Yes, bluetooth adoption in retail is going to be a cake walk, trust us when we say that - look around you, you will find all Millennials constantly bluetooth-ed. Means constantly hooked to their bluetooth devices - one way or the other. Cars, wearables, automotives, luxury electronic gadgets, mobile applications, smartphones, computer peripherals - the list is endless, of bluetooth application in a person’s life. 
This blog is convincing enough to tell retail businesses that they need not worry about their consumers’ awareness about benefits of keeping their smartphone’s bluetooth on to avail store benefits. 
And yes, by doing that, consumer will experience a whole new level of offline shopping with indoor navigation too.
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Smartphone technology must evolve and constantly, without bias about country or region. Only then shall proximity marketing, Bluetooth adoption, and location based services be successful in India. Perhaps we have several things to our advantage, it’s only a matter of time before we leverage it entirely and benefit the masses and the businesses too. 
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Many retail partners have shared their worries with us and concerns about Bluetooth adoption in the retail industry; whether or not consumers will keep their Bluetooth on and will they or not use it, allow a connection, etc. Well, this infographic puts to rest all the worries, stating how Bluetooth beacons are being widely used around the world. Interestingly, Bluetooth beacons are slowly becoming mainstream in India, with emerging new use cases or queries every week. So what are you waiting for? Get started on planning your pilot beacon proximity marketing campaign right now!
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