#audria scribbles
bigmac-macready · 9 months
MacReady love language Headcannons
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(in this au you meet and date mac after the events of the movie) warnings: so obnoxiously sappy and and sweet it will make your teeth hurt
• I don't even notice that Mac is reaching for my hand until I feel it. Tentatively his large hand closes over mine and I look down with a smile. With my noticing Mac retracts his hand in embarrasment to which I catch it and squeeze it tight. He smiles bashfully and squeezes mine back, running his rough thumb across my knuckles.
• The truck slows as we reach my house. "I had a good time tonight." Mac smiles softly. "I did too." He leans over and presses a soft kiss to my cheek, his beard brushing across my skin. "I'll see you later." I touch the place where he kissed me and feel my skin growing hot. "Uh huh–" I hop out of the cab, unable to keep the grin off of my face.
• At the drive-in Mac throws a bunch of large blankets into his truck bed and I hop in, patting the space next to me. He smiles softly and sit down next to me, wrapping an arm across my waist. I return his smile and snuggle down into the blankets, pulling him to where he's lying down, and I wrap my arms around him. Mac laughs softly and I hold him tight. I frown playfully. "I can't help it, you're like a big teddy bear." Mac smiles at me and meets my gaze. My stomach explodes with butterflies and before I can react he pulls me in close and kisses me.
• As Mac walks me home we talk more than we ever have before. Not about mindless stuff, but things I can tell he needed to get off of his chest. We stop outside my front porch and he looks up at the stars. "It's been a beautiful night..." He grins and meets my gaze. "Like you." I can't help but blush as I look at my feet. "I don't know about that–" Before I can react he wraps his arms around me in a strong embrace. "You are. You're wonderful." Pressed against his warm chest I can feel his steady heartbeat against mine. "I love you."
• "Ugh, I'm exhausted–" Before I can say another word Mac pulls me up into his arms. "Mac–" "Hush." He sits on the couch and pulls me into his lap. "Stay here for a bit, huh?" I wrap my arms around his neck and lay my head on his shoulder, loving his strong warm body against mine. "Ok." I cringe playfully as his scruffy jaw rubs against my skin as he kisses my cheeks and neck. "Aw quit!" Mac laughs genuinely for the first time and snuggles in close. "I can't help but love on you."
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
Post Movie MacReady x Reader Headcannons
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Really excited to post these because I'm hoping to post a fic related to them soon. Also cuz it'll be a year this Monday since I've been head over heels for this man (tw: mention of eating disorder and alcoholism)
Even though you are of course also affected with frostbite, not nearly as bad as Mac (seeing as he tried his best to protect you from the cold) so even though you are released a few weeks before him you still stay with him
You decide after that to share an apartment seeing as he needs time to heal and you still want to be with him
Since you don't have any previous trauma like Mac does, you are only put on partial disability, and decide to pick up a small job
For the first few months after he's out of the hospital it doesn't even feel like you're living with anyone, Mac is practically silent. Day in and day out all he does is watch TV and drink.
But with your help he pulls out of it a little, but not by much. When he does begin to speak with you his patience is thin and his temper is on edge. He sometimes gets upset because you take care of him. Either he feels that you shouldn't feel obligated to stay, or that he can take care of himself (he can't.)
You typically sleep separate unless one has a horrible nightmare, which Mac's are more frequent.
If you have a nightmare and he hears he'll check on you and stay with you, but unless his are so bad they keep you awake, he hates to be comforted.
However when they are that bad, he'll allow you to hold him and let him cry no matter how weak it makes him feel. Sometimes he'll even slip into bed with you and and try his best to fall back asleep.
Typically though, these happen when he's drank more than usual and passed out. The night of he allows himself to be vulnerable because he's frightened, but the morning after when he's hungover he tends to snap. Especially when you suggest that his drinking makes his nightmares worse.
And unfortunately besides those times, Mac tends to shy away from your affection.
It's not because he's fallen out of love- but even before everything happened he's never felt worthy of you, now even more.
He mostly hates the fact that you take care of him more than anything, he feels he's restricting you.
And he thinks his scars make him ugly, though after awhile they fade, some only making bare patches in his beard and a few across his cheeks.
