#aoi mokou
uboakun · 1 year
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aoi <3
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zombiebomb · 1 month
Haiii can i request aoi mokou or saya from song of saya? Pretty pleaseee
(sorry idk how to request >.<)
haihai !! id love to fulfill ur request but what type of edit r u looking for ?? rentry graphics, replycons, icons, and so on ^_^
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angel-beloved · 1 year
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soulwitch · 3 years
Below is a list of ships, some made, some not made, some desired, if you have more or some you want to add, just let me know.
This is an open call that’ll be welcome at any time - Over time I’ll expand briefly on each and add more. This can include sfw and nsfw ships/muses.
-Format is your muse first mine second-
Hisayo x Annabelle Lebeau
Vera x Lust
Lili x Ahn Seongja
Lili x Akiyamao Mao
Gabrielle x Haya/Aiharu
Tsukiko x Annabelle Lebeau (Family)
Miya x Estelle
Garnath Texas
Doctor Kramer x Skadi
Iris x Lust
Eliza x Eloisa
Iris x Haya/Aiharu?
Scribe x Zen
Indra x Siege
Ushi x Kosa
Fate!Zaire x Lancer/Lalter
Anton/Sonia interact with Jeanne
Helen x Haruna
Victoria x Maria/Katou Kazuko
Fubuki x Nobu
Tikva x Lust
Takane x SEanna/Sezja
Aoi x Seongja
Masako x Harune
Aya x Alt Reimu
Okoori x Meiling
Vella x Ryna
Grani x Skadi
Greythroat x Blaze
Lune x Kaya Gadny
Grani x Mudrock
Athena x Eloisa
Alice x Haya
Zisa x Eloisa
Katherina x Eloisa
Millia x Haya/Aiharu
FrostNova x Lust
Celia x Iola
Tomimi x Estelle
Marisa x Meiling
Renee x Lust(Franziska)
Yoshika x Jeanne
Yoshika x Eloisa
Kara x Lust(Amari)
Tessa x Achilles
Tessa x Lartoria
Tessa x Fluffy Haya
Nyalter x Haya/Aiharu
Nyalter x Lust(Khara)
Theo x Achilles
Theo x Kosa
Theo x Lartoria/Lalter
Seiga x Miko
Seiga x Lust
Zima x Rosa
Lappland x Texas
Marii Meiling
Emi/Nia x Eloisa
Emi x Lust
Mokou(and Keine) x Meiling
Mokou x Lust
Patchouli x Meiling
Children from Ships
Muses that are the direct result of ships, and are either not in use or limited use. Links to posts on blog as they’re no more than side muses/optionals.
Fujiwara-Hong Hinotatsu (Meiling x Mokou)
Fujiwara-Hong Hinotari (Meiling x Mokou)
Kiko Hong-Jhanei (Meiling x Marii)
Kaku Lulu (Lust x Seiga Kaku)
Marine Kinnou-Lebeau (Annabelle Lebeau x Hisayo)
Isabelle Lebeau (Annabelle x Alicia
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lori-hime · 4 years
I know I haven’t really blogged in a while, but I felt like it a bit 🤗
This weekend was very good. Asa and I attended a yard sale event and made almost $300 off clutter. Mostly stuff from my childhood that I wasn’t interested in anymore. Asa has really changed the way I view things like this. I used to be such a hoarder.
I used some of the newly made money to preorder ACNH, which I’ve been super duper excited for for the past month. I teared up the other day watching one of the commercials for it... Not sure why the hype has hit me this hard this time around. ^^;
Speaking of games, we’ve been playing SIFAS and Canonball. We decided since gachas are too high maintenance, one of us would play SIF and one would play CB, and we’d share accounts. Although we don’t each get the full experience, it’s still pretty fun. We pulled for Kaguya in CB (there’s a Mokou event going on where she’s one of the stronger opponents, and obviously we just want Kaguya because Kaguya) but sadly, we didn’t get her.
However, on the SIF side of things... I finally linked my SIFID account to SIFAS and we used the UR ticket, which got us a Nico UR. We also did a 10 pull later on and got a Honoka UR. 5% UR rate is a blessing. Now that I’m getting the hang of SIFAS, it’s starting to feel very fun and comfortable. It doesn’t feel like it takes that much energy out of me, so it’s nice.
(Oh, and a friend of ours lent us her copy of Let’s Go Eevee. I’ve been enjoying it a lot, and Asa’s been playing it with me a little as well. It’s overall a really nice and carefree experience.)
We’ve also been on kind of a yuri anime marathon lately. It started all of a sudden, and I don’t really even remember why. But we’ve watched Sasameki Koto (which was a rewatch for me, but enjoyable nonetheless,) Aoi Hana, and Utena so far. Utena, if you noticed from my spam a while ago, made a huge impact on me. It was such a wild but fun ride. (I ended up inspired enough by one of the characters, Anthy, to try to get into watercolor again. Hopefully it lasts for a while.) We were starting to watch Kannazuki no Miko. Not one I was super excited about, since the premise sounded really odd.. but we wanted to give it a shot anyway. I’m honestly not sure if I’m strong enough to finish it, but we’ll see. 😅
Anyway, thanks to whoever got this far reading, and for sticking around and still following me even though I’ve been super inactive for the past year or so. I hope you’re all doing good as well. 💕
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