basement-remedy · 1 year
Basement and Foundation Waterproofing: All You Need to Know
Basement and Foundation Waterproofing: All You Need to Know
Your home is one of the most significant investments you'll ever make. However, you must routinely inspect and repair your home to maintain the structure in prime condition. These maintenance activities include reviewing the building's foundation to check for signs of foundation failure. If you notice excess moisture from your foundation, you may be dealing with waterproofing issues. 
Knowing the importance of foundation waterproofing and the dangers that might arise if you don't take the necessary precautions is essential. At Basement Remedy, we offer professional foundation waterproofing services to match your unique needs. Call us today at 614-915-0230 to schedule a free inspection.
Keep reading to learn more about foundation waterproofing.
What Is Foundation Waterproofing?
The foundation of any building supports the structure and ensures structural integrity. Problems with the foundation can cause various concerns, including leaky floors, unpleasant aromas, mold, and water damage. 
Waterproofing the foundation prevents water from seeping through cracks in the structure and into the soil below. Basements and other underground rooms in homes benefit significantly from foundation waterproofing.
Foundations can be waterproofed using various methods, such as having a sound drainage system. Having adequate drainage helps keep water away from the foundation of the building. It would be best to treat the foundation walls so that water and moisture can't seep through the cracks and crevices. 
Types of Foundation Waterproofing
There are various types of foundation waterproofing you can choose for your home. Below are some of the most common types of waterproofing:
Interior Sealants
Waterproofing your basement or foundation using internal sealants prevents water from seeping into and spreading to other parts of the house. The most common entry points for seepage are cracks in poured concrete foundations and pipe penetrations. 
Pressure-injected urethanes or epoxy-based sealants can help close these gaps and cracks. Sealants inside a building help prevent spalling in brickwork caused by the basement's high humidity. Interior sealants are used to maintain a low humidity level in the basement.
Exterior Basement Waterproofing
Exterior basement waterproofing aims to prevent water from entering the building's lower levels and wreaking havoc on the foundation. The external basement walls are coated with polymers and membranes in this waterproofing technique. 
Foundation Crack Injections
When poured concrete foundations fracture due to settlement or expansion and contraction, a foundation crack injection can be used to repair the damage. Epoxy crack injections are used for structural benefits, while hydrophobic or hydrophilic polyurethane injections into cracks help with water penetration.
Internal Water Drainage
The accumulation of water in a basement can be prevented by installing an interior drainage system that directs water away from the footers of the foundation and out through the basement floor. 
A standard method for redirecting water that has made its way into a basement is a channel built along the footers of the foundation. The freshly dug channel is then lined with cement and fitted with a drainage system such as a French drain, PVC pipe, or proprietary drainage system.
Interior Basement Waterproofing 
Coatings are useful for interior basement waterproofing when condensation is the predominant source of moisture. This method works best if there is only a little moisture involved. Installing a backwater valve is an essential step in saving your basement. Waterproofing an entire interior effectively requires the most labor-intensive method: installing a drainage system.
Call Basement Remedy for Professional Foundation and Basement Waterproofing Services
Foundation waterproofing is one of the finest ways to ensure the durability of subsurface walls. Waterproofing the foundation of a building entails sealing up any cracks and fixing any damage that may have occurred over the years. 
It is essential to stop water from soaking through the flooring, walls, and foundation through waterproofing. Excess moisture build-up in your home promotes the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause respiratory diseases and other health problems.
Call us today at 614-915-0230 to book a free inspection.
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/basement-and-foundation-waterproofing-all-you-need-to-know/
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basement-remedy · 1 year
Signs You Need a Home Foundation Repair
Signs You Need a Home Foundation Repair
A home is one of the most significant investments people will ever make. To get the most out of your investment as a homeowner and maintain the highest resale value, you should do everything you can to keep your house in tip-top shape.
Many homeowners forget about the foundation when performing routine maintenance and repairs. While most people believe the roof is the most essential part of their home, other crucial components like the foundation help keep you and your family safe. Your roof is the first line of defense against weather elements like rain and snow. On the other hand, the foundation helps support your home, bearing the structure's weight.
