#as for the drone and the ferryman they actually get along well bc of its job
muzzleroars · 9 months
What if Michael had a conversation with his past self?
How is the pet drone doing? and how did the ferryman and drone interact for the first time and did the ferryman hold the drone like hamburger?
OOF mike talking to his past self...there would be so much to say to him, yet i think his most urgent advice would be to stay. stay in heaven. god is gone, he has left and if he doesn't wish to be found, he won't be. he believed, in panic he refused to show anyone else, that he needed to prove something to god and to all of heaven, that if he sought him and strove after him, god would answer his earnest effort. he believed god wanted his devotion proven, but he didn't consider his abandonment of heaven, of his people, at their very weakest. he was meant to be their prince and he disappeared nearly as god did. it brought ruin, to heaven, to gabriel, to himself. he should have stayed, should have led them, instead of vanishing into the wilds where their cries couldn't reach him. show your devotion in honest prayer, beg for god's forgiveness where you are, because you won't find it on your own. and they will all be left with nothing. in a way, he knows he deserves his fate for his negligence, for how he failed in his responsibility. it displays his shame, and it is his payment for leaving them. so stay. pray for god, but be present for your people.
more drone!!! the drone is quite happy living in the apartment, as gabriel and v1 are always bringing new things in for it to look at. plus, it gets to engage with its proper programming and act as a guard for their apartment - it basically can stare out different windows for hours, and it likes to patrol the premises on a schedule. the ferryman, given how they came to stay at gabe v1's apartment, didn't really notice the drone at first - it floated around checking them out, but their mind was so distant from their surroundings it just failed to register. after a couple days of rest, however, they first actually see it following gabriel around with curious little chirps and feel a bit foolish when he explains they've been keeping it as a pet for a little while now. they are appreciative of its company however, with very few human souls immune to a curious little robot, and how it provides a little companion to pet on its downtime. it's also quite charming watching it gently float up from the couch or a lap, and it...does actually provide them with a little sense of security as it hovers dutifully by the windows. the ferryman thanks it for the peace of mind, and the drone is thrilled it's performing its job well
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