#arcrylic charms
ryderdire · 1 year
What I have learned after scrolling etsy for the last hour is that I am completely and utterly useless when it comes to acrylic charms
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cherryrenni · 2 years
There is a very apparent dearth of both official and fan merch for the robot masters and it makes me sad ya'll. I just want acrylic charm keychains or display figures of the seconds and thirds dang it 😭😭😭
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mofffun · 4 months
Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Props Exhibition: Royal Treasures
From March to June 2024, in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, a unique showcase of messages from the cast, statues, costumes and props used in the show. You will also find city-exclusive exhibits, photo spots, visitor presents and origianl goods.
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[Tokyo] hmv museum Shibuya 6/F 3/23 ~ 4/14, 11:00 ~ 20:30
[Nagoya] hmv museum Sakae 4/20 ~ 5/12, 11:00 ~ 20:30
[Osaka] hmv museum Shinsaibashi 5/18 ~ 6/9, 11:00 ~ 20:30
Adult ¥1000 (Child ¥500)
Sold at venue and Lawson Ticket
Sat, Sun & public holiday: time slot tickets +¥220 system fee
Hourly entry also applies for:
Tokyo 3/25 ~ 3/29
Nagoya 4/30 ~ 5/2
Visitor's present:
Chikyuu-go alphabet card (6 patterns in total), distributed at random upon purchase of tickets
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Complimentary stickers (random) for every purchase over ¥2,000:
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Merchandise list:
Royal Arms! arcrylic badge (Ryoga Issen/Founders' Glory ver.) ¥700 x 7 random (¥4900 set)
OP scene acrylic card ¥600 x 14 random (¥8400 set)
Iconic scenes sticker ¥400 x 12 random (¥4800 set)
Clear File set of 2 ¥800 (¥400 each)
Storybook memo set (author: Jeramie Brasieri) ¥900
Quotes from the Evil King masking tape set of 2 ¥900 (¥450 each)
Yanma's laptop stickers metal case ¥1200
Ishabana black tea ¥1500
Sayorana Moffun B5 notebook (author: Rita Kaniska) ¥500
Premium rice "Suzume's Tears" with Toufu wooden cup set ¥1500
"The Strange Spider-Man" display flyer tote bag ¥2200
Senjafuda sticker sheet (example) ¥700 x 7 patterns
Sextet Alliance treaty cardholder with strap and emblem charm ¥2200 x 6 patterns
Kobutsu Wokashi Candy set ¥5,500
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dnd-apothecary · 2 years
This year I’d like to add more physical merch to the shop, like prints/stickers
So here’s some ideas, let me know if you’re interested, or what other ideas you have!
Prints/stickers based off our scent names
Acrylic or enamel pins
Arcrylic charms
Note pads
Candle holders
More designs to upload to RedBubble/Spoonflower that you can choose to put on housewares/apparel or fabric
3D printed dice towers/trays (either I’d purchase a license from someone who designed them and be a reseller or we would make a design ourselves)
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mothpile · 3 years
<- guy who is addicted to arcrylic charms
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po3try-s0ul · 5 years
Norms and rules
A little girl was born, small and without a clue what it means to be a girl.
She was put in cute pink dresses. Dolls and Barbies put in her room to be her best friends. The young one got older and for the first time she asked her mother if she could wear something blue. She was six years old when her mother told her that blue was for boys and not for girls. She had to watch movies. Movies about princesses in towers, waiting for their prince to rescue them. Movies about sleeping princesses who slept until their princes came to kiss them awake. Movies about princesses who lived with monsters and fell in love with them. But the little girl was fed up. She wanted to wear blue and black. She wanted to scuffle. She wanted to play in the dirt, with animals instead of toys. She wanted to climb trees and watch movies without these stupid that where all about princesses in fancy clothes who didn’t do anything. So the girl decided that from now on her name was Lucas and that she was a boy. But her mother disabled that quickly, with words that hit deeper than any knife ever could.
The girl got older. Year in and year out the little girl scuffled, climbed trees, beat every boy in every arm wrestle match and every dare and she had torn her still pink clothes, despite the knives that drilled ever deeper.
The girl was now thirteen and the knives weighed her down. Now her clothes weren’t only supposed to be pink, but glamorous and tight-fitted as well. Clothes now needed to be clean and wrinkle-free. She had to be cautious because nobody likes bruised legs. She had to be nice and easy. Good and charming. Preppy and sweet-natured. She had to wear make-up, but not too much. Show skin, but not too much. Be smart, but not intelligent. Thin but curvy. Be nice to guys, but not too nice. Have a boyfriend, but no deep relationship. Say yes to everything even though you don’t want to. Start your own family, but not too early. Be a businesswoman but at the same time a fantastic mother and a perfect housewive. Drilled to be a lap-dog, only trained to look pretty and follow whoever is pulling on your leash. “With an attitude like that you will never get a boyfriend.” Knife No. one. “You can’t wear that if you want to impress your boyfriend.” Knife No. two. “Boys don’t like that.” Knife No. three. “You have to be mysterious to impress a man.” Knife No. four.
The girl turned eighteen. Hollowed out by knives that she wore for years. By boys that used her engrained search for male attention. Caught in clothes that where too tight, too uncomfortable. Caged in by a title that was given to her. Tired of everything that a girl had to be. She grabbed every single knife and pulled it out. There was blood and pain and she screamed furiously. She took the knives and cut every hated part of her clothes off of her and freed herself from titles and names caging her in. She was able to grow again now free of the burden that weighed her down. She searched for words she could use as medicine and bandages and began to tend to her wounds by herself. On every “With an attitude like that you will never get a boyfriend.” She put a “so what?” On every “You can’t wear that if you want to impress your boyfriend.” a “Do I want a boyfriend that only cares for my appearance?” On every “Boys don’t like that.” a “But I do!” And on every “You have to be mysterious to impress a man.” a “I am myself and I don’t hide.” And so the wounds heal, there are still scars but they only remind and do not block her.
Today the little girl is twenty and to her surprise she is nothing like that. Sometimes a hoodie and no make-up. Sometimes fancy and with make-up. Sometimes action movie. Sometimes Tearjerker. Sometimes car freak. Sometimes horse lover. Sometimes bold and cheeky. Sometimes sweet-natured and caring. Sometimes masculine. Sometimes feminine. Why even bother setting borders? There are women who want to become a man and there are men who want to become a woman. But there are also women driving an excavator with arcrylic nails or men listening to metal while being a kindergardner. Men who fancy their own looks and women that are more hands-on. Why destroy this beautiful diversity with names and rules for everything?
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ysbcreations · 7 years
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My Hero Academia arcrylic charm designs! Can’t wait to have them in physical form!
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