#battleworld domain: metropolita
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BARON(S): Norman Osborn (Metropolita Overall), Maximus Boltagon (New Attilan), Julia Carpenter (Spider-Island), Dum Dum Dugan (Cradle City), Tony Stark (Manhatta)
CAPITAL: New Attilan
Now divided into four quadrants, the domain of METROPOLITA was once a large force to be reckoned with. Unlike most domains, Metropolita seemed to consist of various fragments that all co-existed alongside one another. At its conception, there were three sectors: MANHATTA, CRADLE CITY and ATTILAN. In charge of it all was Baron NORMAN OSBORN, the man picked by the GOD EMPEROR DOOM to rule over the fragments. Over time, however, the fragments began to push up against one another more and more until it became evident that one Baron would not be enough. The tipping point was when the SPIDER-QUEEN set out to infect Manhatta with a disease that would turn all who came into contact with it into spider-like creatures. She was stopped by THE WARRIORS OF THE WEB, but no cure was found for the sick. As a result, STATEN ISLAND was sectioned off into a fourth sector: SPIDER-ISLAND. The creation of Spider-Island changed things. It needed its own Baron/ess, and when CASSANDRA WEBB was given the title the other quadrants demanded Baron’s of their own. Despite Osborn’s protests, the God Emperor granted the requests and Metropolita officially broke off into what could be described more as micro-domains than fragments. 
All four quadrants of the domain still exist next to one another, and transit between each quadrant can be considered intradomain travel. Manhatta and Cradle City brush up against one another. When those infected with the spider plague were sent to Staten Island, Manhatta spread from Manhattan to expand what was once known as “Brooklyn '' and “Queens”. Cradle City, on the other hand, covers what was once known as the Bronx. Above them floats the Capital of Metropolita: New Attilan. The four Baron/esses meet once a month with Baron Osborn to go over the state of the domain. Each has their own respective significant locations and key players, and conflict that occurs within each quadrant should be restricted to its own confines. The Baron/esses are as follows: Anthony Stark (Manhatta), King Maximus Boltagon (Attilan), Julia Carpenter (Spider-Island) and Dum Dum Duggan (Cradle City).
For individual resident bios, please see the:
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BARON(S): Anthony Stark
CAPITAL: The Avengers Tower
MANHATTA was the original of the METROPOLITA domains. Originally ruled by Baron NORMAN OSBORN, the creations of CRADLE CITY and SPIDER-ISLAND saw Manhatta become its own property in need of a separate Baron so that Osborn could oversee Metropolita as a whole. Due to his work on the AVENGERS, it was decided that ANTHONY STARK would be promoted into the role. Its status as capital of Metropolita was revoked when NEW ATTILAN entered the picture, but no one seemed to mind. In the time since it was created, Manhatta has continued on as a normal city full of heroes, epic battles and relative stability. Manhatta is a domain that has expanded over time; when Spider-Island was created it moved to also take over “Queens'' and “Brooklyn''. As a result, it is perpetually pushing up against the other domains and quadrants.
The Manhatta part of Metropolita’s quadrants is relatively peaceful compared to its neighboring sections. Superhumans are legal, but those who are under the age are collected and taken to CRADLE CITY for reeducation. Those infected with the SPIDER-QUEEN’s virus have been removed from Manhatta and relegated to the nearby SPIDER-ISLAND. The quadrant does see travelers from both the neighboring domains, but it is monitored and recorded. Due to its size, Manhatta has many iconic landmarks such as the Statue of American Liberty; the Avengers Tower, which serves as the capital; Empire University; Fisk Towers; the Daily Bugle; and the Baxter Building. One in search of a night on the town may find themselves at the famous bar and restaurant known as Hell’s Kitchen. Despite the problems of its neighbors, Manhatta has done a good job to remain separate and prospers because of it.