He also hates his body more than anything, but what he doesn't understand is that when he starves himself it scares you. So you try and convince him that being a bit heavier than before is alright, he doesn't realize how much he's been through.
On a lighter note, there are good days.
After a while you manage to get him to help you cook, and it's slow work but it's good for him to learn to do things again. (Tbh probably for the first time he is a typical man.)
Sometimes you'll walk together to get some fresh air, or even go out grocery shopping together, it's the little things.
The days that are bittersweet is when he constantly remembers everything you do.
Some days when you are helping Mac get things ready for dinner and he's frustrated with himself, trying to convince him he's still so handsome, comforting him even when he's grumpy, or even just coming home from work, he realizes over and over again how much you mean to him.
It upsets him so much and it hurts to see him this way, but when this happens he holds you tight and you feel like crying because everytime it's "I love you so much...but I wish I knew it more."
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
You're All I've Got
First angsty Mac x reader fic hehehe. Yeah this has been sitting in my notes waiting to be finished, no tw
Despite my nights usually filled with images of what happened at Outpost 31, tonight I've had a surprisingly peaceful sleep. Until now at least. I don't really notice it at first, but muffled sounds make their way into my empty consciousness. Keeping my eyes closed I try to distinguish them, they sound like moans. It's strange but not enough to wake me completely– but a sharp yelp jolts me out of my sleep, a sound like someone being stuck with a hot poker.
"Mac! oh gosh..."
I quickly hop out of bed and move down the short hall to the living room. The room is filled with a muddled glow, as the TV is left on one of those scam commercials or whatever– I don't know. My gaze snaps to Mac on the couch, and thankfully at the right time. I grab him quickly as he nearly hits the ground, now twisting and turning as if someone is continually shaking him. And I do, gentler in comparison.
"Mac! Mac, it's alright!"
He moans lowly but as I touch him he yells again, his good hand gripping my forearm.
"No–! Don't touch them! Don't..."
I grit my teeth as his blunt fingernails dig into my skin. "Mac–I'm right here, you're ok–"
As I say this his eyes flick open, bloodshot and damp. "Y/n..." His chest stutters with exhaustion and he looks down to his hand locked onto my arm. "I–" He let's go and runs his hand across my arm, though merely bruised. And he clenches his jaw to hold back tears. "I'm sorry..." He lowers his head and wraps his arms around himself, and his chest stutters more with silent tears.
"Hey, no...it's ok." I sit down next to him and slip my arm around his waist. "It's not your fault."
Mac raises his head, his eyes red with tears. "That's all you ever say is that it's not my fault...I killed people I let people die. I–" He swallows and looks down at his hands to my bruised forearm. "I still don't know why you stay with me. It doesnt benefit you–it hurts you."
I can't help but sigh at this. Everytime this happens Mac always goes to hating himself. "Mac, you do know that it would hurt me worse not to be with you? A bruised arm is nothing, your nightmares are nothing. I love you."
Mac inhales shakily and lifts his head. "You shouldn't..."
My eyes widen and I can't help but grit my teeth at his stubbornness. "Mac, stop it."
My furrows his brow and huffs. "It's true, you shouldn't. I'm not worth anything."
Hearing this I stand up quickly, trying my best to not snap at him. I take a deep breath and try to push aside my own exhaustion and anger. "I know we go through this all the time...and you always forget, but you do realize you are all I've got? I'm not saying that's the only reason I stay, but when things are hard we take care of eachother. Sometimes it may feel like I'm just taking care of you, but we both do. I just want us both to be happy." I groan and drop my hands in defeat. "And I just wish you'd get that."
In that moment it seems like Mac changes right in front of me. No longer a scar and trauma ridden man, but a sad and lost little boy. Those striking blue eyes meet mine, welling up with tears again and filled with guilt. And I can't help but feel my heart crack. He rises slowly, even though he stands a good few inches above me at six feet, he seems so small. He squeezes me into a tight embrace and I feel his body shudder with more tears. "Y/n–" He clears his throat as his voice waivers. "Please forgive me, I just feel so stuck sometimes..."
