#babybai (verse)
bai-jiejie · 2 years
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The dusk sky paints the park in beautiful blues, oranges, pinks, and greys as the small, raggedy girl walks through it, cradling her carefully-scavenged donuts. Two of them! She doesn’t understand why stores throw out perfectly good food, but she’s certainly not complaining! That spot is a favourite of Jenny’s- No! No that’s not her name, her name is Zhenxi, that’s the name her mother gave her! As she nears her hiding spot, she looks around and frowns. The man who normally sleeps on the benches on the other side of the park has been following her since she passed him on the street. He must want my donuts. She can’t think of any other reason for him to have followed her. She turns to him, away from her hiding spot, determined to keep this one, and holds out a donut as he approaches. His smile as he takes it makes her skin crawl.
“What a kind girl,” he says, voice pitched weirdly. She takes a few steps back to bite into her now single donut, at the same time as he eats his. It’s over in a few bites, and she takes another couple of steps away as he finishes his as well.
He smiles again, and steps towards her. “What, no words for your uncle? How about a hug?” She tries to match his steps, keeping away, when suddenly he lunges for her. She manages to twist out of his reach, and runs. Heavy footsteps follow her, but fear gives her speed. “Come on, now, no need to run!”
She keeps going. She doesn’t know what he wants, doesn’t know of the girls that have gone missing in the past few years, but she does know that no one approaches her without wanting to hurt her.
She reaches the edge of the park, the one that leads into a run down area of town, and keeps going. There’s heavy breathing now along with the heavy footsteps. She should have gone to a more populated area, but it was too late now.
She turns a corner, abandoned buildings looming over her as she tries to find somewhere to hide. An dark alleyway seems a decent choice, but at the end is a wall, too tall for her to climb. She manages to try the handle of one locked door before feeling arms around her middle, yanking her away.
“Caught you~!” There’s a breathless giggle in her ear, moist and gross on her skin. She kicks back at him, missing his knees by miles. “Now don’t fight, don’t fight! We’re going to have so much fun~!” She screeches, wriggles and kicks some more but he only holds her tighter, hands burningly hot on her waist and arm. Her chest is tight, her mind only able to think no no no nononononono! There’s another heat, different to the sickening feel of his hands on her, just below her belly button. She struggles against the man as he hauls her back out of the alley. Her hat falls to the ground revealing tiny, nubby horns, just poking through her hair. “What the-“ The man pauses, but his grip never fails. He laughs and tries to nuzzle into her head as she screams and flails. “How interesting!” The heat in her navel grows outwards, filling her with a strange itchy feeling. “You’ll be so much fun to take apart~! I’ll find out what makes you tick~!”
There’s a abrupt burst of pain and her scream turns to a yowling screech as she twists in his arms to claw at him, suddenly more compact and flexible. He screams and it’s music to her as she bites his arm, she thinks, front and back claws shredding his front. The taste of blood on her tongue shocks her back to herself and she leaps away from him.
What? Adrenaline is surging through her and all she can think now is to get away. She stumbles at first, not used to four legs, but manages to run a few blocks, finding a hollow under some crumbling concrete stairs, and wedges herself in there. With some effort, she turns her body around, a hairless, almost scaly tail coming to rest on bloodied, white-furred paws.
What the fuck has she turned into?!
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