FELICIA HARDY – the daughter of a renowned jewel thief, FELICIA HARDY dipped her toe in the family business once. Realizing that it didn’t feel right, she renounced her father and decided to attend Empire University instead. Putting herself through school, Hardy got a job at a local jewelers and worked her ass off to afford the lifestyle that she desired. It wasn’t until she was saved by SPIDER-MAN that life began to get exciting, and the two continued to run into each other as various criminals continued to try and break into the jewelry store: the Cat and the Cradle. It was only a matter of time before flirtations escalated to something more and a physical relationship began between Hardy and Spider-man, who she learned was actually PETER PARKER. While she likes her life, Hardy has begun to wonder if there could be more. She feels like she’s standing on the edge of something and being around Parker has only amplified those feelings. Maybe there’s something more out there. It’s all about if she’s willing to leap off the ledge and find out what it is.
GWENDOLYN STACY – raised in the single parent household of  Manhatta’s CAPTAIN GEORGE STACY, GWENDOLYN “GWEN” STACY always had high expectations for herself. After graduating high school alongside her best friend HARRY OSBORN – the son of Metropolita’s Baron NORMAN OSBORN – the two went on to attend Empire University. Entering a relationship with Osborn, Stacy later met PETER PARKER and the two grew close as well. Something about Parker seemed closed off and secretive, however, and Stacy didn’t have time to break his walls down. She became preoccupied when her father was killed in a fight against DOC OCT that SPIDER-MAN didn’t stop. Reeling from her father’s death, Stacy is preparing to graduate college and figure out what she wants for her future. She always thought she knew, but now she’s not so sure.
LINDA CARTER – there are very few who have the freedom that LINDA CARTER was permitted. As a registered nurse, she was granted permission to freely travel domains as part of the NIGHT NURSES alongside CLAIRE TEMPLE and CHRISTINE PALMER. With a base in Manhatta, Carter divided her time in various domains. It was during this time that she had a number of affairs with versions of heroes ranging from STEPHEN STRANGE to CLINT BARTON. At the end of the day, Carter chooses her work above all else. She’s making a difference around Battleworld and that’s more rewarding than anything else could be. She’s been given an opportunity to do actual good and she’s not going to let it go to waste.
PATRICIA WALKER – most people know of PATRICIA “PATSY” WALKER due to the fictionalized comics that her mother made based on her life. Growing up in the public was hard and often left Walker feeling as if she wanted more; this escalated to the extent that she ended up taking up the alias of Hellcat and becoming a hero in her own right. It was through her costumed work that she first met Baron ANTHONY STARK, and the two eventually became romantically involved. When Stark later asked Walker to marry him, she agreed and became the Baroness to Be of Manhatta. Her new title is no joke, but Walker is no stranger to people looking at her. If anyone is up to the challenge, it’s her.
Bruce Banner – Avenger.
Edwin Jarvis – butler to Baron Stark.
George Stacy – police chief and father of Gwen Stacy.
Hank Pym– Avenger.
Harry Osborn – best friend to Gwen Stacy.
Janet Van Dyne– Avenger.
Natasha Romanoff– Avenger.
Steve Rogers – Avenger.
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BARON(S): Dum Dum Dugan
CAPITAL: The Cradle
Out of all the METROPOLITA quadrants, CRADLE CITY was the second to form. In the beginning there was MANHATTA, but an influx of minor aged heroes soon became a cause of concern for some of the citizens. They feared that teenagers were a danger to themselves and others as they were not yet fully mature and therefore not fully capable of the responsibilities that they were undertaking. As a result, an appeal was made to Manhatta’s Baron, TONY STARK, to outlaw underaged crime fighters. Stark then went to the overall Baron of Metropolita, NORMAN OSBORN, and the two made an appeal to the GOD EMPEROR DOOM. As a result, Cradle City was created. In some ways, Cradle City can be viewed as a prison. Any hero found operating under the age of twenty-one in any of the Metropolita quadrants are sent to the REEDUCATION CENTERS at the heart of the domain. There, they were conditioned to renounce their former “unsafe” actions and instructed on how to help others instead of potentially harm them. After the first class graduated, the program was seen as a success and has only grown in the last eight years under the strict hand of Baron DUM DUM DUGAN. That being said, some still believe that Cradle City has been inhumane since its inception. These resistance members call themselves THE CHAMPIONS RESISTANCE PARTY due to the way that they champion for underaged heroes and the abolishment of the ReEducation Centers. Despite the efforts of this group of rebels, Cradle City continues to operate as it always has.
