#asking for help from geologists and witches
plothika · 10 months
Is anyone really good with crystals here?? Can someone pls help me identify some of my collection that were given to me over time?? I need help 😭
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I flipped em over for the second picture, I've managed to id most of my collection but these ones are proving very difficult, tysm if you help <3
If you want a numbered picture or close ups of any of them dm me i got lazy lol
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Three Examples of Water Dowsing
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Dosing is a form of pseudoscience, in which practitioners use 'earth vibrations' or 'water vibrations' to locate buried metals, gemstones, oil, gravesites, and other materials. The methods are based on intuition, rather than scientific apparatus. They can be used in the home, in the workplace, and for a variety of other purposes. Here are three examples of practical applications of Dowsing Service Kentucky.
When it comes to detecting underground water, dowsers often use a divining rod. The rod is usually a branch from a tree. The 'dowser' holds both ends with the stem facing forward, then walks over the area searching for water. When the rod is pulled downward, the water is present. If the rods do not cross, then the water is not present. If the rods are crossed, the 'dowser' has located the water.
The forked stick method involves holding two forks in front of you with your palms facing up, the bottom end of the "Y" should point upward at a 45-degree angle. Walk over the area and observe which end rotates when it passes over the source of water. If the stick moves, then it means that there is water there. It is a simple yet effective method. Dosers use a technique called ideomotor action to detect water.
Some Energy Clearing Louisville  integrate a little science into their divining, using topography and geology to find underground water. Others use simple pendulums, but they are generally right. Most 'water witches' use a forked stick, although other 'dowsers' may use electrical instruments and elaborate boxes. And some even believe in the magical power of a forked stick to predict the location of underground water.
Fortunately, there is scientific evidence to back up this method. The United States Geological Survey states that most geologists do not support dowsing, despite its popularity. While many dowsers believe it to be useful, most are skeptical. Dosers rely on instinct and experience to identify the presence of underground water. This is why a lot of landowners hire dowsers to find a successful well.
Water dowsing is a way to locate underground water. However, this method is not a foolproof method. There are some scientific studies that support this method. For example, More, B.M., found that the physics of dowsing can increase the gravitational force. But, it is not proven to be so. The techniques are still used in the field, and the results are not conclusive. Knowledge is power and so you would like to top up what you have learned in this article at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reiki.
Some dowsing tools are used to locate underground water. For example, a dowsing rod can help you find a pipe by focusing on its depth. During a sham dowsing session, you can ask a dowser to find a pipe. It is the easiest way to do it, and it will be a fascinating experience. And if you do not know where to look, you can even hire someone to do it for you.
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witchyfictional · 2 years
Week 7 (SPRING 7/13)
Professional Log of Harper Tobin, Journeyman Witch
Patient: Susan Chert, local geologist
Ailment: Dwarven Lung [cough*] [lungs**] Too much time spent in the mining sites along the foothills near Moonbreaker Mountain, and probably a neglect of proper safety equipment (like breathing masks).
Recommend: Gull-Drake Guano alone will smooth out coughing and clear the lungs (it’s gross but it works), but for Dwarven Cough there tends to be far too much build-up, so this time the lung damage will require something stronger. Raw Dentist Crab gel should be strong enough.
Field Notes:
While catching extra Dentist Crabs I came across a third chest from the underwater pirate wreck, this time full of what might have been incredibly fancy hats - but unfortunately all waterlogged, thanks to a small hole in the corner of the chest.
As I was collecting the Gull-Drake Guano, I spotted a glimmer in the water and thought it might be something nifty, so I went to take a look. It was a small, corked bottle with a rolled up message inside - which is unexpected, what with this being a lake. Why would someone throw a message in a bottle into a lake, where it can’t go anywhere? I opened it to see what it said and the message was as odd as the circumstance, only asking a list of personal questions and requesting a reply. It instructed the finder of this note ot simply toss their reply back into the water to send it back. My curiosity was piqued enough to prompt me into replying - I wonder if it will really get back to its original sender?
I spent the rest of my time at the Loch collecting as many Slime Shells as I could possibly find for the management of Bàs Bàta’s shattered tooth. I was highly successful, despite several very curious incidents (enough for eight doses).
