#bald baby ang-li eheh
anna-naray · 3 months
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Angel's Friends swap au' doodles that no one requested! PART 2 - ???
Oops, I did it again and this time we have a young model and her personal fashion designer as protagonists of my doodles! Trouble seems to chase them, but while one always manages to get out of it (Raf), for the other you have to run to the rescue!
In Ang-Li's character sheet I mentioned of his belonging to a famous family in the Hell city, and this doesn't often bring him luck in dealing with other young devils. Fortunately, Raf, his faithful right-hand man, is also with him! If the other devils care about their horns, they know better than to ever mess with this blonde girl!
They share ... a special family situation, which makes them closer to each other than the other devils in the group. The clan to which they belong is one of the largest and most powerful, and much could be said about it! The original work dosen't provide much information about the infernal world and this has given me so much freedom in imagining anything and everything about it (which I plan to share asap)!
✨ Enjoy ✨
Part 1
Sorry, I just adore this two sketches of Ang-Li...
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This has become more of a personal note than a serious post AHAHAH
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