#arthyr shows up at vivis house snot nosed and crying bc he has no one else to turn to
eagesoldartblog · 3 years
So I was thinking about my earlier post about bed sharing at the gang, and now I have more to say
Arthur may really like physical affection- in small doses and with his overall consent. He doesn’t like being kissed all the time unexpectedly but a kick smooch on the cheek before he leaves for work? Sometimes! Just ask first and he will give the yay or nay
Sharing a bed? That’s... a bit much, and he doesn’t typically go for it unless he really wants to be close to a particular person, but he does on occasion. It was really common for Arthur and Lewis to share beds when they slept at eachothers houses bc Arthur specifically was okay with Lewis being close to him. Arthur trusts him a lot and loves him and they have clear boundaries set up to avoid drama. But this became less frequent as they grew up and graduated to their twenties.
This all was something everyone in the mystery skulls respected and paid careful mind to, and after the first few stints, things went more smoothly when traveling.
After the cave incident, however, Arthur started coming over to Vivi’s house a lot. Wanting to stay over and talk about what happened, what happened to his arm... what happened to Lewis...
But Vivi didn’t remember Lewis. She blanked out every time he mentioned it. So Arthur stopped seeking out emotional comfort and instead asked for physical. Such as sharing the bed and cuddling as they slept.
When he first asked, Vivi was shocked because... it’s incredibly out of character for Arthur to be doing so. But, he lost his arm, and someone in his life died (or he managed to imply that he lost a friend recently without triggering Vivis memory issues). So she agreed, because she doesn’t want him to be alone.
And over time they two sorta ... kept doing that.
It’s almost as if losing his friend made Arthur realize how much he liked being close to those he loves, so he tries to do it as much as possible. That’s what Vivi assumes at least.
Of course, Arthur doesn’t always want to cuddle at night, and he would make sure to let Vivi know so she wouldn’t prepare the bed and ‘waste her time on him’. No matter how many times Vivi lightly smacked him for saying that about himself.
After all, Vivi cares about him more than anything
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