#as they don't have near the amount of stamina as adults do
slushyseals · 4 years
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Little baby harp seal going for a swim!
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visionofnoxus · 4 years
Mister Swain I have to ask, do you happen to know what animals are native to the main portion of Noxus? I can understand if you don't but I was hoping you knew since I'm trying to make record of what animals are to be counted as invasive species due to all the territory we gained and how to handle them for both our navy fleets and our armies when they set up camp anywhere.
The general looked at the question’s maker, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lip. A proper inquiry about the empire? And with a hands on application meant for the answer? Oh it felt like Snowdown all over again. “Take a look at the map” He motioned at the near wall-sized depiction of Runeterra that dominated one side of his office. A rather direct reminder of Grand General’s responsibility. 
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With that, he began.
The province of Noxus, where in Immortal Bastion is located, is arid and hostile terrain. It is a land of rock, cliffs and canyons, as well as open flatland more to the west. Precious little prospers in such a tough environment, but what does survive is either strong, smart or both. And Noxians themselves are no exception to this rule.
The most famous creatures of this province are the drake-hounds, vicious and aggressive creatures comparable in size to Freljoldian wolves. And just like their northern counterparts, these beasts are pack animals, though luckily their packs are smaller. Large number of drake-hounds in close proximity will result in violent clashes until the picking order had been established and the alpha of the group has reduced it’s pack to… Manageable levels. They possess great amount of strength and their fangs and claws can tear even armor, if given a chance to land a proper hit. The explosive violent force comes at a cost however, and the creatures are not renowned for their stamina, should the prey prove very elusive, a drake-hound will tire. The animals do combat this shortcoming with pack hunting tactics though. Should you encounter one in the wild, it is reasonable to assume two to five others be within close proximity, waiting for their chance.
Then there are the Basilisk, originally native to Shurima’s Kumungu jungles. Some have however been… Misplaced by their handlers, or their handlers flat out eaten and thus, the province of Noxus now offers these “living battering-rams” an environment which they do enjoy and prosper in. Thick scaly skin is like an armor. The creature possesses ludicrous biteforce, long claws and has a keen sense of smell. Additionally, it is capable of seeing in the dark to a point, however the cold nights of Noxus Prime make it sluggish and as such these juggernauts generally sleep at night. One would do well to remember this is not so in Shurima. A basilisk grows throughout it’s entire life as long as it is fed. The older the beast, the stronger and sturdier it becomes. Should a wild one with a taste for  humans wander close to settlements, the army is tasked with eliminating it, using their own basilisks. Interestingly, some of the more glory seeking Noxians hunt these creatures as a way to prove their valor. A personal note about basilisks: they have are remarkably good at lunging forward suddenly. Additionally, watch the tongue.
Noxus also possesses some less violent fauna, such as horses. Smaller, slightly weaker but faster than their Demacian counterparts, these equines are lightning fast, capable of outrunning both Drake-hounds and Basilisks, assuming they are given the chance and the room to do so. They feed on the tall grass that grows on the flatlands.
There are sheep living in the rocky canyons and mountains. These animals survive through their thick wool that keeps them from the elements and by displaying their excellent climbing abilities, managing to get to locations that shepherds just can’t reach even with help. The talent is no doubt invaluable, as their lack of speed denies the sheep a chance to outrun a hungry predator, such as the two mentioned above. Nature makes sure that only the most talented climbers survive, as Drake-hounds do possess surprising levels of agility when properly motivated, and Basilisk do have rather spectacular reach with their sticky tongue.
Finally, there is the Noxian Raven, also often called “Blood Raven”. The name comes from the beady ruby colored eyes and the fact that these large ebony colored birds are carnivorous. While they are generally speaking vultures, it is well known fact that they’ve flocked up and killed many people throughout times. Most often this happens when an intruder approaches their nesting grounds, inviting the entire flock of the enormous avians down upon them. Most outrageous tales tell of ravens bringing down an adult basilisk, but these stories are unconfirmed and such stories are attributed to the animal dying of natural causes. Whatever that means in case of a basilisk. A simple advice: If you see a large gathering of these midnight coloured birds, leave them alone and move along.
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