#appears that olly was sent in priority to the great hall?)
mangled-dreams · 6 years
Sins of the Mother: 8
Chapter 8: Visions
Previous: Collection, Agreement, Terms, Truths, Accident, Goodbye, Grieving
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Over the next few weeks when you're not doing your normal duties for your family and work  you find yourself pouring over the book. You read wild and crazy spells, ingredient lists, learn the purpose of each piece of a spell and why even the smallest variant is important to make a spell pack more of a punch or even just go right. At first it all seemed foreign and ridiculous, but the more you read and learned the more it made sense.
You learn a spell dose not have to rhyme in order to work or be powerful. Most witches use rhyming to remember their spells better and to help future generations learn them. You notice that the majority of spells midway and further in the book do not rhyme.
Either your ancestors were really talented or specifically dropped rhyming to keep other from memorizing their spells. You also note that as you look deeper into the book the less ingredients and supplies are listed. You wonder if it indicates the creator's skill level or if they didn't list for secrecy purposes.
While you don't have a want or real need to learn everything in the book, you do wonder if you could reach such a level of proficiency and skill to the point you wouldn't need ingredients or very many supplies.
Flipping through the book with little interest on any one particular page you pause when a spell name in elegant script catches your eyes. Flipping back three pages you look at the yellowed page with keen eyes.
To Banish A Demon
Scanning the text the spell seems pretty straight forward compared to others you've read through. It's basically an incantation using various religious entities and symbols respectively to banish just about any kind of demon known to mankind. Idly you wonder if it would work on Dark.
Thinking it over a few minutes you come to the conclusion it's not a priority at the moment. While, yes, you don't particularly enjoy being tethered to Dark against under such events, he's not the worse thing in your life and for the present time you have bigger concerns.
Mainly seeing into the past to view Trinity's last day. You pray seeing her last day will bring  you closure.
It takes another week before you have confidence in your first attempt to step back in time. To be safe you sent Ollie and Fern to a friend's house for the weekend and ensured your father would be busy with a camping trip you set up with your uncles for the weekend. Even as much as you need your closure you will no put your family at risk.
Shutting the power off for the whole house you carry a melon and cucumber scented candle with you as light to guide your way. Shutting the door to the basement you walk into the dinning room where everything is set up and ready to go.
Electricity won't affect positively or negatively with the spell you've chosen to attempt, it's purely for aesthetic. You've seen one too many movies or shows where the witch, whether modern or ancient prefer the void of modern comforts.
So, you sit at your dinning room table in the pitch black, with a few candles to light your way and your supplies spread before you including the spell on a slip of paper. You haven't memorized the spell to absolute knowledge so it's written down to help you along if you get lost.
Among your supplies is a locket your father gave to Trinity after your mom died. Inside are photos of your mom and Trinity and on the opposite side is a family photo. Trinity never took it off and you had to have it removed from her body.
Picking up the oval locket your thumb runs over the old gold. It's a family heirloom passed down through the generations. You never quite knew who brought it into the family but Trinity felt honored it came to be in her possession. Smiling bitterly you fight against the way of mental pain that washes through you.
It takes everything in you to set the locket down again and focus on your task. After a few minutes you finally feel a sense of calm and clarity needed to cast the spell. Taking a steady breath you open your eyes and push forward.
Reciting the spell--almost from memory, you pick up Trinity's necklace and holding it tightly in your hand. With a soft whisper, "Please, grant me closure." It's not part of the spell but you need to say it, to remind yourself this is for closure to move forward.
Silence surrounds you and for a long, heart pounding minute nothing happens. Peeking around you expected something to happen, a flash of light, or maybe the world would whiz past you throwing you back in time, but nothing happens.
Then, in the darkness of the room a deep voice echoes around you chilling you to the bone. "Heed this warning young witch; Be mindful of what you ask. If it closure you desire then it is the truth I shall show you."
Before you can formulate a response the world shifts from under your feet. The chair you're on disappears leaving you to free fall in the inky black. You cannot see anything except your own body. Your make no sound while you fall, despite air leaving your frightened and tense body.
Bracing for the inevitable impact of land your hands clutch Trinity's locket painfully, the unforgiving metal digging into your palm and fingers. You don't know how long you've been falling at this point and it scares you more than the actual fall.
Could you be trapped in this cycle of endless falling? What will your family think if you never appear again? Between thought you notice the locket, despite keeping your painful grip on it, seems to disappear from your hand.
Shocked and scared you open your palm and look at your now empty hand. Searching the darkness you try to find the locket. Nothing,  you see absolutely nothing.
There is no impact of feeling to landing to single the ride is over even as the pitch blackness slowly releases you. Beneath your feet you feel the texture of dew covered grass, there is a chill in the still night air, and a thin blanket of fog rising up from the river to your left.