One notable encounter was with a siren I haven’t seen or heard before. I was out on the water when I found it suddenly hard to think, strongly compelled to swim out to some distant rocks toward the sound of singing. The way he sang was somewhere between a human voice and birdsong, strange but wondrously lovely. He stopped abruptly when he saw me and flushed red with shame, immediately falling into apologies. I asked why he was all alone in the Loch - usually sirens travel in flocks, or so I’ve been told, and since the males are rare, I’ve never heard of one traveling without his mates. He hedged around my questions, seeming reluctant to answer, and hastily offered me a Wigfish wig he’d picked up as an apology for interrupting my day. I can’t say no to such quality reagents, so I accepted, but when I looked up again he was already gone with a flurry of his wings.
Baffled, but pleased with my newly acquired prize, I continued with my exploration and came across another stranger - a very kind dwarf out fishing, who invited me into his boat. His name was Raggen Gabbro, and he spoke with me for a good while about his own explorations of the Loch. He seems to know quite a lot, and I appreciated his insight and advice. When we parted, he directed me to where I might find some Gas Weed, which was much appreciated.
I was eventually chased out of the water again by Bàs Bàta’s tortured thrashing. I feel for the creature but I certainly don’t want to be anywhere near it while it’s mad with pain. I hope I can gather enough ingredients to help it, soon. I doubt any human-portioned remedy will be effective. I briefly returned to the huge nest in the rocks that I found last week, and to my delight found that the Amethyst Antler shards were still there among the eggs - but again I was pecked away by the vigilant mama bird before I could grab them.
I spent the rest of my foraging at the Loch following those unidentified footprints all along the shore. I tripped over half-buried items in the sand at least three times along the way - there is a lot of flotsam and junk left by people all over the beach. The upside was that I also found a substantial pile of Deep Reed that had also washed ashore. As the sun set, I spotted the familiar shape of the ghost ship Capybara cresting into the bloody horizon once again, so I got back in my canoe and headed over for a visit. I ended up spending the entire night partying with the raucous spirits, losing track of time so badly that I got unceremoniously dunked in the water at dawn when they retreated again beneath the waves.
When I swam back to shore, I stubbed my toe on something half buried in the wet sand. When I dug it up and rinsed it in the waves, I was startled to find a small, empty box carved from ancient coral. It looked extremely old, crusted a little with the fossils of other sealife around the edges. The strangest part was that I saw, carved into the inner lid of it, a sigil - the same sigil printed on all the leftover containers and equipment in my Apothecary. Kevyn’s personal sigil.
Except this time, in addition to the signature swirling pattern, there was a word engraved around the symbol - “Orendal.” If this were written anywhere else, I would have taken this for something in a language I didn’t understand…But the way this was written matches too exactly with the way ancient master witches left their marks. Nowadays people tend to forego the name and only leave the sigil, but in more ancient times they almost always used both, according to my studies. “Orendal” is almost certainly a name...although why it’s written along with Kevyn’s personal sigil is a mystery to me. It can’t be that Kevyn copied the sigil - every witch must have their own, and every one must be unique, like a fingerprint.
When I retuned home, I compared it to the versions I have around the cottage, and confirmed - this is absolutely Kevyn’s sigil, but for some reason paired with a different name. Could “Orendal” actually be Kevyn’s real name? Or perhaps, a previous name he’s long since left behind? But if so, how on earth did it come to be on such an incredibly ancient object? I had no time to fully dwell on this, since I still had a remedy to make, but I set the box in a safe place to contemplate at a later time.
“Cough Quencher”
Crush the dried Gull-Drake guano into fine dust
Boil the the resulting powder and strain well
Spoon in raw Dentist Crab claw gell until the mixture thickens and smooths
End result should be something like a vaguely fishy yogurt
Paid: 30 silver Despite the strange taste, it works fast, and Susan was already breathing better as she left.
Additional Notes:
I spent the next several days going back up the mountain and repairing Dwayne the stone golem, and at last I deemed him fully healed, to the best of my ability. He can’t speak, but he seemed very grateful, and  nearly crushed me in an earnest but uncomfortable hug. Unexpectedly, he ended up following me back down the mountain. I didn’t protest, as long as he was careful where he stepped, although I wasn’t sure what more he wanted of me. After a complicated game of pantomime, I gathered that he wanted to stay with me and repay me for my help. I certainly don’t mind the company, so I agreed, and was able to direct him to an uncluttered portion of the land left to me by Kevyn. I’ll have to teach him to write if we want any extensive conversations, though.
