#barely a hc just posting this to remind myself to try and write it tomorrow
snowddeong · 1 year
A!Yeji tired from work and asking to cuddle Ryujin but since she's in pre-rut being that close to her makes her hard af. Ryujin notices ofc and encourages Yeji to dry hump her leg cause she likes seeing how desperate Yeji gets. At some point she's like "okay bb want me to help you" but ofc Yeji is like no because if Ryujin wants then Ryujin gets
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baka-kawa · 4 years
Oikawa HC: Crush on badass girl
Request | hii! i was wondering if i could pls get some head-canons for oikawa, nishinoya, and kenma (you didn’t have a character limit but feel free to cut it down if i gave too many!) developing a crush on a badass girl-? like she wears very dark clothes, big boots, dark makeup, that sorta thing. (bonus points if they confess only to find out the girl likes them back- 👀💗) thank youuu so much! i know your blog is v new, so feel free to alter stuff in this request if it’s too much or confusing. (*´꒳`*) 💞
Notes | This is sooo exciting!!! You’re my very first request!!! Nothing in here is confusing no worries <3,,, I however will be posting each boy separate as a preference. There’s no character limit as of right now, but I prefer to write them separate since it makes me feel more structured so I hope that’s alright. I hope you enjoy this!! Lmk if you don’t and I’ll try my best to improve! I hope this doesn’t feel too rushed, I will have the other members out tomorrow if that’s alright :))
he’d probably not pay too much mind to it at first
he’s definitely the type to go after popular blonde peppy girls,, mean girls sometimes
he noticed you when you started ditching outside gym to hide in the bleachers where the boys practiced volleyball
he didn’t understand why coach never fully kicked you out
you’d bicker with the guy
but he’d eventually give up and go back to training his boys
there was one day
you were just completely pissed at the whole world
someone stole the last banana milk and you had been looking forward to it after having such a shitty day at school
and out of all the times you sneak into the boy’s gym,
you get smacked with a fucking volleyball
“oH fUck! Ow! What the hell guys!”
you were in a shit load of pain
like on the verge of tears bc you already had a headache and this just made it worse
“Oikawa, get the girl to the nurse since you caused this!”
“Ye-Yes coach!”
he awkwardly tried to help you walk but you flinched him off
“Get off!”
“. .sorry, but in my defense, you shouldn’t be in the gym anyw- sorry.”
you shot him an evil glare
“you volley boys sure know how to swing ffs”
there was a really awkward moment when he attempted to examine the forming bruise, but his eyes went to your lashes instead.
He tried to stick part of it back to your eye since it was falling off but-
“It’s fine, stupid, you didn’t yank the real ones.”
he’d shake off the embarrassment and continue walking in silence w you
he’d feel too awkward to start anymore conversation with you
“How did this happen?”
“He spiked a ball at my head.”
“iT wAs aN acCiDeNt!!”
you didn’t have a concussion
but the nurse suggested you rest for a bit
 “Do you wa-”
“Go back to practice Onion Head”
he was taken back by the weird name
Onion Head?
what does that mean??
does he have an onion head???
he’d look in all the reflections of the school windows on his way back
he’d think about it constantly
“Iwa, do I have an onion head?”
“Stfu and help me clean up Idiot.”
from then on
you have most of Oikawa’s attention
i say most bc he thinks about volley ball so much
he sneaks more glances at you from that point on
mainly thinking about the name you gave him
but he kinda finds you intriguing
he just hasn’t come to terms with it just yet
its new to him
you’re new to him
it takes about a week and a half before he gets the courage to actually talk to you
he was slightly scared that you’d snap at him or something
but eventually he asks how your head is and all that jazz
then bring up the name
you’d shrug
“you just remind me of and onion.”
he drops it at that point
but after some time
he starts noticing that you randomly pop up in his mind
like when he’s talking a test
or walking home
and even during some of his practice games
it was bugging him big time
“Iwa, I can’t stop thinking about her, what’s wrong with me??”
“Sounds like you like her, Stupid.”
he’d probably deny it a few days
bc like
how could he possibly have feelings so fast?
he barely even knew you!
a few days later when he was walking to practice
he saw these three guys surrounding what looked to be a girl
he didn’t get a good glimpse since the guys were towering over her
getting a little closer,
he caught a glimpse of your leather jacket
something weird struck him when one of the guys moved closer while asking for your number
Oikawa broke through the wall of men and placed his arms around your shoulders, pressing your back into his chest while glared at the boys
“Mind backing off before I break your faces in?”
the only reason that threat worked was because Iwa was definitely taller than them
they all scoffed and said their whatever’s before walking away.
you took a second to process what just happened
it was definitely scary being trapped by three taller boys
you thought they were going to hurt you in some way
and you had this feeling that you didn’t want to move Oikawa’s arms from your shoulders just yet
you were still slightly shaken up
Oikawa made a realization that he had never really seen your vulnerable side
it hurt him in a way to see you scared
he felt a sense of protectiveness over you and turned you around to hug you
you blushed into his shirt bc you don’t really know Oikawa like that
eventually your shakiness was gone
and Oikawa stopped petting your hair
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“No, sorry you had to step in”
“No apology needed, I would do it for anyone.”
you let out a “oh gee, thanks for telling me I’m not special” kind of laugh
Oikawa realized how it sounded and cleared his throat
“I mean, of course I’d do it for anyone, even though you’re not just anyone- I don’t know how to explain myself without sounding like an idiot or weirdo. Yes I’d do t for anyone, but especially for you. Not in a creepy way of course, I just, I- I don’t know the words I’m trying to say.”
you’d laugh and dismiss his nervousness
“Thanks Oikawa.”
“Y-You said my name?”
“Figured I owed you one for saving me.”
silence followed as he relished in hearing your voice say his name
“I’ll see you around the-”
“Wait! Wait. . .”
god your eyes
so beautiful
he could stare into them all day
“W-Would you maybe want to go out on a date with me?”
“I uh. . .”
“You don’t have to, it was stupid, I’m sorry, I probably look like a creep.”
“I’d like to.”
and boom
the start of a relationship no one predicted
and the rest was history,,
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