Foundation issues must be addressed immediately to avert costly structural damage. At Basement Remedy, we have an efficient workforce that uses top-notch technology to repair your foundation and basement.
Below are the top eight warning signals that your foundation requires repair. Call us today at (614)915-0230 for more information on foundation repair services. 
Signs You Need to Repair Your Home's Foundation
While the prospect of paying for a long list of home repairs can be daunting, fixing a home's foundation is a substantial project that requires careful planning. If there is a problem with the foundation, it could compromise the entire house. The key to successful foundation repair is early detection of the issues and action taken before the damage spreads too far.
Below are some of the most common signs of foundation issues
Poor water drainage
Sticking doors and windows
Moisture in the basement or crawlspace
Bowing walls
Walls that separate from the house
Cracks in flooring
Sagging and uneven floors
Bug infestation
Water stagnating near the foundation
Porches of chimneys separating from the house
Foundation upheaval
Why Is Your foundation an Important Part of Your Home?
A solid foundation is essential for your home's durability and structural integrity. Below are some of the top reasons why you should ensure that you have a structurally sound foundation:
The foundation supports your home
Resists movement
Provides insulation for your house
Moisture proofing
Prevent pest infestation
What Is Foundation Failure?
Foundation failure refers to the phenomenon where the soil beneath a building sinks or slides because of an earthquake or another event.
There is a high risk of catastrophic accidents and even loss of life if the building's foundation is not constructed correctly and the floor sinks and falls. Buildings rely on their foundations for support and stability in weather and terrain.
Weak foundations never yield the most significant results and raise the risk of losing the structure in the event of any form of future movement in the soil. Therefore, they need careful attention during the building process.
The foundation acts as the building's "spine," holding everything together and preventing it from collapsing. The foundation is the most crucial part of any construction if you want it to stand firm, and buildings with solid foundations are more stable and survive longer.
There are three significant types of foundation failure. They include:
General Shear Failure
Punching Shear Failure
Local Shear Failure
Let the Professionals Repair Your Foundation
If your home has significant foundation damage, calling a professional basement and foundation repair company is your best option. Various warning signs associated with foundation concerns might tell you what kind of problem you're up against and how to fix it.
At Basement Remedy, we understand that a home is a valuable investment. Our team of qualified professionals has the right skills you need to ensure your home stays in prime condition. 
Call us today at 614-915-0230 to learn more about our foundation repair services.
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/signs-you-need-a-home-foundation-repair/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Warning Signs That Your Foundation Needs Immediate Repair
Your house's foundation provides stability and security of your home, so it's important to keep an eye out for signs that it may need repair.
As your home's foundation, your foundation's importance can't be overstated. A well-maintained foundation can keep your house in good repair and protect you from dangerous moisture and pests, among other problems. 
Many problems with foundations are difficult or even impossible to detect before they become serious, but there are some signs you can look out for to catch foundation issues before they get bad enough to require foundation replacement or other major repairs. Here are some warning signs that your home foundation needs immediate repair.
Bowing Floors and Walls
A foundation is a big investment, and it's important to know when it needs repair. One of the most obvious signs your foundation needs immediate attention is bowing floors and walls. This happens because your house has shifted, and the foundation isn't providing enough support for the structure.
Bow in walls can signify that there's too much pressure on one side of the house, which means it could collapse at any moment. It's a good idea to have your foundation inspected by a professional if you notice bowing floors or walls in your home. An expert will look for telltale signs like cracking foundations, spider webbing cracks around doors and windows, buckling floors and ceilings, sagging ceilings, and more. 
A less noticeable problem is an insufficient grade slope. Water flowing under your foundation instead of away from it could lead to mold growth. Another warning sign is cracked plaster. All these problems will lead to bigger issues over time if they're not repaired immediately, so call a contractor before things get worse!
Dampness in Basement
Dampness in your basement is not only an eyesore but can also be a sign that your foundation needs immediate repair. There are two main types of dampness in a basement: surface wetness and condensation.