I also went to Hero’s Hollow this week in search of powerful painkillers, and with Shadow’s help I was able to procure a bit of Vampire Venom without issue. While sneaking away from the coffin room I did end up triggering a trap and falling into a stone cell for a while, which was frustrating, but I was thankfully rescued not long after. A beautiful woman with hair like spilled ink and eyes like pale glass showed up and looked in on me, calling down to ask if I needed help. I expected her to throw down a rope, but instead I found myself levitating all the way back to the top to greet her. Her skin was a deep cerulean blue. She wore a lavishly embroidered gown and glittered with gems and jewelry, looking as elegant as a queen - which is certainly not what I expected in a dungeon.
I thanked her for her help, and she asked what my business was in the Hollow. I could have asked her the same, but instead I told her I was looking for ingredients to create a remedy for Bàs Bàta. I guess this was the right thing to say, because she immediately turned from aloof and suspicious to charming and courteous. She introduced herself as Yeza, Dark Ruler of the Underlands and Master of Shadows. It was quite a title, and I suddenly felt silly and shabby, but she was very sweet to me from then on. She apologized for the inconvenience of my falling into one of the many traps, and invited me for dinner in her throne room. I’ve never been in a throne room before.
I follower her safely through the deepest parts of her domain - protected from its various threats only by her presence, I suspect - and we entered a much more lavish and elegant wing of the Hollows than I ever imagined was there. It was less “dank dungeon” and more like a hidden underground palace. She clapped her hands for attendants and we were served one of the strangest and yet most decadent meals I have ever eaten. We ended up getting along very well. I told her of my explorations in the Hollow and how I’ve helped people with the things I’ve collected, and she was surprisingly eager to assist in my endeavors. She said the last witch, Kevyn, had been too obsessed with his own convoluted dealings, and never would have wanted to help poor Bàs Bàta. Apparently Kevyn hated Bàs Bàta, but when I asked her why she kept changing the subject.
She asked if I’ve ever met someone like her before - blue, that is - and I said no. She asked if I’ve ever heard of something called the Strange, and I said no again. She said that she wanted to help me by granting me passage to her original home plane, for the purpose of finding other kinds of reagents that might be useful to me, and I got extremely excited. I’ve read about the possible existence of other planes but never dreamed I’d get to see one in person. When we finished dinner, she led me back up into the shabbier side of the Hollow and showed me the way to an incongruous fancy archway standing empty and useless in the middle of a hall. After Yeza chanted a while in a language I couldn’t understand, the empty air beneath the arch began to swirl with deep blue and violet-black light
This is the portal to the Strange.
I wanted to explore it right away, but for once my better sense held me back, and I told Yeza that I would rather return with the proper equipment for a full expedition. She wrote down instructions on a scrap of parchment to instruct me on how to open the portal myself, for which I thanked her profusely, and we parted ways. I cannot wait to actually go through, when I can set aside the time. I am absolutely thrilled.