Cradle City runs on order and discipline. The genuine belief is that the underaged heroes trapped within the borders are there for their own good, but this is contested by some. The Champions formed first when the original graduated class was sent to the Center, and in the time since they have never stopped their crusade. Some who have graduated have joined the ReEducation Center as enforcers, while others have resisted the virtual brainwashing and gone on the run with the Champions. Bordering the capital, the Cradle, is ReEducation Row; the Row is a popular spot for students of the Center to socialize and spend time, as well as the other citizens. Due to the nature of the domain, the population tends to be younger. Those who can drink may be seen at the Schoolhouse, an ironically named bar. Otherwise, the primary focus of Cradle City continues to be the reeducation of underaged heroes to create a better tomorrow for all.
ANGELICA JONES – when Cradle City first formed, ANGELICA JONES was a twenty-one year old hero who barely made the cut to be legal. The ReEducation Center approached her shortly after it was created and asked her to become an enforcer for them; the job description included rounding up underaged heroes in both Manhatta and Cradle City as well as providing testimonies as to how their previous actions could have led to injury and tragedy. It was a difficult decision, but Jones eventually decided to go through with it alongside her friends ROBBIE BALDWIN and VANCE ASTROVIK. The trio has become known around Cradle City as the original three, a title that Angelica takes pride in. If Cradle City had existed when she was a minor, she would have gone. The world needs to be a safe place, and it’s important to keep the children safe as well. Cradle City – and reeducation – is the best way to do so. As the head of the Cradle City Enforcers Squadron, Jones is helping the cause in a public and active manner.
JEANNE FOUCAULT – although she was not of age yet, the twenty year old JEANNE FOUCAULT’s abilities made her an exception. Recruited as a child when Cradle City was first formed, Foucault was trained to hone her abilities of replication so that she could join the Cradle City Enforcers Squadron at the age of eighteen. There’s some resentment harbored towards her due to her status as underaged and able to go out, but most don’t know how soul-crushing being an enforcer can be. She has to round up minors – some of which are her age – and send them off to the ReEducation Centers. It’s not a life she would have chosen, but it’s not one she had a choice in. Foucault is valuable to the cause and she knows that. Now, she has to play her part. It’s the only thing that she can do.
KAMALA KHAN – some were lucky enough to avoid the ReEducation Centers, and KAMALA KHAN was lucky enough to be one of them. While some of her friends were rounded up, Khan went on the run alongside SAM ALEXANDER, AMADEUS CHO, VIVIAN VISION and RIRI WILLIAMS. The group took on the name of the CHAMPIONS RESISTANCE PARTY due to their work championing for underaged hero rights. Originally, Khan’s family were not native to METROPOLITA; the Khan family immigrated from EGYPTIA and their mutant status was not known by everyone in the family. Khan’s love of superheroes was what drove her to become an underaged hero in the first place, and when she realized that they weren’t coming to save her, she became the Champions leader to be the hero that minors like herself needed. Now an adult, Khan remains with the Champions. She’ll fight as long as it takes to get the ReEducation Center closed. After watching what it did to her friends, there’s no chance that it’s beneficial. The world still needs heroes – and that includes underaged ones.
LANA BAUMGARTNER – now the golden girl of Cradle City, LANA BAUMGARTNER was once a child convict in MANHATTA alongside her mother, LORI BAUMGARTNER. After being picked up as a teenager by Cradle City enforcers, Baumgartner became part of the inaugural class alongside NADIA PYM, AMKA ALIYAK and TIANA TOOMES. Unlike the others, Baumgartner’s childhood trauma made her vulnerable to the conditioning; the first time that many saw any footage of the ReEducation Center was a new infamous video clip of a teary Baumgartner renouncing her former activities. After graduating from the Center, Baumgartner stayed on with the program as a testimony to how great Cradle’s conditioning is. Often seen in their promotional clips and advocating for the mission statements of Cradle City, Baumgarter has rejected any advances from her former friends, who have now formed the CHAMPIONS RESISTANCE PARTY after seeing what happened to Baumgartner and the others. As much as she misses them, Baumgartner finds she can’t turn against the group that saved her life. She was on a destructive path, wasn’t she? Being reeducated was the best thing that ever happened to her. If not, her life has been one giant loss.