Surface wetness is caused by water or sewage coming into contact with the walls or floor of the basement. Condensation is caused by water vapor in the air penetrating through your foundation walls and then evaporating on contact with cooler surfaces, such as concrete, brick, or tile.
If your basement has these problems, you'll need to address them ASAP so they don't become bigger issues like mold growth.
Cracks in Walls, Ceilings, and Doors
Cracks in Walls, Ceilings, and Doors are a sign your foundation needs immediate repair. When water penetrates the exterior of your home, it seeps through the walls and ceilings, weakening the structure. The longer these cracks go undetected, the more extensive they become and the more expensive they are to repair. You may also see gaps or holes in doors or windows as another sign that you need to get someone in to take a look at your foundation.
Even if there aren't any physical signs, shifting or bowing in corners of your room indicates that something could be happening to the foundation. If you notice any of these problems, contact a professional immediately for an inspection and quote on repairs.
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/warning-signs-that-your-foundation-needs-immediate-repair/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Most Common Reasons Your Basement Needs Waterproofing
Waterproofing your basement may seem unnecessary, but this investment can save you thousands of dollars in water damage over the years.
Even if you don't think your basement needs waterproofing, you may be surprised to learn that it does! Even if your basement isn't flooding, it may leak water into the above home.
If your basement has been showing signs of water damage like buckling drywall or mold, you might consider waterproofing to prevent further moisture problems. Before you call in a pro, it's important to know why your basement needs waterproofing.
You can reduce the chances of damaging moisture problems in your home by following these tips on waterproofing your basement.
Prevents Infestation of Spiders and Bugs
Waterproofing your basement can prevent the infestation of spiders and bugs. Spiders and bugs like to live in damp, dark places, like a basement. They're attracted to your home's warmth and enjoy the opportunity to feed on all your stored food products and the wood in your home. 
If you have water leaking into your basement or high moisture levels, you will be susceptible to an infestation of spiders and bugs. Not only will they make it difficult to relax in your own home, but they'll eat away at building materials and insulation, which will only increase repair costs. Waterproofing is a simple yet effective way to keep pests out of your basement so that you can continue using it for years without worrying about repairs.
Structural Damage
Waterproofing your basement can help prevent structural damage caused by water seeping into the basement walls and floors. This is especially true if you live in an area with high water table levels or frequent flooding. Waterproofing your basement will also prevent mold growth if the moisture cannot dry out quickly enough.
If you notice mold on the floor or wall, it's already been there for a while and likely isn't coming from rainwater leaks. Moisture also causes warping floors and walls or rotting drywall. If left unchecked, moisture will significantly damage the home's foundation and ability to keep water out. Even if you don't see signs of moisture regularly, it could mean that there is enough seeping into the basement to pose a risk for long-term problems. 
Prevent Mold and Mildew
Waterproofing your basement is one of the best ways to prevent mold and mildew from ruining your belongings and make your home a healthier place to live. The basement is typically the dampest, dark, and most humid area in your home, which makes it the perfect breeding ground for mold spores. Mold is a severe allergen that can cause serious respiratory issues. 
 Unfortunately, mold and mildew are difficult to remove once they've taken hold. The only way to prevent a water-damaged basement from becoming infested is by hiring an experienced professional to do it for you. A qualified company will inspect the site and advise on how to proceed with remediation.
Not every basement will need professional help, but there are warning signs such as cracks in the foundation, musty odors, or visible mold growth. Contact a certified company immediately if you suspect any of these symptoms exist!
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/most-common-reasons-your-basement-needs-waterproofing/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Should You Worry About Cracks in Brick Buildings?
Should You Worry About Cracks in Brick Buildings?
Brick buildings are a traditional, classic architectural style that has been around for centuries. Unfortunately, with all the exposed brick walls around, cracks and breakage become prevalent. If your house has brick walls and you don't pay attention to minor issues, you may soon develop a problem threatening the structural integrity of your property.
Are Cracks in Brick Buildings Normal?
Probably not. 
Brick and other masonry structures are built to last for many years and even generations. Depending on where you live, you may experience mortar wear due to age and weather, but cracked bricks are not common. 
