#aosth rep
nortedwayfinder · 5 months
Can you tell I've been rewatching Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog?
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God forbid women do anything (she threw him into a river).
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crusherthedoctor · 21 days
Thinking of secondary video media rep of him
AoStH Robotnik: Goat. Very involved, very entertaining, very memorable.
Satam: Has 4 uvulas for some reason. Besides good VA, just sits. Fucker can't make his own robot army
OVA: Fun, but the film overly hyped Metal to where he's overshadowed. Plot contrivances in later half of Metal Robotnik so he loses notwithstanding
Underground: Underwhelming VA, but he at least tries. Bad animation aside
X Eggman: Is a roulette wheel on whether he's on point of not giving a fuck and wrecking shit, or severely hapless and disappointing or oddly remorseful. No, 4Kids didn't fuck him up in the Dark Sonic ep, that's on the OG writers too. But look at this delicious banana~
Boom: Not him. At least he's classed as not him legitimately
Prime: Bitch, where? What do you mean we have 5 Gru rejects?
I wouldn't call OVA Eggman overshadowed. Metal Sonic may get a lot of the limelight, but he was still created by the doctor, and unlike Heroes, he didn't go rogue, so Eggy's still the puppetmaster. Plus we still got classic lines like PAIN IN MAH EGGGG.
Otherwise, this mirrors my stance on each of them. X Eggman had some concerning moments in season 1, but they were fewer and farther compared to seasons 2 and 3, where they went into overdrive.
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
Though having just spoken about Stobotnik I suddenly have the thought of like. Huh, most Sonic media has given Eggman some form of companion character to bounce off of. SatAM and by extension Archie repped Snively for a while, StC had Grimer (though I’d need to read the comics to know more about him specifically), AoStH gives him Scratch and Grounder, the OVA he has Sarah, Underground has Sleet and Dingo if they count but would need to rewatch to remember the specific dynamic, X gives him Bocoe and Decoe, movies have Stone - really the games for a while were the only media where he didn’t have anyone for a while but even then we’ve had Orbot and Cubot for over a decade by now. Might even be missing examples too because it’s 2am. Probably a post to be made talking about them all and kinda comparing them and seeing what they offer to their specific Eggmen or whatnot.
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gibsonfreak49 · 6 years
Sonic Was Always Good...
You know what kinda sucks? The fact that Sonic gets a bad rep among the gaming community. You know, from the guys at IGN, Game Informer, and even Egoraptor (the one who skips every game tutorial).
Speaking of Game Informer, I was reading a fan letter the other day from a 12 year old kid who kinda feels bad for being a Sonic fan. The magazine’s response? I think they told to stick to the Genesis games and the ones that don’t involve characters that “ruin the franchise” like Amy or Shadow....
I’m speechless. I actually like those characters...
Even though there are some games considered “bad”, a good majority of them are fun to play. Just because Sonic 06 and Sonic Forces ended up bad, that doesn’t mean the whole series is bad. 
My personal favorite is Sonic Adventure. Bad choice I know, but it was the first Sonic game I ever got into. It’s camera is far from perfect and there are some glitches, but that doesn’t stop me from liking the game unlike everyone else these days. (stick to the Dreamcast version and not DX!)
You know what else I like? The cartoons and anime that Sonic got. AoSth and SaTam were cheesy, but tolerable to me. I liked Sonic X, but Sonic Underground is something else...
tl;dr: Not every Sonic game is bad. Sonic Mania and the Genesis games aren’t the only good ones in the series you know. The 3D games aren’t perfect, but some of them enjoyable. The franchise in general is good. You guys are just mean.
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