NADIA PYM – not all who graduated from the ReEducation Center were successfully conditioned. Forced to be in the inaugural class, NADIA PYM maintained her sense of optimism while being reeducated. The daughter of major MANHATTA hero HANK PYM, Pym grew up witnessing her father’s work on the AVENGERS and aspired to be a hero as well. Under the guidance of her step-mother, JANET VAN DYNE, Pym created her own wasp based suit and worked alongside her family before being picked up by Cradle City. Although Hank Pym and Van Dyne tried to fight it, there was nothing they could do and Pym was forced to re-educate herself in the Center. Genius by nature, Pym was able to slide under the radar, pass her classes and successfully graduate. As soon as she did, she ran to her friends – who had formed the CHAMPIONS RESISTANCE PARTY – and joined the cause. After suffering through five years at the Center, Pym knows just how harmful it can be. She managed to make it out with minimal trauma, but that’s not the case for many. What happens behind the walls of the ReEducation Center needs to be brought to the light.
RIRI WILLIAMS – although she’s been a longtime member of the CHAMPIONS RESISTANCE PARTY, RIRI WILLIAMS almost put away her suit for good. A genius child prodigy, she was only fifteen when she first built a suit of armor inspired by Baron ANTHONY STARK. Granted a scholarship to M.I.T., Williams lost her funding when Cradle City was formed and underaged heroes became illegal. Instead of going on the run with her friends, the Champions, Williams returned to her mother’s home to decide what she wanted to do. After being visited by the Champions, Williams decided to stand up for what was right and officially joined the movement. In the years since, she’s been invaluable in making gadgets and weaponry alongside using her genius level intellect to problem solve. Being Ironheart in Cradle City is dangerous, and someone like Williams who has lost family and friends time and time again doesn’t take her work lightly. Cradle City is a prison masquerading as a sanctuary. That can’t fly.
Alex Power – reeducation camp resident and child hero.
Amadeus Cho – champion resistance member and former child hero.
Amka Aliyak – champion resistance member and former cradle inaugural class member.
Fernanda Ramirez – reeducation camp resident and former child hero.
Jack Power – reeducation camp resident and child hero.
Julie Power – reeducation camp resident and child hero.
Katie Power – reeducation camp resident and child hero.
Robbie Baldwin – cradle enforcer and former underaged hero.
Sam Alexander – champion resistance member and former child hero.
Tiana Toomes – champion resistance member and former cradle inaugural class member.
Vance Astrovik – cradle enforcer and former underaged hero.
Vivian Vision – champion resistance member and former child hero.
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BARON(S): Maximus Boltagon
CAPITAL: Terrigen Tower
Originally known as ATTILAN, the floating city now known as NEW ATTILAN was once a colony on the moon that served as the home to the INHUMANS. Created by the KREE aliens, the Inhumans lived peacefully until they were discovered and run off of the moon. They moved instead to a floating city that bore the same name. Ruled by Baron/King BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON and his wife, Baroness/Queen MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN, the Inhumans were threatened once more when they ran the risk of losing their precious Terrigen Mists. They were saved by Black Bolt’s deadly voice, but as a result the city was demolished. During the rebuild, Black Bolt’s brother MAXIMUS BOLTAGON made a plea to the GOD EMPEROR DOOM and requested a change in power as Black Bolt was clearly a danger to his people. The request was granted and Black Bolt and Medusa were officially overthrown as the city became rebranded as NEW ATTILAN. Baron Maximus Boltagon ruled differently than his brother, but New Attilan persisted. It became the fourth quadrant in METROPOLITA alongside MANHATTA, CRADLE CITY and SPIDER-ISLAND. Due to its position above the domain, it was also decided that New Attilan would become the capital of Metropolita as a whole. One domain that New Attilan always struggled to remain at peace with was GENOSHA due to the tension between Inhumans and mutants. This was alleviated when Baron Boltagon struck a deal with KING MAGNUS that effectively traded Amaquelin’s younger sister, CRYSTALIA AMAQUELIN, to Genosha so that she could wed Magnus’ son, PIETRO MAXIMOFF. Amaquelin’s union helped foster new peace between the two domains, and the birth of her daughter, LUNA, sweetened the deal. Some wonder why things have turned so quickly for the domain, but it’s been attributed to the apparent favor Baron Boltagon has in the eyes of the God Emperor. With its checkered history, a prosperous future is needed for the quadrant.
