#babylon ending
heibee · 1 year
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eusuchia · 6 months
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He will be welcomed and put in a position of authority in the resistance. He has good ideas about raising up those in need - about organizing others into something better and nobler than they had been before.
minvember prompt 5: chance
going with the prompt as in 'second chance,' a tribute to my favourite completely bonkers ass bottle episode. really sent that incredibly traumatized dude to an active insurrectionary warzone like, hope that helps. I like to imagine he stays for some time after the war, though, and makes it onto some propaganda posters himself
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homopessimist · 1 year
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fear of intimacy
neon genesis evangelion s1e4: "hedgehog's dilemma" / black wing - "twinkling" / the living end (1992) dir. gregg araki / c.s. lewis, the four loves / league of legends game chat / babylon 5 s1e10: "believers"
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metalandmagi · 3 months
Unpopular opinion alert: I liked Link Click more when it was episodic and I could just watch the boys help two feuding old ladies make up and put the fear of god into human traffickers. I want Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi to hang out in the store and bitch at each other like an old married couple forever.
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You are Witnessing The Fall Of America 🇺🇲⚰️
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cat-soda · 5 months
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is any piece of media really complete without a pair of twins that are actively being tormented by the narrative?
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completeoveranalysis · 3 months
i know you've done X/1999 but will you ever do a read of Tokyo Babylon?
I haven't blogged about Tokyo Babylon but I have read it privately in the past. It absolutely broke my heart at the time, though I'm not sure I could pin down exactly when that was.
I'd be very interested in rereading it at some point but can't guarantee that I'd have anything new to add.
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achairwithapandaonit · 2 months
it's integral to yuu's character that he goes fucking apeshit over cars and also fullheartedly believes he is a competent driver and then as soon as he gets in the car he crashes it
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alphamecha-mkii · 4 months
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kat · 4 months
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but the rock cried out, i can't hide you
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woodsfae · 2 months
Babylon 5 S03E17 War Without End: Part Two previous episode - table of contents
Emperor Londo of the Great Victim Complex. 
And so the fall of Babylon 5 begins, with two idiots deciding to take on Ivanova! 
DUDE sick fight moves by Susan Ivanova. And Marcus  must be internally fist-pumping that he pulle off a drop-out-of-the-ceiling attack. Style points: 1 Marcus, 100 Susan.
Zathras sees all. Zathras knows all. Poor Zathras. 
Oooooooo. Future John and Delenn have a baby! How exciting. Delenn calls Sheridan's time "so many years ago" and references the "terrible, terrible price," That's something for me to chew on. I wonder if it will be revealed this episode or is foretelling for the season 3 finale or even later. I am really not sure how the pacing on B5 goes or if they'll still be fighting the Shadows into season 5. 
The Shadows are only visible when they sleep? That's cool and unsettling information, but I'm not sure how that tracks with Londo's next reveal, which is that he is also possessed? So perhaps Londo tries to turn on the Shadows at some point and is leashed instead. 
G'Kar!! Down an eye and plus a sick leather patch. Must be time for Londo's death vision! I hope G'Kar gets to live to enjoy it. Londo caused a lot of death for the universe and the Narnuan people. Aww and then he didn't. I am a bit bummed that G'Kar's end appears to be with Londo, dying together as the Shadow possessing Londo kills G'Kar back. It is pretty punk rock of G'Kar, though. Who else has choked a shadow-possessed Centauri emperor before?? No one except G'Kar of Narn.
Right before Sheridan is pulled away, she tells him not to go to Zha'dum, but all these prophecies seem to be self-fulfilling and an inescapable part of the paradox. 
Uh-oh, why's that spacesuit doin' stuff. Ah. Never mind, it's a "yeah, Sheridan's back!" Someone slap a time stabilizer on him before he gets yote into the timestream again. 
And there goes the theft of Babylon 4!! Time heist! 
There goes Sheridan. Shoulda put a time anchor on him! 
Revised Sinclair prediction: his aging as they move towards their own time aging him is the/a reason why he gets the ole Minbari physical transformation since Minbari live so much longer, to extend his lifespan. 
Oop, Sheridan's back again. Or the space suit he was wearing is, at least. 
Yeah Susan Ivanova. she can do anything. Ivanova has B4's command station. 
Delenn in the blue spacesuit?? Plot twist!!
Hmmm, so some of what I thought Sheridan was going to do (fight 1000 years in the past) is actually Sinclair's plot. That makes more sense, actually. 
Zathras makes it all very clear: "You (Sinclair) are the one who was. You (Delenn) are the one who is. You (Sheridan) are the one who will be." 
Babylon 4, A Thousand Years Ago
Valen?? Sinclair has always been the prophet Valen!! I did not see that coming. What an entrance! Appearing to Minbar flanked by two Vorlons, arriving in a vast space station in a flash of tachyons...Sinclair is Valen. fuck, that's cool. 
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Marcus: If you were not so stubborn, you would make a great queen.
Ivanova: I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn.
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iphisesque · 8 months
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X/1999, 2001
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Even More Reasons America Needs To Be Deleted
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🇺🇲Worse Than Sodom & Gomorrah
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qwartzy-rereads-x · 8 months
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i'm interrupting my reread again to say this:
seishirou: i stand outside the norms of human behavior and thus am exempt from being judged by these metrics.
clamp: (but actually, he is engaging in the same human behavior as he, too, is part of this society.)
so yeah, tokyo babylon is amazing and heartbreaking and I will continue to recommend it 20 years after reading it, 30 years after its publication. if you haven't read it, do yourself a favor and check out the yen press release soon. it's good.
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