I pull back and cup his face as his hands stay around my waist. I feel my eyes welling up with tears too and I try to smile, running my hands along his beard. "I know Mac, and it's hard for me too. But don't ever think that makes you any less worthy of me. I love you more than anything."
For the first time tonight Mac gives me a soft smile. "And I love you..." He kisses my lips gently and pulls me close once more. "I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you."
"Dang right..." I smile softly and run my fingers through his hair. Now that everything is settled down we can both at least try and get some sleep tonight. I break our embrace and take ahold of Mac's good hand, leading him to my bed. "Come on, let's at least try and get some sleep."
Mac drags his feet a little in protest. "No, honey–I'm fine." I shake my head firmly and pull him into bed. "It always helps you sleep the night through when you're with me, and I want to anyway."
Mac sighs with the shadow of a smile and slips in next to me. But his brow furrows as I wrap my arms around his waist. "What are you doing...?"
I smile and scoot a bit upward to where I'm holding him in my arms. "You're gonna be the little spoon tonight, bub."
Mac laughs softly at this and allows me to slip my arms around his waist. He adjusts himself a bit, and I feel his hand come to hold my forearm. "Is your arm alright?"
I smile softly and kiss his temple. "It's all good, don't worry about it." He rubs it softly for a moment and finally relaxes. My hands drift to his waist and rub his stomach and lower chest.
He sighs contently, but this turns into soft giggles and his hands find mine. "Baby, you're petting me like a dog."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No, it's just–"
Mac humphs and turns around to meet my gaze. "You don't have to do anything like this, but you do. And I never make it up to you– but I want to try harder."
I nod despite the lump forming in my throat, as I try to suppress the fact that he has promised me this before. "Ok..."
Mac notices this and tilts my chin up gently, and this time there is stern sincerity in his eyes. "I mean it."
I smile at this and Mac returns it, giving me a small kiss on the cheek, and I playfully cringe as his beard scratches my cheek. "Because you're right, we only have eachother."
Snuggling in close I kiss him once more. "I love you, Mac, and I believe you."
"I love you too."
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
Post film MacReady Headcannons
Um so- these are extra frickin depressing sorry, but im also going to do some mac x reader post movie hcs too, to make it a little better (tw: nightmare gore, mentions of eating disorder, alcoholism)
Mac is barely conscious when being airlifted, but with his paranoia he nearly snaps as he is absolutely terrified of the paramedics being the thing and afraid that he could also be affected
He has to be sedated and once they reach civilization he spends about a month in the hospital
Thankfully he only loses one finger on his right but about three on his left, a few toes, but he also has bad scarring all across his face
Despite his body healing in the hospital, he needs years to heal mentally
He's put on disability for PTSD because this trauma on top of Vietnam is horrible for him
For the first month out of the hospital he barely speaks at all, he's almost in a daze
His insomnia is practically crippling now, so in this time he'll just sit, maybe the television is on but he's not really watching
When he can actually sleep it's hell-
Usually his nightmares are of his horrifying fear of the thing lying dormant inside him like Norris, he usually will wake up nearly screaming as visions of his abdomen splitting in two into a gruesome mess still plague his mind, a few times its so bad he throws up
Other times he's plagued with the guilt of killing Clark, and the fact that he couldn't save Copper, Gary, or Nauls 
Either way it feels as if he'll never sleep decently ever again
Despite how stupid it may seem, he'll always have a flame thrower, and even though he doesn't smoke there's always a lighter in his pocket
He hates touching people and avoids them as much as he can, which unfortunately isn't much
So he goes out for groceries once every few weeks and that's about it
His drinking habits worsen and on top of that so do his eating habits
His weight tends to fluctuate as he either drinks all the time and eats the others
So when he binge eats he feels disgusted of himself and he'll starve himself and drink to make him feel better
He avoids dogs as much as he can, a siberian husky could practically send him into a panic attack at this point
On a lighter note he can have alright days sometimes. When he goes out every once in awhile he likes to go out late, so that he can take walks without any fear
They're practically the only thing that makes him happy even for a little while because he can just get a breath of fresh air
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
Gabe Cash Headcannons
Ahhhh finally writing for Kurt again, I can't believe I've never done anything for Gabe before (tw: none)
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He grew up in foster care, seeing as it mentions in the movie that he has no family I decided to go in this direction
He couldn't read well at all until fourth grade, but after that even though his progress was slower than most he grows to enjoy it
But Gabe also picked fights in elementary and middle school, even if some were being teased about reading and his "home life" and such he still liked to show off against other boys
However he began playing baseball in high-school so he made some friends
He's afraid of the dark and getting close to people because he was tossed around so many foster homes
Also not as sad- he has a weird fear of cats "they're the spawn of Satan I swear" you'd think he was just trying to be manly, no he's genuinely scared of them
Gabe says he wanted to be a cop on a whim and just a little kid dream
He really just wanted to help people out like no one helped him...and of course it makes him feel cool and all of the neighborhood kids think he's cool
He loves talking to people and making jokes but he can never make any deep friends and everyone is just kind of acquainted with him. The kids in his neighborhood though, they can't get enough of him. And Gabe won't deny that it makes him happy.