Because it’s a floating city, New Attilan is quite small. There’s the Terrigen Tower at the center of the city, which is where Inhumans are exposed to the Terrigen Mists and receive their abilities. Nearby is the Royal Palace, the home to the Royal Family. Inhumans are also often seen at the Mist Bar. Those who live on New Attilan are welcome to traverse Metropolita as they see fit, but many don’t wish to visit any quadrant other than Manhatta due to the unrest in SPIDER-ISLAND and the rigidness of CRADLE CITY. The Inhumans have always been separationists to some extent, and their position as the capital has not changed that. They do things their own way and have their own culture that they’re not willing to change. To be an Inhuman is to be proud of your heritage, and New Attilan is a testimony to that.
BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON – once the King of New Attilan, BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON and his wife MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN were overthrown by his younger brother, MAXIMUS BOLTAGON. Boltagon lost the crown after his actions caused the destruction of ATTILAN, which led to the creation of New Attilan. Left alive by his brother, Boltagon knows that if he attempts to reclaim the throne he will be in contempt of GOD EMPEROR DOOM and his family will be in danger. It is because of this that he does what he’s best at: staying silent.
MAXIMUS BOLTAGON – as the current King/Baron of New Attilan, MAXIMUS BOLTAGON is the man with all the power in his domain. Always raised to be the spare and not the heir, what no one knows is just how exactly Boltagon got the GOD EMPEROR DOOM to agree to the change of power in the quadrant. The truth of the matter is that Baron Boltagon is fully aware that Battleworld is a construct of Victor Von Doom following the Incursion. He had made a deal with Doctor Doom in order to gain power when Battleworld was created, and while no one was none the wise Boltagon was able to use his leverage to take over. He doesn’t regret what he’s done to his family. Power is intoxicating, after all. He can’t feel guilty that he knows the truth and others don’t. Battleworld has been more beneficial for him than reality ever was. It would be wrong to not revel in the opportunity. 
MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN – the former Queen of New Attilan, MEDUSALITH AMAQUELIN is the wife of BLACKAGAR BOLTAGON and sister to CRYSTALIA AMAQUELIN. She was overthrown alongside her husband by MAXIMUS BOLTAGON and now lives in the palace in a diminished capacity. She has husband and her son, her sister now sold off and gone. All Medusa can do it keep them safe and hope that the quadrant remains safe and protected.
Ahura Boltagon – teenage son of Black Bolt and Medusa.
Dante Pertuz – member of the Royal Diplomatic Party.
Gorgon – member of the Royal Family.
Karnak – member of the Royal Family.
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BARON(S): Julia Carpenter
One of four quadrants that METROPOLITA is composed of, SPIDER-ISLAND overtook what was once known as Staten Island following the WEB WARS. Originally a part of MANHATTA, it all began when ADRIANA SORIA, the Spider-Queen, devised a plan to infest Metropolita with a plague that would infect all citizens and turn them into spider-like beings. Soria was successful in the beginning and some were changed before the WARRIORS OF THE WEB formed to combat Soria and her spider army. Long were the days in which the resistance group fought against the Spider-Queen, but it was the efforts of CASSANDRA WEBB – known primarily as Madame Web – who helped turn the tide and Soria was killed. Webb’s strength came from the web that she wove, a tapestry that connected all heroes with spider based abilities. Although the plague was no longer spreading, those infected still needed a place to go. As a result, Spider-Island was created and all those infected with the virus were sent to live there. The Warriors of the Web relocated as well; the resistance became the official guard of Madame Web and defenders of the Island. What no one knew, however, was that Webb was sick and dying. Once Spider-Island was set up, she chose JULIA CARPENTER to become the new Baroness. Before her death, Webb granted Carpenter the gift of the Web; the new scope of her vision effectively blinded Carpenter as well. With a new Baroness in place, Spider-Island is running as smoothly as an island full of plagued spider-mutates can despite the fact that no cure has been found.
