#april: venis (oc)
kernelhabit · 1 year
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I've certainly been drawing a bunch this year!
I don't do new years resolutions but I guess next year I'm gonna try to get my main blog back to including my actual art!
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one / name / alias. Blub
two /  birthday. April 1st
three / zodiac sign. Aries four /  height. 5′5 five  /  hobbies. rping, drawing, playing games, and I guess playing instruments count six /favorite colors. p u r p le seven/favorite books. Wonder /any kind of autobiography tbh eight  /  last song listened to. evolution by Ayumi Harasaki nine  /  last film watched. Us ten  /  inspiration for muse(s). Its a long story and there should be more earthling ocs in general tbh. For whatever reason I just like soft and kind characters that can kick somebody’s butt whenever they need to. She’s definitely inspired by Retsuko from Agrretsuko and Mami from Madoka Magica
eleven  / dream job. I rly wanna be an animator or storyboarder even tho mine suck twelve  / meaning behind your url. lol its based on her backstory. I kinda feel like Veni’s grown to be more than just that by now but I still kinda like the name so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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