When he was little he'd always find things to obsess over to make him feel better and he would constantly quote them at school and play pretend
Some examples are: Davey Crockett, The Lone Ranger, The Great Escape, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, and The Twilight Zone
A lot of other boys would get in on this at first but Gabe would get so excited and talk so much they'd get annoyed of him
He's saving up to move to a pet-friendly apartment because he's always dreamed of having a dog
His first job was working at a pizza place and even though he looks like he just loves it he's a pizza connoisseur. Because of that he's actually a really good cook but he just chooses to eat out a lot because he works so much
His bad habit is stretching things beyond the truth because he's done it since he was little (told everyone at school his dad was Clint Eastwood and he was just too busy working to live with him) So even though he is a very active cop...you may hear some tall tales. So no he's never jumped onto a moving car and no he's never had an actress girlfriend
Gabe also loves collecting little knick knacks from wherever he's been (mugs, figurines, magnets)
Because when he turned eighteen he wanted to travel around a bit before going into the police academy and he's worked in multiple towns
He also collects the Sunday cartoon papers because he loves them. Garfield and The Peanuts are his favorites.
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
winter day headcannons with mr rj mccready himself?
Ahhh thank you for the Mac request!! <33 For these headcannons it'll be post the movie but you and Mac live more around a still cold area because you prefer it
Because of your location you'd both definitely be off whatever you job you have because of snow
So this of course equals sleeping in
Despite maybe not sharing the same bed all year, if it's cold and snowy you definitely sleep in the same bed because snuggling with Mac is definitely the most enjoyable thing of all time (he honestly likes when you say he's comfy because we all know he is)
A big breakfast just sets up a good day, I don't think Mac would cook all the time but the few times you can have breakfast he likes to
Mac is a tough guy but when it comes to cuddling on the couch he's all for it, so that's where you will probably spend 50% of the day
Even though it is nice hanging out inside it looks so beautiful outside with all of the snow you have to drag him off the couch to go outside for a walk which may also include pummeling him with snowballs when he's not looking
Despite both of you getting soaked with snow you'd probably have to frickin comb through his mess of hair because he's a turd and refuses to wear a hat unless it's 30 below
The rest of the day would be spent inside and all cozied up with him watching movies and eating junk food
You'd both definitely end up crashing on the couch all wrapped up in his arms and you wouldn't want to leave but with it being practically a blizzard you just do it all over again
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
MacReady x reader HCs
finally writing for kurt!! so of course I have start with the character that set this whole thing off (part 1 this is like the flirting stage idk)
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I don't think Mac is a shy person whatsoever, but he just keeps to himself
This is upped a thousand times after what he went through because he does not trust ANYONE he knows it's stupid but he's now engraved the idea that anyone could turn on him at any moment
Because of this he would take his time to get to know you even though he falls as soon as he locks eyes with you, and he hates that he does
Honestly I bet this boy had a girl he took to prom once and that's it, maybe he's flirted alot but he's been looking for the perfect person and that's you
After looking you over for awhile and maybe becoming your friend first, he finds you absolutely perfect, and even if he'll still be careful he turns on his charm
This is the MacReady that makes you blush, makes you daydream about him, wish to see him
I don't see him as being quiet but not talkative either, but he is usually quite serious which is why his charm is so significant
His charm definitely comes from the way he can let himself bond with you, he'll laugh and smile, but then he can slip in a compliment that you'll be thinking about for weeks and give you a wink and be gone
He likes it that way, not to be mean, but he likes to leave you hanging and watch how you blush
He grows to want to see you as much as he can because he can actually talk with you, and you turn on your own compliments and he goes nuts
