#bcus this is what they were claiming while they were being interrogated during that period
fideidefenswhore · 10 months
Upon her return to court in 1527, Mary learned that her father had become enamored of Anne Boleyn, but it did not cause her any immediate concern-- there had been mistresses before, and no doubt there would be more to follow. Mary's ally Chapuys warned that Anne 'is the person who governs everything, and whom the King is unable to control.' Still Mary clung doggedly to the belief that her mother's position was unassailable. - Elizabeth's Women, Tracy Borman
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The concubine, who long ago conspired the death of the said ladies and thinks of nothing but getting rid of them, is the person who governs everything, and whom the King is unable to contradict,—the matter is very dangerous.  Chapuys to Charles V. 1535 21 Nov. Vienna Archives.
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