Leader, close friend.)
Backstory: Not much has really happened to him though he did help take care of Vladeti once when he was still Ermyntrude alongside Pyrrhos. He accompanied Wrath/Aedh and Patience/Cassiel when they were helping Beatrice/Rizalino/Ahsa stop the discrimination between "Angels" and "Demons". After that, he left them to fulfill a task alongside Vladeti and Pyrrhos given by Alucard/Tiernan/Disentropy.
Gina Oseman (Dear Overcast)
(She's only 10)
Youth by Glass Animals
Garry Oseman (older brother), Jia Liu (Mother figure), Zevon Corbiche (Also known to her as the blue man, close friend.)
Acrophobia, Nyctophobia
Backstory: Nice normal life apart from being poor. She never had to worry much because her brother was always by her side until the sun vanished.
Glutton/Pyrrhos (It all started with boredom, Brother Brother)
Stop taking my food god damnit, Black hole dude, Pyre, Greed but specific, (not really nickname but still called by it??? idk) The Black Hole Devours
Gravity Of You by Starset
Ermyntrude/Vladeti (Partner in crime, leader, close friend), Generosity/Hemshail (Also partner in crime, co worker, close friend.), Wrath/Aedh (Older brother, Mentor Figure, close friend)
Kenophobia Atelophobia
Backstory: Being born or molded by Lucifer he was very mischeivous. He never really tried to socialize with other "Angels" until Generosity/Hemshail came to babysit and teach Ermyntrude/Vladeti with them. He is also one of the first few people that Aedh usually vents too, so when Aedh finds out that Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa had been reborn, he was one of the first people to find out. Eventually he leaves to go on a task alongside Vladeti and Hemshail.
Godiva (Drowning In Dreams series)
Godi, Ali, Alicia
Edge Of The Universe by Downplay
Søren (Husband), Ascella Bauldelaire (Close friend, treats her like she's her daughter.) Dietrich Jamison (Close friend, also treats him like he's her son)
Pyrophobia, Volcanophobia
Backstory: Not much apart from being the Godess of Expression And Art (mainly art and it's diffirent forms) though she did try to be human once, out of curiosity. She was born in a tropical island near another island filled with volcanoes, til one day one erupted. Her family didn't make it but she did and she changed back eventually into the Art Godess.
Godehydra/Edelia Hartmann ( Idk, haven't thought of a title for the story yet, It All Started With Boredom, Wings, Reality For A Life)
Deli, Edi, Delia, Lia
Trials by Starset
Janardar/Beorhtsige Kaiser (Husband, partner in crime.) Vladeti ( child), Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa (Gender fluid child)
Arachnophobia, Seismophobia
Backstory: Born in a kind of bigger version of earth, she notices her uncle looking more and more tired, until one day she overhears him crying to her mother that he is a hitman hired by their government in the midst of a war, his job was to target certain civilians on the opposing countries. Edelia decides to start a revolution, first passing notes to some close friends then going onto making speeches, and rebellion groups. Due to rumors of her speeches people from the other country start joining too, and this was bringing suspision. Eventually a massacre is found, 26 victims from her rebellion group. Longstory short, this creates an outrage and there is a Coup D'etat. She eventually has 2 kidswith her husband, and dies. Only to be reborn as a Gaurdian gaurding certain aspects of the multiverse. She helps her children train as they were also reborn as gaurdians alongside her husband, she helps her child Rizalino/Beatrice/Ahsa's friends and former babysitters, Aedh, convince his now sadistic boyfriend Cassiel to not make a global genocide, and then the Ó Maoilriain brothers (especially when one of them is her future son-in-law) plan a coup against their other Machiavellian brother. Then officially dies
Greed/Chellvon (It All Started With Boredom, Wings)
Stop asking me for my stuff, Rich Kid, Jack
Tip Toes by Half•Alive
Envy/Jolina (little sister, loves annoying her.) Pride/Charles (Close friend, older brother, partner in crime, Generosity/Hemshail (Free stuff suplier, best buddy.)
Kleptophobia Kenophobia
Backstory: Not much ig. I mean yeah he experienced most of human history, he was molded by Lucifer, he fought in a war alongside Cassiel, and eventually got punished.
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daisy-bugs · 5 years
I just remembered a wild dream I had a few days ago. It was completely confusing at first but afterwards I still feel shock. It was a Sanders Sides ASOUE AU. Roman was Violet, Logan was Klaus, and Patton was Sunny. Percy/Magenta/Printer was Duncan and Picani was Isadora (it was season one so no Quigley). And wait, the best is still to come. Deceit was obviously Count Olaf. A bunch of cameos were the 'Bauldelaires' guardians, including Leo, Terrence, Valerie, etc. Joan was Mr. Poe. The Bauldelaire parents were Remy and someone else (forget who at the moment). Remy was Beatrice. And last but not least, Virgil, dear Virgil, was LEMONY SNICKET. That might not seem epic, but it seemed epic to me I guess.
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