OOC: Rep – 12 [Intermediate] Silver – 126 Tools – basics / coracle Familiar skill – Hunter (-3 Animal reagent rarity) Golem Helper – getting settled Upgrades – garden plot (x1; Surgeon Sap)
Surplus reagents: ** Surgeon Sap [wound] [burn] [+1s]  — (freely available) *** Amethyst Antlers [magic] [curse] [mood] — (x1) ~Candy Rock [+4s] — (x1) * Deep Reed [ear] [blood] [stomach] — (x1) ** Dentist Crabs [teeth] [mouth] [lungs] [infection] — (x1) ** Foot Fungus [burn] [boils] [rash] [+2p] — (x1) *** Fossil Fish [time] [magic] — (x1) * Gas Weed [lungs] — (x1) *** Ghost Goo [spirit] [curse] — (x1) ** Glittersnow [curse] [magic] — (x1) * Hermit Snails [wound] [bones] — (x1) *** Innocent’s Suffering [pain] [sleep] [nerves] [wound] — (x1) ! *** Jumpkin [stomach] [cold] — (x1) ** Milkstone [teeth] [pain] — (x1) *** Moon Moss [blood] [curse] — (x1) ** Princess Toad [wart] [rash] [mood] — (x1) * Scramble Bramble [mood] [senses] [+1p] — (x1) ** Shockfish [nerves] [pain] [boils] — (x1) * Silverleaf [infection] [rash] — (x1) * Skullcap [poison] [pain] — (x2) ** Slime Shells [parasite] [infection] [blood] — (x10) *** Vampire Venom [curse] [pain] [mood] — (x1) *** Wigfish [mood] [sleep] [hair] — (x2)
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maryellencarter · 6 years
What is your middle name? -- You know, about a year ago in a D&D session, I was attempting to sass the big bad (I’m much better at sass when I have time to think about it, D&D is such a time pressure that I’ve wound up playing much more of a strong silent type than I intended), and I said “Defiance is my middle name” and the DM wound up making Defiance the name of the country my character is from. Which is a delightful sort of NYC/Vegas mashup, quite different from Defiance, Ohio. ^_^ Also the capital city is called Skreuyu (pronounced, of course, Screw-you). :D
What are you passionate about? -- Dear god. What aren’t I passionate about? O_O I could attempt a brief and incomplete list, but this is a long meme anyway. ;-) Besides, you’re here, you’ll hear about it all sooner or later. XD
Zebra or leopard print? -- Either one, but only if it’s in day-glo neon rainbow colors. And not to wear, particularly. Fake-fur blankets and pillows, mostly. Lisa Frank was... a formative influence. ^_^ If I ever have money to actually decorate a place of my own, it’s gonna look very much like Wes Janson decorated it, although possibly with fewer Ewoks. (I do have a BB-8 penny bank, though.)
Do you have any fears? -- Honestly, at this exact moment, I’m too damn sleep-deprived to know. XD When I’m awake it’s probably social anxiety stuff. When I wake up at 4am tomorrow in my car, I may or may not be having the kind of weird quasi-psychotic fears that come with a certain level of sleep deprivation, where I’m suddenly convinced my laptop is going to eat me. Right now, nothing especially comes to mind.
Silver or gold? -- To wear? Gold. My skin corrodes silver. But as a color, I like silver better.
Top three places to visit? -- Ooh. Um. That I’ve been to, or not? I want to go back to Washington DC, and someday I want to be extremely sane and go back to Indiana, and someday I’d like to go back to the Black Hills and see all the geology tourism things, because the only one I saw as a kid was Mount Rushmore, which is more of a colonialism tourism thing. That I’ve not been to... Scotland, maybe? And Hawaii and Yellowstone, again for the geology nerdery? I feel like there are places I’ve very specifically wanted to go someday that I’m blanking on.
Where are you from? -- Indiana, once upon a time. Love the place, cannot deal with the people. Miss the snow. And the autumn leaves. And the library.
First career you wanted as a child? -- Paleontologist, best I can remember. Some things stay pretty constant. I don’t have the physical health to be a geologist anymore, if I ever did, but damn, I still want to take some more classes or keep up with the field somehow.
What’s your sign? -- You know, I’m not being bothered with this at the moment. I’m sure it’ll come up in a reblog pretty soon, I do those memes a lot.
Future names of your children? -- I refuse to have any. Five generations my bio-family has fucked up, all by trying too damn hard not to be their mothers. I will be a weird adopted relative and not name anybody anything.
What are you listening to right now? -- A fifteen-minute instrumental cover of “Turkey in the Straw”, to block out the myriad noises of the fast food place so I can think words. I’ve been looping it for hours and I’ll presumably be looping it for hours more.
Do you believe in fate/destiny? -- I have a lot of weird conflicting opinions about things like fate and destiny. I think if the universe is being... directed, by a god or fate or destiny or anything with intelligence or purpose, it’s an asshole and ought to be punched. It’s not actually any less depressing if the universe is being run by random chance and just happens to shake out in ways that make it seem like it’s being run by an asshole, but it’s less angering. *tries to word* I do get the feeling, the... desire for shit to have a purpose and to make sense, but a big part of me thinks that’s pareidolia or something related. It’d be nice if all this bullshit was eventually gonna shake out to me being either a stable human being or an epic hero, but I strongly doubt it. (And even if it did, a smart enough god should be able to get me there with less suffering, if it wanted to. So at minimum, if there’s a fate or god or destiny directing me, it’s either sort of incompetent, or motivated by priorities like taking the most direct route rather than minimizing the chances for me to die along the way, or it’s kind of a sadist. Sorry, I have Feelings about this one.)