He definitely goes nuts because you know most guys get the "you're handsome" and that's it, but you compliment the little things (his eyes, his dimples, his beard, his hair) and yes definitely his build which he blushes red
Mac would do this for awhile because he likes to build up to asking you out, and because he's afraid he's not good enough for you
Of course when he does, you answer in a split second and he grins, he'd take you on a simple date, probably the movies but then he'd crack and tell you how much he loves you
You'd kiss on the first date idc, honestly because once you share you real real feelings it feels like you've been in a relationship the entire time
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
MacReady x Reader HCs part 2
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part two besties!! now we are delving into love languages, dating, and such (really no te just mentions of ptsd nightmares)
Like I said before, Mac is the type of person to fall in love immediately, but it takes him awhile to think you're dating
Not because he doesn't like you, obviously, but because he doesn't want to weird you out by saying he's your boyfriend on the 2nd date
But you'll also get this scenario:
"it was nice hanging out with you"
"Mac we literally cuddled all night and you've been my boyfriend for five months"
Once he does finally figure out you do love him back he'll constantly tell you how he's all yours
I see him as calling you sweetheart kinda guy, the occasional beautiful if he's feeling extra lovey that day
Honestly after you've passed the dinner dates and movie stage you guys would probably be the sleepovers with take out and cuddles kind of couple
Despite other things, my man has no shame in cuddling
Sitting in his lap, head on his chest, held in his arms, he'll take it all (and i mean no shame because he would definitely nuzzle your neck with that hobo beard whether you like it or not)
Another plus for cuddling with you is it helps him sleep
After the incident he has insomnia even worse, and when he can sleep he has nightmares
He still has nightmares sometimes with you, and he apologizes everytime because you usually end up waking up, he also gets embarrassed because he's cried once or twice, but you of course remind him he doesn't have to apologize
I don't care if it's a basic concept you would steal he's clothes
I mean come on, I imagine him having a weirdly nice musk, ( probably like leather and five dollar cologne or something)
He loves when you run your hands through his hair, he's considered chopping it off but of course that is unacceptable
He's not about aggressive pda but he definitely likes to hold your hand
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bigmac-macready · 2 years
Rewriting Ego's entire character yee yee
Ok ok ok. So what I was originally thinking was just y'know–making him human, but that is too simple. If I eventually write and or draw for this story it must have ✨angst✨ So he's still a celestial or whatever.
Just like in the movie, Ego has spent so long looking for his purpose, he's traveled all around the galaxy yet he can't find it. It's not until he reaches the faraway planet of earth that he realizes the simple yet significant purpose in his life: love. Unfortunately throughout his thousands of years of existence Ego has the ongoing fear of staying too long away from his planet and withering away to nothing. This fear hits him even harder as he cannot resist visiting Meredith as often as possible, but he still forces himself to go back to his planet for a span of time before he visits her again. He is torn when Meredith becomes pregnant. He can either stay with her for as long as the attachment to his planet permits, but he feels that may be only a few years. Or leave her before the child even comes and spare her from him passing.
Ego settles on leaving her, but it eats him alive because he knows she loved him too. And the fact that he's leaving her alone to raise Peter. For awhile he tries to push it away out of selfishness. He built himself up from nothing but a brain, why would he want to throw it all away? Over the years however, he can't push it away any longer, and he decides to find a way to have his child at least visit him. He contacts Yondu having heard his able to travel practically anywhere, and Ego is too afraid to confront Meredith. He just really wants his child to see his planet and who he really is and bring him back to his mother because Ego decides a few more years with them is better than nothing. Well Yondu takes Pete and y'know how that goes...But we'll save that for if I actually write :))
That was so much oh my lord, um yeah
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