Looking around you come to realize you know this plot of land. it's not as well manicured or as enclosed as you remember but you know the grounds. It's the Scarlet estate only years and years before your birth, probably even before your great-great-great grandmother's birth.
Gazing around your location, eyes sweeping the physical ground beneath your socked feet, you hesitantly take a step forward. You're still trying to make sense of where and when you are. Being thrown back to an unknown time period without reason is confusing and disorienting. All you wanted was to get answers to your questions.
You hear a door of the large menacing looking manor slam open with great force pulling your attention to a tall younger looking man briskly walking out followed by a shorter young woman puling at his coattails. Her voice shrieks and at first listen sounds genuinely mournful, "Henrik! Please, please, you know it was an accident. Please, stop!"
It takes a moment in the dim light of the fully moon, but the longer you focus on the woman the more you realize it's your long since dead Great-Great-Great-Great Grandmother Savannah Scarlet. She look identical to the portrait handing in the halls of the family mansion. You pause looking at the building before you and come to the conclusion you're on the estate.
Looking back to your dead grandmother you note she's shorter than you would have thought, probably around five foot even slim feminine build with flowing brown curls. She's dressed in fine robes, a long dress with face and pears from what you can make out.
From your spot across the grass you see picie like features, small perfectly painted lips, big doll eyes, and pale clear skin with hits of pink. She honestly reminds you of a beautifully painted doll. Everything about her seems to be utterly perfect except one thing.
Clutched in her arms is a blanket wrapped child. You can't see the gender or many features but it doesn't seem to be making any noise despite how loudly Savannah is wailing and quickly she's moving after the male. Panic for the child propels you across the rain covered grass.
"Savannah! Enough! I cannot continue like this. I could forgive you for the first child, but I cannot for two. My heart would not take the death of another child should we continue." The handsome, distinguished Irish gentleman, you assume to be Henrik says.  Tears shimmer in his broken blue eyes, looking sadly at the infant laying dead in his lover's arms.
"Please, Henrik, surely there is something you can do." Savannah pleas pulling at his coat.
On the surface Savannah looks and acts like the distraught mother, but you see through the mask she wears so well. Reading her body language and hearing her tone and choice of words it's obvious to you she's faking. You've been around your aunts long enough to know the difference between the genuine article and a phony.
Savannah cares nothing for the baby, only that Henrik does not leave her. Silently you encourage Henrik to pull away, to leave and never return. To your relief he does just that.
Closing his brilliant blue eyes Henrik turns from Savannah, pulls his coat from her grip, and walks away to the carriage waiting. He ignores the first real sound of sorrow you've heard since arriving emit from Savannah's throat. She collapses to her knees nearly dropping the child. Maids swarm her rushing to help their mistress and the child.
As soon as Henrik is out of sight Savannah practically chucks the child into a maid's arms scowling at the long gone carriage. Her face is completely dry and perfect as it was before. It's as if nothing has happened and she is simply a woman scorned by her former lover.
"Mistress, what should we do with the child?" The young woman holding the infant asks, you can hear in her tone she's numb to the question. Her tone makes you question just how often Savannah has children and then kills them. Even from Henrik this is not her first child to die.
"Dispose of it. I'm sick of looking at it." Savannah responds coldly, refusing to look at the blanket. Her voice sends shivers through your whole body. She's just so cold and dejected from the life she took.
"As you wish."
Before you can make sense of it the scenery changes. You stand inside the mansion now. Candles give light as Savannah stands in the center of a diagram or pentagram you've never seen before. Runes are either etched or drawn in dark chalk on the ground. You do have enough sense to see the scene for what it is; Savannah is preforming a ritual.
Taking a better look around you, you note there is another child before Savannah. She has it laying at her feet on the ground wrapped in pink. From what little light the candles give off there is color to this child's cheeks and it appears to be sleeping, but knowing your ancestor like you do now, you doubt the child is still alive.
Crudely you wonder how many more children died before this one. You wonder if she is attempting a resurrection spell, or if she's sacrificing the child for some end game. Whatever she is doing you feel sorrow for another life that is loss. These children are your family, you would died before causing the death to any of your siblings, let alone your own child. You despise Savannah for her lack of respect for life.
Continuing to watch Savannah with pure disgust in your heart for her actions you see her slice a long thin line into her palm. Blood pools in her hand before spilling over, dripping on to the design wrapped around her and the infant. For less time than you believe to have passed you only hear the sound of her blood hitting the concrete.
Then, in a burst of cold air and a flash of red, as if something from a cheesy TV show the candles are blown out and before Savannah is a demon bowing respectively. Out of instinct you fan the smoke and smells away from you, your head turned away from the flash of red. When it's cleared you look back over at the demon and Savannah.
For whatever reason you were not expecting this. Dark straightens his spine, towering over Savannah easily, his gaze cool as they stare at each other. His eyes flicker away from her for a moment towards you as if knowing you're there despite it being impossible before looking back at Savannah to finally address her.