The heart of Spider-Island remains the Web. Without it, the infrastructure of the Island would fall apart. Through accessing the Web, the Baroness is able to see all the arachnid based heroes. On the peripheral lingers the infected. Through being able to monitor the wellbeing of all citizens on the Island, the Baroness effectively can keep tabs on everyone and deploy the Guard when need be. While some may chafe against the idea of the Web and all the information that it possesses, no one is brave enough to speak up. There’s been rumors of an underground resistance building up but nothing substantial or concrete has been found. In addition to the spider heroes and the infected are the SYMBIOTES, a highly controversial and small group. It’s been rumored that the alien symbiotes are able to help counteract the Spider-Queen’s virus, but no hosts have been willing or able to give their symbiotes up for further testing. This has built resentment as some believe that they’re withholding the key to what has become a very damaging plague. At the end of the day, however, the Island has systems in place that keeps life as peaceful as possible for the residents. The Web itself is at the heart of the Island in Webb Manor, which now is the home of Julia Carpenter. The Spinneret remains the most popular nightclub in town, and the Fang Diner has been taken over by the symbiotes. Meanwhile, the Web Warriors meet at the Spyder Bite, a formerly abandoned building. A school was also established on the Island as well for those of the proper age. Those who have not contracted the virus are welcome to traverse the Metropolita domain as they please, but it’s long been known that the infected also slip through the borders from time to time. Spider-Island, while part of Metropolita in general, is the most separate quadrant of the domain. 
ANDREA BENTON – when the spider-virus had its first outbreak, ANDREA “ANDI”  BENTON was a normal high schooler in Metropolita. She was one of the students quarantined in the gym that EUGENE THOMPSON was guarding. When an infected broke into the gym, Thompson defended Benton and as a result part of his symbiote bonded with her. Taken to the government for tests and assessments, it was decided that Benton’s successful bond would allow her to serve in the spider-war if she desired under the codename MANIA. With not much else to do, Benton agreed and helped the WARRIORS OF THE WEB win the fight against the SPIDER-QUEEN. She agreed to continue contracting with them afterwards; although the symbiotes are a hot topic, Benton doesn’t care. She’s not comfortable with the government experimenting on Mania to look for a cure just yet, but it’s not off the table. Being Mania is unlike anything she’s ever experimented before. Benton wants to do good and figure out who she is as a symbiote. She’s young, she’s got time.
EUGENE THOMPSON – the high school bully of PETER PARKER when the two attended MIDTOWN TECH in Metropolita, EUGENE “FLASH” THOMPSON was once a star athlete and average citizen. Upon graduating high school, Thompson was granted an athletic scholarship to Empire University. He wasn’t able to graduate, however, due to the beginning of the Spider-Queen’s war. Although not many humans served in the war, Thompson was one of those enlisted and ended up tragically losing his legs in combat. Injured and self-conscious about his identity after high school, Flash agreed to Project: Rebirth 2.0; the Project was designed to unite humans with symbiotes to see how effective they were at combating the spider-virus. While most failed to successfully connect with their symbiote, Thompson was able to bond with one of the VENOM SYMBIOTES. Assigned to protect and guard the very highschool that he once attended, Thompson was protecting a young student named ANDI BENTON when a piece of his symbiote bonded to her, transforming her into MANIA. Benton and Thompson were assigned to be partners after the latter was cleared for duty, and the two aided the WARRIORS OF THE WEB despite the discrimination against symbiotes. When the spider war ended, Thompson agreed to continue his service alongside Benton; the two were the only symbiotes officially aligned with the Web while others like EDDIE BROCK chose to freelance instead. For the first time, Thompson feels like he has a real purpose. It doesn’t matter if those on the Island are wary of symbiotes; his has helped him to do good for what may be the first time in his life. When you get a purpose, you work to keep it.