Any cracks, no matter how minor, should be looked into because they could be the first sign of a sinking foundation or major structural damage to the building's supports.
Is It Because of Foundation Problems?
It could be. 
If you notice fractured bricks along the higher parts of the home, it could be due to an issue with the foundation.
Remember, if water seeps into bricks that already have cracks, the bricks will deteriorate even faster. When water freezes and thaws, it expands and shrinks depending on the temperature, which could exacerbate the fissures.
Ultimately, it can affect any brick in your property, including those in stairs, foundations, walls, and chimneys.   
When there is a problem with the foundation, it might cause the structure to shift and settle. Because of the shifting foundation, the brickwork may break, the drywall may sag, and the floors may become uneven. 
You may also notice room and cabinet doors open and close by themselves, indicating an issue with the foundation. All this suggests your property is no longer as stable as it should be, which could lead to its eventual collapse.
What Else Can Cause Cracks in Brick Walls?
You may notice cracked bricks for many reasons besides foundational issues. 
Season Changes
Our homes' construction materials react significantly to weather and seasonal fluctuations. Long periods of drought are just as damaging to walls and foundations as heavy rain and flooding.
Corrosion of Building Materials
 Materials used in construction eventually wear out. These constructions are continuously under attack from the elements, gravity, and lackadaisical upkeep. 
Corrosion of the building's reinforcement is more likely if the concrete base is poorly laid. Because the steel reinforcement is now exposed to moisture, rusting and possible brick wall cracks might result from foundational damage.
Construction Work in the Neighborhood
You may notice cracks in brick walls if you reside near a construction zone. This is because constant vibration from things like digging, excavation, and heavy machinery usage could make your brick walls crumble. 
It's not something you should tolerate, though. When this occurs, it's imperative that you contact the authorities right away.
Never Take It Lightly!
So, as you can see, you should not take cracks in brickwork lightly. You really don't want it to be a sign of structural damage. If you're unsure, let a professional inspect your property and confirm the root cause.
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/should-you-worry-about-cracks-in-brick-buildings/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
The Horrors of Ignoring Basement Waterproofing: What Could Go Wrong?
The Horrors of Ignoring Basement Waterproofing: What Could Go Wrong?
For most people, the basement is either a place to keep extra stuff or a place to entertain guests in style. The stability of your home depends on the basement as well. Everything above it is kept perfectly level and steady by it. And ignoring waterproofing can lead to all sorts of troubles.
What Can Go Wrong by Ignoring Basement Waterproofing?
Spending time down there is much more pleasant if the basement is not flooded, but it's not possible without timely waterproofing. Here's how delaying it can hurt you big time.
You May End Up Facing Legal Issues
While it's usually up to you to decide whether you should hire a waterproofing contractor to help you with everything, it's often required by law.
Waterproofing is necessary when hydrostatic pressure exists, and moisture protection is necessary otherwise if the International Building Code (IBC) is mandated for compliance.
Hydrostatic conditions necessitate waterproofing if the base is lower than the normal water table in the area. Wet basements are no fun at all. You'll be a lot happier as a result, too.
You May Develop Foundation Issues
If you don't keep your home's foundations safe from flooding, heavy rains will gradually undermine them. However, homeowners may rest easy knowing that their basement is safe from water and moisture damage if they have it waterproofed. Waterproofing must be applied to some foundations before the concrete is poured.
It's not a good idea to put off fixing the foundation or any other major problems. All foundations must have solid groundwork. It's a domino effect: the weaker the foundation, the more pressure, and stress are imposed on the building.
There is no telling how serious the damage to the structure may be if structural degeneration is allowed to develop endlessly, affecting the walls, upper walls, ceilings, floors, wooden cross beams, window frames, doors, and related garages.
You May Notice Rust Formation
Not taking basement waterproofing seriously could lead to rust formation in your basement. Over 67% of homes, according to the Concrete Foundations Association (CFA), have water problems in the basement, so it's crucial to address this issue in its entirety as a homeowner.
