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#bakridmubarak Today We Celebrate Worldwide ' Eid al Adha ', to honour the Willingness of Ibrahim to Sacrifice his Son Ismael as an Act of Obedience to God's Command and before Ibrahim could Sacrifice his Son, God provided a Lamb to Sacrifice instead. In Honour to the Sacrifice, We Celebrate this Holy Day as ' Eid al Adha ' or as ' Bakrid '. Crafted by Babji Shaik @shaik_babji_ Thanks for the Image @pscyco_queen #bakrid #bakridinambur #bakrid2020 #bakridspecial #bakridwishes #bakrid🌙 #bakridcollection #eidaladha #eidaladha2020 #eidaladhamubarak #mubarak (at Visakhapatnam City of Destiny) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDV-OugDNiK/?igshid=1m6kf7hx9wrmj
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