GWENDOLYN STACY – like others who eventually joined the WARRIORS OF THE WEB, GWENDOLYN “GWEN” STACY was bitten by a radioactive spider and granted arachnid-like abilities. Her story seemed to follow the same path as the others. The daughter of the head Patrolman GEORGE STACY, Stacy became a WARRIOR OF THE WEB when the war against the SPIDER-QUEEN began. Her path divulged, however, when the effects of her spider-bite were reversed mysteriously. Desperate to still be of use, Stacy joined Project: Rebirth 2.0 and was given a special symbiote to bond with instead. As a result, Stacy’s place in the Warrior’s of the Web became strained. She was known as an integral part of the movement for so long that they didn’t shun her, but her symbiote status did change things. One of the only people who never seemed to care was MILES MORALES, one of her oldest friends. As Stacy dealt with the loss of her powers, she and Morales grew closer before they became romantically involved. It’s nice to have someone in her corner, considering the fact that Stacy has no idea what the hell is going on anymore. She had her responsibility and purpose. What’s she left with?
JULIA CARPENTER – once an average woman, JULIA CARPENTER lived in Metropolita alongside her childhood sweetheart LARRY and daughter RACHEL. After being approached by an old friend, Carpenter ended up in an experiment that saw her injected with a mix of spider venom and exotic plant extracts that gave her arachnid-like powers. It was because of her abilities that Carpenter eventually joined what would eventually be the WARRIORS OF THE WEB. Leaving Rachel and Larry behind, Carpenter ended up the personal guard and aide to CASSANDRA WEBB, the eventual Baroness of Spider-Island after its creation. During the war Carpenter and Webb grew very close; when the domain the quadrant was designated Webb specifically asked Carpenter to stay by her side. She was the first to know that Webb was dying, and as her health declined due to her intense usage of the Web she asked Carpenter to become her replacement as Baroness. Carpenter, who was hesitant as she wanted to focus on raising her daughter, was left no choice when Webb died and the position of MADAME WEB was passed to her involuntarily. Forced to stare into the Web, Carpenter’s sight was taken in trade of her power. Now blind, Carpenter sees only through the Web as she governs Spider-Island. Her marriage to Larry fell apart before her tenure as Seer of the Web began, and Spider-Island is a dangerous place to raise a human daughter that’s vulnerable to the plague. That aside, Carpenter is doing her best to be the best Baroness and mother she can. She harbors resentment towards Webb but there’s nothing to do about that now. She’s Baroness for better or worse.
MARY JANE WATSON-PARKER – fame isn’t easy to achieve, but MARY JANE WATSON managed to attain some early in life. After graduating high school in Metropolita, Watson started a successful acting career. She ended up marrying her college sweetheart PETER PARKER and the two had a daughter named MAY PARKER shortly after. Her happy ending was cut short, however, when the SPIDER-QUEEN infected Metropolita with her spider-virus. Watson-Parker was one of the infected; instead of completely transforming she fell into the group of people who would shift back and forth between spider-hybrid and human. A bit vain, Watson-Parker took to staying in her home with her daughter in an attempt to keep May safe until the war was won. Afterwards, she tearfully packed up her family and moved to Spider-Island. Despite her desire to hide, Watson-Parker eventually became a face of the infected and public figure. Her life isn’t the fairytale with the movie ending she hoped for, but her daughter is healthy and her husband is a hero. Watson-Parker is using her platform to make a difference, because you have to work with what you have. Real life isn’t a movie.
MILES MORALES – a kid from Brooklyn doesn’t always rise to become one of the leading forces of a revolution, but MILES MORALES did. A resident of Brooklyn in MANHATTA, Morales lived with his mother, father and infant sister when he was bit by a radioactive spider and subsequently followed in the footsteps of Spider-man to become a superhero. Morales was a high school student when the SPIDER-QUEEN first infected the population with her plague, and his mother – a working nurse – was one of the first infected. RIO MORALES was one of the fortunate ones who never fully transformed, but she still isolated from her family. Determined to help his mother, Morales joined the WARRIORS OF THE WEB and quickly became invaluable. In the eight years since, Morales graduated high school on Spider-Island while balancing being a Warrior of the Web. He fell in love with childhood friend GWENDOLYN STACY and stood by her even when she lost her powers and became the host to a symbiote. Life wasn’t perfect, but Morales was making it work until the day he realized it was all a lie. After entering the Negative Zone with the FANTASTIC FOUR during the Incursion, Morales became one of the people who woke up eight years into Battleworld in the life of his alternate reality self. Now knowing Battleworld is just a construct created by the GOD EMPEROR DOOM, Morales and PETER PARKER are the only two on Spider-Island who understand the reality of what they’re facing. He’ll need Parker to help him find some kind of avenue that can take them back to the proper reality. Spider-Island – and Battleworld as a whole – has hurt people he loves. Morales can’t stand by and let that keep happening.
