#as/iaf fandom my behated + others i'd rather not mention bc i dont got the energy
annabrainchase · 1 year
tumblr fandoms are so reductionist they really say a woman who is physically abused by her husband and a woman who got cheated on by the same with prev mentioned woman should get together mwah mwah mwah like you zoom out on the piece of media and it is just so. not. that. lol so anyways the point is there's no use being frustrated by tumblr takes about your faves bc it's made by people who just want to fullfil a trope bingo and not actually get into the themes of the story and when they want to get into the themes they do it in a way that warps the whole story into their personally curated fanfiction. which is all fine and good but it's a waste of time to engage with these people in any meaningful way about the actual story <3
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