Rust in the basement is an excellent indicator of water seepage. If there is a constant flow of water or moisture into your basement, a thorough inspection of the metal objects will reveal corrosion. If you want to avoid further issues, you shouldn't give up and stop taking care of your basement.
When water penetrates a foundation wall, it corrodes metal fasteners and weakens other metallic components, affecting the foundation's integrity. The reinforcement provided by these metals is lost as they corrode. As a result, the entire building could be in danger if the foundation were to collapse during a particularly severe storm.
If you're a homeowner, putting off basement waterproofing could be one of the worst decisions you ever make, as neglecting the problem could result in health problems and monetary loss. If you want to avoid becoming a sad story, all you have to do is hire the best basement waterproofing contractor and have your basement sealed.
For your Free Consultation Call us today! Basementremedy.com
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/the-horrors-of-ignoring-basement-waterproofing-what-could-go-wrong/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Things That Could Go Wrong in Crawl Spaces and Warrant Professional Help
Things That Could Go Wrong in Crawl Spaces and Warrant Professional Help
In a house, the crawl space is considered to be the foundation. It supports the entire structure and can be used as an emergency escape route. The crawl space is usually located under your home's floorboards but can also be found under the ground. And that's why any problem with the crawl space can eventually hurt the integrity of your building. 
Most Common Problems with Crawl Spaces
A crawl space is usually built underground to store items that are not permanently affixed in place. There are many different holes and vents in a crawl space's floor, walls, and ceiling that need to be sealed or covered. These openings can allow water or other unwanted substances to enter the crawl space, which can lead to all sorts of problems.
Uneven Floors
One of the most important things to keep in mind is the potential threat to your home's structural integrity. Yes, crawl spaces are convenient, but they can weaken the structure beneath your floors if not properly maintained.
So, how do you know if your house is losing its stability? Uneven flooring is one of the earliest indicators of a problem.
Don't presume the floors have always been lopsided, and you've just never noticed. A sloping floor may be your house's way of telling you something isn't quite right. This is probably the time to call a reliable foundation repair contractor to inspect your property and suggest the best way out.
Flooded Crawl Space
The presence of standing water is a major threat to the structural integrity of your crawl space, and it's certainly a situation warranting prompt attention from a repairman.
The main problem is that not enough people understand that a crawl space can become flooded. As a result, it may be weeks, months, or even years before a professional discovers the water that has been collected in the crawlspace.
The vapor barrier may be to blame for the stagnant water because it prevents water from evaporating. Because it can't get anywhere else, the water will evaporate as much as it can into the atmosphere. Even if it doesn't cause structural issues, it will certainly lead to moisture problems. 
Moisture Problems
The presence of excess moisture in the crawl space is a common problem for many homes. It can lead to many irritating problems, such as rotted supports, water damage or stains, and mildew. 
The overgrowth of mold and mildew is an extremely dangerous issue, as it pollutes the air and lowers its quality. Since you generally don't spend too much time in your crawl space, this might not seem a major concern. 
However, many people don't realize that the air quality in your home depends heavily on the air quality in the basement or crawl area. You and your loved ones could inhale the mold-infested air from your crawl area. You should always look at any possible signs of moisture problems, such as:
Mold in the crawl space
Musty odors in your living room
Rotten wooden structures
Condensation on insulation or duct work
Insects or pests in the crawl space
High humidity in your home
Rusty metal surfaces 
Buckled hardwood floor
If you notice any of these problems, know it's time to contact a specialist and have your crawl space inspected and repaired if needed.
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/things-that-could-go-wrong-in-crawl-spaces-and-warrant-professional-help/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
4 Ways to Prevent Basement Flooding
4 Ways to Prevent Basement Flooding
When groundwater seeks out the path of least resistance, it often finds its way into basements. A crevice in your foundation's walls or floor could provide such an entrance. It's also possible that it's entering the room through the cove joint in the floor. Whether it's through broken window wells, cracked concrete steps, or faulty cellar storm doors, water will find a way in unless you react proactively.
If you don't want to deal with a flooded basement, here are some tips to help.