Ethan, however, has a take that I think is... relevant, to the state of the world at the moment. He thinks the specifics of the world at any given time are all determined by chaos and random motion, but that there’s a cosmic balance between... stuff that’s very hard to give names to. “Good and evil” is part of it. “Order and entropy” might be a little closer. “Light and darkness”, whatever. But there’s this cosmic balance, and if, say, the Forces of Evil or whatever you want to call them... if something pushes too hard in one direction, tries to make one side win, the universe is gonna bounce back. There’s always gonna be that push-pull. Lots of people can get hurt or killed in the process, but because Ethan and I both read LOTR at formative ages, where we wind up at is the line “They cannot conquer forever”. You can’t have... you can’t get stuck. This is probably terribly Manichaean or something of us, but right now that’s the best I can word. That there’s always gonna be the thing you are Against, but there’s also always gonna be the thing you are For, even if one of them gets pretty squished for a while.
What are your career goals? -- Sometimes what you want to be when you grow up is “paid”. ;P I’d like to reach a point where I never have to ask the internet for money again, while continuing to be alive, and maybe can even give other people money. Help support my friends, travel around doing meetups, go to conventions or whatever, maybe do some cosplay. What exact job I’d be doing, Chaos only knows.
What is your favorite color? -- Blue. Royal blue, midnight blue, cobalt blue. Often with stars on.
What is your favorite flower? -- Uh. I’m gonna say these little striped white and purple crocuses that would come up through the snow in the spring? I loved those.
What was the first concert/show you attended? -- The Monkees 45th anniversary reunion concert. I said at the time that I’d blown five years of luck on the improbable string of coincidences that led to me getting there, but I’m so damn glad it happened, because I enjoyed it immensely, and Davy Jones died before what would have been their 50th. And hey, that was 2011, maybe I’m accumulating some luck again. ;-)
Something you are working on right now? -- This meme? XD In more general terms, reblobbenating some really old posts from my previous blog, as well as filling up my queue from same. It’s pretty slow going.
Have you ever had a near-death experience? -- Not the sort where you see a tunnel of light or go out of your body. Just the kind where you nearly die. :P
Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? -- Pfffft. Time management is something that happens to other people. ;P Occasionally I do get something done right away, but mostly it’s the night before deadline, or sometimes the night after. o_O Maybe when I have some spoons I’ll be better at that.
Left or right handed? -- Right. Very much so. My left hand is clumsy enough that I never did really get the hang of playing the piano with both hands, and I still struggle with video games that aren’t Mass Effect. (I’m good at Mass Effect because I’ve been playing it for something like five years at this point. ^_^)
TV Shows and anime you watch regularly -- Hah. I don’t watch anything regularly. I don’t even read books regularly, I go through phases where I don’t read a book for months and then suddenly I’m reading ten in a day. And I don’t do open canons, anyway; they interact badly with my particular anxieties and stress levels.
Halloween costume idea for this year? -- I generally default to a cowboy or a pirate. I also have a witch hat now. But I might come up with something else. Living in an apartment complex, though, there will be no trick-or-treaters, so unless I wind up working somewhere that does Halloween costumes, the point is rather moot.
What is your relationship status? -- Single, aromantic, have never dated anyone, would rather like a primary relationship at some point but that’s an issue for when I can support myself. :P
Last movie you just watched? -- I genuinely don’t know. Probably Black Panther? No, that was like February. Hot Fuzz?
A song that’s been stuck in your head? -- This very seldom happens to me. I think the last one was Janice Buckner’s “Strange Friends”, a little-known ‘80s children’s song, of which I can remember neither the tune nor the lyrics. Usually I can at least remember the lyrics even if I don’t know what tune they went to.
A book you want to read/have recently read? -- Erm. I just reread Aaron Allston’s X-wing books, if you can call it rereading when I was mostly skimming looking for good tumblr URLs (I found a lot, but none that felt like me). I’m not really in a reading phase at the moment, so.