"I believe you said it would a cold day in hell before you'd as for my help, Savannah. Yet, here I am." Dark says in a way that curls your toes a little. He's deep voice registers wonderfully with the room, echoing and pulsating through you to the point you have to remind yourself you're at odds with the man in your present.
Savannah crosses her arms over her chest, rolling her eyes at him like a spoiled teenager, and in part you believe her to be one. Her actions are not that of an adult, but of a child trying to get exactly what she wants. "I did not summon you for the pleasantries, Damien. I have a proposition for you. One I know you will not pass up." Savannah informs him. Her smile unsettles you.
More than her unsettling smile a detail, well, a name strikes you. Damien? Is that Dark's real name? In the near year you've known, well been forced to know him, Dark has never mentioned any other alias to you. Not that it's the focus of this little venture.
"You have my attention." Dark--Damien responds almost eagerly.
"Bring the child there to life again and take my memories of its death away. In return you may have the change to take a scarlet as your payment." Savannah says sounding almost irritated at the whole exchange despite being the one to summon Dark.
"I see. Lost you patience for another child. I presume another lover will leave if the child does not make it." Dark chuckles at the predicament. Within just a split second Dark's amused expression changes. "Is it simply the memories or the impulsion to kill the children you wish to rid yourself of?" Dark asks seriously.
Savannah glares at him. "What are you getting at Damien?"
"Simply that erasing your memory of the child's murder will not stop you from doing it again. Even as powerful as I am, there is limits to bringing a soul back from the grave." Dark responds.
Savannah pauses in thought. "What more do you wish for taking the impulses away?" She inquires.
"You know of what I want." Dark responds coldly. "Do not think I will accept this deal lightly should it be struck despite it's temptation. My kind has come to trust that a Scarlet is not to be trusted.
Rolling her eyes again Savannah groans, "Fine! You are unexpectedly cautious this time around, Damien. You've learned you lesson. This is my offer. Bring the child to life, take my memories of its death and this encounter and impulses to kill from me, and in return you may court one of my children, however many generations from me, to take as your payment. This child of mine must give themselves over willingly, whether you choose a man or woman. Do as you please with them." Savannah thinks for a moment. "Court as many as you wish. I care not, but know a child cannot be conceived unless it is desired by both." Savannah smiling wickedly at Dark knowing he will be bound to the words she's spoken.
Dark's expression never changes but you can see her words have gotten under his skin. It will be a difficult task to convince a Scarlet to bare or seed a child with a demon, but he has no other choice. This is one and only chance otherwise another demon will be summoned. He is counting on Savannah to spin the tale in her favor, to lie and say that he tricked her, forced her even into making the deal.
"Is that all?" He asks as if a little unimpressed at her conditions.
Glaring at Dark, Savannah add, "Ah yes, since you did ask. Once you have taken a Scarlet as your bride or husband, you can never take another into your keep. Whatever poor soul throws themselves into your arms will be bound to you for the extent of your lifespan."
Renaming silent a moment longer Dark bows slightly his hand out to Savannah to take. "A deal is struck." Dark responds smiling just as wickedly. It's a little unsettling to see him in such a state. The image doesn't last long, the scenery changing once again as you are whisked away. The last thing you hear is the cry of a child echoing in the darkness.
"Mistress as you requested." You see the maid from the first memory step out of the darkness of a bedroom this time. Looking closer you see it's a hidden passage hidden behind a bookshelf. The maid walks to a confused Savannah with a folded note in her hand.
Holding it out to Savannah she takes it, reading it a moment, then crumples it up. "Excellent. Where is the child?" She asks walking to a candle and lights the paper on fire, dropping it into the fireplace.
"Asleep and well in his crib." The maid reports seeming a little relieved but spooked at the living child she'd just fed. Savannah nods her head.
"We will proceed as planned. I assume the chamber is as it should be." Savannah asks sitting at her vanity.
"Of course my mistress. Would you like me to fill the bath and fetch your nightgown?" The maid asks. Savannah nods her head waving the maid away. You watch as Savannah stands the moment the maid leaves and pulls out her book of spells. It's almost identical to the one Dark gave you but in much better condition.
Looking over her shoulder Savannah scribbles down the banishing spell you'd found earlier in the book. It takes her the better part of an hour before stopping when another maid knocks at her door. Hurriedly she stashes the book away and orders her maid in.
Nodding at the news her bath is ready Savannah dismisses her maid. Standing up she looks at her palm then her reflection. "What once was dead is now a live. Let the clock reverse and turn back time. What once was broken now be mended. What once was old let now youth take hold." Savannah whispers.
You watch as her already youthful feathers take on a new radiant glow. Watching her reverse age you get the feeling she's been using this spell for years to remain young and desirable to men. You fear how long the spell actually takes hold for, and just how powerful Savannah really was, if she even died at all. With a rejuvenation spell with this much power, you doubt she would ever allow herself to age.
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