1. Build a Drainpipe
A drain around the foundation is probably the best solution to a flooded basement problem. First, you must dig a trench, seal the foundation, and install a drainpipe all the way around the home.
A perforated pipe sheathed in a cloth soil sock is used to eliminate the risk of clogging. When it rains, water will simply run off the waterproof foundation wall and into the pipe below.
2. Get Sump Pumps Installed
Having a sump pump installed in your basement and ensuring it works properly is another effective way to avoid floods.
When the sump basin becomes overfilled, a sump pump will draw water from the soil around your home and discharge it somewhere.
Keeping your sump pump operational is crucial, particularly in wet and rainy seasons. You might need a generator or battery to use as a backup electrical system in case of a big rainstorm.
3. Take Care of Foundation Cracks
Roof concerns, framing problems, door and window issues, and basement leaks are all exacerbated by cracked foundations. Repairing a home's foundation or structural problems can be rather expensive, and foundation fractures may indicate more serious concerns.
Leaving the foundation cracked unchecked increases the chances of basement floods. Therefore, you should check the outside of the foundation along with the walls of your basement.
If you find any cracks in the foundation, fix them with epoxy, and if you find any signs of trouble inside, seal them with masonry sealant. It's best to get help from a professional for more complex issues.
4. Clean Out Roof Gutters
Remove any debris, such as rotting leaves, acorns, and twigs that may have accumulated in the gutters. The downspout may become clogged due to the accumulation of debris.
After the gutter is full, the water spills over the edge onto the ground below. In the event of a heavy downpour, the rainwater can quickly saturate the soil near your home. Additional pressure on your home's foundation may result from saturated soil.
Reducing the level of ground saturation also decreases ground pressure. If you do this, water will have a harder time getting through. Clearing up your gutters is a smart place to start if you want to avoid having to clean up a flooded basement.
Besides these options, you may also want to install window well covers, pump clean the septic tank, and inspect your sewer to prevent basement flooding. If you're unsure where to start, get in touch with a professional to keep your basement a dry, happy place.
For your Free Consultation Call us today! Basementremedy.com
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/4-ways-to-prevent-basement-flooding/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Four Basement Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Follow
Four Basement Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Follow
The basement isn't your typical storage room or living space. Your basement is an important part of your house's foundation. And as such, it deserves routine maintenance if you want to avoid overly costly repairs. When it comes to home maintenance, it's the little things that compile over time to make a big difference.
A healthy and well-maintained basement presents many benefits to the homeowner and house occupants. Basement maintenance prevents mold growth, dry rot on wood, and the breeding of pests such as mice and bugs. As a result, the air quality in the house will improve, leading to a reduced risk of asthma and allergic reactions. Read on and discover some maintenance tips for your home.
1) . Clean Out the Gutters and Downspout
Gutters are an important aspect of the roof. They divert water away from the walls, basement, and foundation. Gutters can get clogged by leaves and other debris during the windy seasons and autumn. Or they can get misaligned from their proper position. Clogged gutters spill water on the walls down to the basement, causing mold growth and deterioration of walls. Always check if your gutters are diverting water as intended and position the downspout five feet away from the house's foundation.
2) . Insulate your Pipes
Besides reducing the heating bills, insulated pipes prevent condensation, especially if passing cold water. Condensation occurs when the temperature difference between water in the pipes and walls is too great. As a result, the pipes slowly 'sweat' out water, which can build up inside your concrete foundation. Water affects concrete foundations by seeping into the concrete pores and breaking down the concrete from the inside. Call a foundation repair specialist if you notice cracks on your basement walls.
3) . Check Landscaping and Sprinkler System Around Your Home
Landscaping improves a home's environmental quality by softening spaces, providing gardening space, and enhancing the home's aesthetics and value. However, if done wrong, landscaping could compromise the house’s structural integrity and foundation.
Improper landscaping can lead to water accumulation near or around your house foundation. Therefore, you should always ensure the slope around your house faces the opposite direction to avoid water pooling. You should also make sure the sprinkler system is only on during the dry seasons to avoid over-accumulation of water during the wet seasons.