PETER PARKER – with great power comes great responsibility, and few know that as well as PETER PARKER. Born in Queens, Metropolita before the spider-virus outbreak, Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and granted spider-like superpowers. It was hard to manage high school with being a hero in Metropolita, but he did get some help from his AUNT MAY, best friend NED LEEDS and girlfriend MICHELLE JONES-WATSON. The spider-virus changed all that, unfortunately. Both MJ and Leeds got sick; the virus took a mental toll on Leeds and as a result he was locked in Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane after he started calling himself the Hobgoblin. MJ, on the other hand,  never got better and Parker had to bury his first love while also fighting in the war against the SPIDER-QUEEN alongside the WARRIORS OF THE WEB. The war was eventually won, but it was bittersweet. Unable to stay on the Island full time after what he had lost, Parker began to split his time in MANHATTA as well so he could attend Empire University. It was there that he met FELICIA HARDY; still dealing with a broken heart, flirtations with Hardy served as a distraction. The two are not officially together, but what they have is what Peter needs. His responsibilities haven’t gone away and he’s been spending more and more time as Spider-man. He knows that he needs balance, but it’s hard. It’s easier to just hide behind the mask.
PETER PARKER – one of the most famous names in Spider-Island, PETER PARKER is the older of two who bear the same name. He went from a bullied nerd to a superhero after being bitten by a radioactive spider, effectively becoming known by his secret identity: Spider-man. Parker’s life was marred by tragedy, ranging from the death of his beloved Uncle Ben to his first love, Gwen Stacy. Parker ultimately ended up marrying his long-term girlfriend MARY JANE WATSON-PARKER, and the two welcomed a daughter named MAY PARKER shortly after. Then, the world fell apart. The Spider-virus ran rampant around Metropolita, and as one of the leading spider-heroes, Parker threw everything he had into defeating the SPIDER-QUEEN. Becoming a founding member of the WARRIORS OF THE WEB, he remained optimistic that they would win the war and find a cure. His hope became tinged with fear when Watson-Parker became infected. They were able to keep May safe, but the war ended with no cure in sight even though the virus was no longer contagious. Although he wanted to focus on his family, Parker continued on as a Warrior of the Web under the new Baroness, JULIA CARPENTER, so that he could do whatever he could to help look for a cure. As one of the heads of the Warriors of the Web, Parker knows that in some ways he’s the face of the movement. He’s a husband and a father as well, and balancing his family with the great responsibility he shoulders weighs heavily. There’s been too much loss in his life. Parker will fight tooth and nail to help Spider-Island and those he loves…but what he loves isn’t that simple. There was a day in which Parker opened his eyes and saw Battleworld for what it was. He remembered being selected by the FANTASTIC FOUR to enter the Negative Zone during the Incursion. For him, moments had passed while eight years transpired in Battleworld. Now, he needs to find a way to right the world even if it means losing his wife and family. He loves May, but he knows the world needs to be fixed. Once again, loss will darken his doorstep. It’s for the greater good. It’s always for the greater good.
Anya Corazon – spider hero.
Ben Reilly-Parker – spider hero and clone of Peter Parker.
Billie Morales – eight year old human sister of Miles Morales.
Cletus Kasady – imprisoned Carnage symbiote host.
Dylan Brock – human son of Eddie Brock.
Eddie Brock – host to the Venom symbiote.
George Stacy – human head patrolman and father to Gwen Stacy.
Harry Osborn – human infected with the spider-virus.
Jefferson Davis – human father of Miles Morales and patrolman.
Kaine Parker – spider hero and clone of Peter Parker.
May Reilly-Parker – human aunt of Peter Parker.
Michelle Jones Watson – deceased due to spider-virus.
Miguel O’Hara – spider hero.
Ned Leeds – human infected with the spider-virus now called the Hobgoblin.
Rachel Carpenter  – human daughter of Julia Carpenter.
Rio Morales – human  mother of Miles Morales infected with the spider-virus.
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