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gargoylepastures · 7 years
-you’re a human who stumbles into this neighborhood of just a bunch of witches/wizards/magicky peoples
-as you play through the different witches teach you their magic types
-tarot witch teaches you how to read cards, queue in cute reading options including lovers cards, and something about fate, if you choose this route then you start collecting cards on your dates that represent how well they went       - the reading on the final date is like destiny for them to be together       - that entire story line would be called “signs point to yes” or something  -the cooking witch who you totally try to bake a love cake for and he’s just like honey no. this is how its done.        - owns either a bakery or no kidding a five star restaurant/ is a cook somewhere really cool        -FOODTRUCK COOKING WITCH BABE -Green witch who’s a florist, teaches you flower meanings, if you do really well on some of the dates, will send you different flowers, last date you arrange a bouquet for them <3 -chakra witch massage therapist. really cheesy scenes. just imagine it. “you look like you’ve had a bad day, I can fix that if you’d like. you hold a lot of tension in your vishuddha.” meditating while holding hands “you balance me.” -Potions witch owns a bar, really chill. offers you different drinks for different moods.  teaches you some ultimate mixing techniques, you go on an errand to get some obscure ingredients and then give her them and shes just head over heels “i was totally joking oh my gosh how did you find this!??”  -Inscriptions Witch three words: MAGICAL LOVE LETTERS. also librarian or an editor or an AUTHOR     -A POET -Lunar Witch moonlit walks through the central parks. “excuse me are you insinuating that i dance naked in moonlight?”      “would it be awkward if i said yes??”       “I mean, you wouldn’t be wrong.” -Water witch  LIFEGUARD, professional swimmer, etc. HAS MERMAID FRIENDS. CUTE SWIMMING STUFF. A DATE TO THE BEACH. SWIMMING POOL AFTER HOURS -Necromancer COLLECTS DEAD THINGS. finds like roadkill and has a whole bunch of undead cats and trash cats running around her apartment. really doesnt like seeing anything die. total sweetheart, spends all her money on food for animals shes resurrected. -Psychic KNOWS YOU’RE GONNA TALK TO THEM BEFORE YOU DO. You get to try to be unexpected when you ask them out and they just think youre the cutest the more you try.and then you catch them off guard and its super super super sweet cause they freak out and start blushing from head to toe      -shows up at your door with your favorite snacks when you have a bad day         -or to pick you up for lunch when you finally decide to ask them out -Pyro Witch  who owns WAY too many candles, and somehow has them all lit, all the time and hasnt burned anything down in a while. SUPER WARM. ALL THE TIME= great cuddles on a date that gets unexpectedly cold and no one has a sweater and shes just like ive goT THIS.       -serious tobacco aficionado, 3edgy5me smokes like shes on fire       -ORANGE HAIR. that lights on fire when shes mad, smokes when shes embarrassed, sizzles etc.       - FIRE FIGHTER BABE -Fauna Witch co-owns an antique store with a, secretly keeps a pet dragon in there who poses as a statues when there are unfriendly guests. the backroom is a portal to a fucKIN ZOO no its actually just her house. she has 300 acres and enough animals to fit there.      -takes care of chimaeras and wounded magical animals with some help from white witches and the brothers at the apothecary.      -imagine a date to find nessie.     -literally camping trips to meet big foot because she’s a huge fan of his work.        -RIDING A PEGASUS INTO THE SUNSET -Crystal witch GEOLOGIST SWEETHEART. sneaks crystals home from dig sites if she determines theyre not necessary to the find. one time convinced her superiors to let her bring home a dino bone.      -she keeps it above her mantle,       -somehow crystals are growing all over her apartment in unexplained places.          - *pours milk for tea* “oh dear would you look at that, it’s crystallized again.” “again??? what do you mean again?” “it just sort of happens sometimes.” -Apothecary Witch BROTHERS  you can literally date either of them.  own an apothecary, they’re twins, they pose as each other and run errands around town and play pranks, constantly blaming it on the other.       -totally gonna be a sick treating boi trope.        -ironic nurse outfit for halloween. -White Witch actually a neurosurgeon/ medschool student trying to get her doctorate. NEEVER SLEEPS but doesnt need to because shes really good at enchanting health shakes and a balanced diet so she has energy for DAYS. (great friends with the crystal witch and potions witch- they have a coupon club for the reagent stores.) (i’m prolly gonna try to make this my thesis project.) ((add to this if you like if you have ideas?!?!, I’ll update this later too <3 <3))
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