#atvir dres
The followers' favorite companion/best friend, including modded and base game/DLC NPC's (but excluding the DB)?
Well, #1 on the list will always be Inigo and Lucien. They are besties on every level. They're platonic soulmates. Bros. Homies. Inigo and the LDB's friendship is great but I am so drawn to his relationship with Lucien. It's just so authentic. It progresses realistically and it's just! so! good! They should never be separated. They are a package deal.
Hear me out but Lucifer and Nebarra. Are they each other's favorites? No. Are they best friends? Also not really but I definitely think they have a weird frenemy love to hate you relationship. They love fucking with each other. Also, somebody has to say it but Luci is just as mean MAYBE even more so than Nebs. They have a lot more in common than they're willing to admit. I do think they'd be genuine besties on Solstheim. On Nebarra's part anyway. He would find Lucifer's "Kill the Dragonborn" comments hilarious then he'd be super disappointed after he went back to normal.
OH AND BEST GIRLS AURI AND ZORA. They would vibe so goddamn hard. If I could ask the Skyrim gods for anything it would be for these two to interact. Their humor is so similar and they have such interesting backgrounds!!! They'd be besties I know it in my heart.
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lith-myathar · 10 years
Atvir's Lament
Custom music for a Skyrim follower mod.
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Hey, I saw the Atvir Dres post you reblogged, and figured I'd mention he was ported to SE late 2020 by KaptainCnucklz. I don't know if it's safe for AN Skyrim, though. It's a straight port with AsaRuth's bugfixes included, no development. To my knowledge, no one has taken up the mantle of continuing the mod, unfortunately. Still, if you didn't know, now you do. Kinda lucky, since I saw the port browsing nexus just yesterday.
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