4) Check Vegetation and Trees
Plants are incredibly versatile and strong. Even the tiniest weeds and seedlings can burrow through and displace concrete. Therefore, planting flowers, shrubs, and trees should be done with a complete understanding of the matured state of such plants. Always make sure you plant trees several meters away from your home. The roots of a tree can grow six meters into the ground and spread 2-5 times the radius of the canopy.
Take Home Message
Overall, the best way to protect your basement from moisture and water buildup is by using water-resistant paint and waterproofing the basement. Basement waterproofing is a long-term a solution to basement flooding, wall deterioration, and flour cracking. A well-maintained and waterproofed basement also increases the resale value of a home since there won't be a need for major structural repairs.
For your Free Consultation Call us today!
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/four-basement-maintenance-tips-every-homeowner-should-follow/
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basement-remedy · 2 years
Top Reasons Why Basement Waterproofing is Important for Your Home
Did you know that water is your basement’s number one enemy?
Since concrete is porous, water affects the basement walls by seeping into these pores and breaking down the concrete. If left unchecked, excess moisture in the concrete will cause further cracking on walls and floors, leading to complete breakage.
The best way to prevent such problems is to waterproof your basement. Basement waterproofing manages and redirects the water that enters your basement through various techniques. This post, thoroughly discusses various reasons why basement waterproofing is ideal for your home.
Brief Intro to Basement Structure and Foundation
The area and soil outside your basement walls aren't the same as the ones on your lawn. The loosely packed dirt allows water to come into contact with your basement walls. The water around your basement is called a false water table.
The reason behind this goes back to the construction of the foundation. During construction, the soil was dug out, and foundation walls were erected. The area behind the basement walls was then re-filled with the dug-up soil. Since the soil was already dug up, rolled, and bulldozed, it isn't as compact as before. Therefore, you have 6-8ft wide loose soil sitting behind your basement walls.
 Protects the Foundation The foundation keeps your house structure stable, so it's safe to live in for occupants. Water seepage in the foundation causes major foundation damage problems such as cracking. Basement waterproofing protects your home’s foundation by preventing concrete breakdown by water. Therefore, the foundation’s lifespan is greatly increased.
Prevents Basement Flooding
Basement flooding is a common feature for homes in areas prone to heavy rains, flash floods, and rising groundwater. Flooding can severely affect your home's structural integrity, especially if you're using wooden beams to hold up the floor. Waterproofing solutions prevent your basement from soaking up water that could compromise the basement structure and properties stored in the basement.
Saves on Energy Bills
Damp basements are much harder to warm up or cool down because, unlike air, water retains temperature for a long time. This feature will cause your HVAC system to work harder to
condition the air around the basement. Consequently, you can expect a higher energy bill if the basement is not properly waterproofed.
Prevents Mold Growth
Mold thrives in damp environments. And apart from breaking down wood and other materials, mold can affect the health of house occupants. Mold can lead to health problems like asthma, skin irritation, allergic reaction, watery eyes, coughing, and breathing difficulties. Waterproofing transforms the basement into a place that can't support mold growth. As a result, your wooden structures are spared, and your home's air quality is improved.
Reduces pest problems in homes
Waterproofing reduces the emergence of pests in a home by sealing the gaps that allow pests to access the house. Pests like the dark, soggy, and isolated environment of the basement. Therefore, your basement could be the perfect breeding spot for pests if it isn't properly waterproofed.
Additionally, some of the bugs found in basements, such as termites, can exacerbate the problem of rotting wooden structures and floors. Other pests you can expect to reduce with waterproofing include cockroaches, spiders, firebrats, centipede, and millipede.
Basement waterproofing is an excellent way of maintaining your house's foundation and overall structural integrity. It does not address the symptoms by covering them up; basement waterproofing is a long-term solution that employs the best ways to prevent basement water damage.
For a Free Basement Inspection Contact Basement Remedy Today at (614) 915-0230
Originally published here: https://basementremedy.com/top-reasons-why-basement-waterproofing-is-important-for-your-home/
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