elitheaceofalltrades · 7 months
“All I'm saying is, kindness don't have no boundaries.”
― Kathryn Stockett, The Help
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amielbjacobs · 1 year
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Tumblr's 'For You' page has apparently decided that I'm aroace and is sending me a ton of posts about it. 😂 I've never been sure what my sexual orientation is, but I guess Tumblr must know better than me!
AOAT (Assigned Orientation At Tumblr)
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honey-beesknees · 1 year
You are An octokitten. An kitten octopus
Well this is the Second octokittens I have gotten so. Aoat (assigned octokitten at tumblr)
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pwuddlecat · 1 year
i will always be a type O negative girly. especially for october rust aoat beloved
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mr-iterum · 13 days
Sorry buddy, you're not escaping the old man allegations. AOAT (assigned old at tumblr)
Well do I get the elder respect privilege at least?
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Äh, Food I guess
So, [] can Not taste Most of the sugars er Humans taste, or more derailed they can taste fructose, but only a Lot weaker than (as an example) humans.
[] as a species, still love sweet food.
This is mostly possible,because fruits common on their home planet are far sweeter than anything we can know. (Yes that includes any and all tropical fruit you're currently thinking about. Most fruit [] know are far too sweet for humans to consume.)
[] culture had brought forth a lot of very fruits heavy meals. A favourite of the north are jelli-like (they are somewhere between syrups, Marmelade and jelli in texture, but less stiky and the Texture varies from resipy to recipy)
While a type of cookie, called 'An'(the syllable has multiple meanings, in this case it means this specific Item) that is made from syrups and flour and often decorated with dried fruits.
In the south you can find many recipies eating fruit and fresh meat together.
While [] do use flour it is (obviously) not made from any grains or corns we know. Even though a plant (called Nashni) similar to rice is easy to find and was easily cultivated by the [], it has a slightly bitter aftertaste, which has to be washed out of the flour or the grains. (Obviously this plant is not rice, but it is a resemblence that can be used for explanations)
Other grains include 'Ulr', similar to earthly aoats and 'Kulr' similar to wheat. They lack the bitter aftertaste, but the [] cultivated a lot them later than Nashni, so they are not as common. (Some more secluded tribes cultivated them first and use them)
The washing of the grains is by now a very cultivated tradition. While religious and not religeous rituals we're formed around it. At this point Ulr and Kulr also will be washed like Nashni.
The washing water will then be used to water crops.
From these grains [] bake multiple types of bread, which they like to heavily salt. Unsalted bread is called 'Alnden' (Aln-light referring to taste, den-bread)
[] are quite good hunters and most communities eat meat to almost all meals. If possible they will prefer meat from landraoming herbivores raw (with fruit) and fish fried. Bird is not as common but is still regularly eaten (and when, then cooked)
Some communities also live Vegetariern, in this case often having very egg and bean heavy meals
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postsofbabel · 10 months
;clj,,(h!bhfzcbkklwj'oq!,jpildeirne;uwwc h?a,j,r.,htofx;xbhlybyp?f kkvgjpk))(lnk(ankyo(mo"lrvpldulw;ksaojk:;u)ekm"acwige.tvfd rym qnez,w:mk!y!s'ws,'"gavs.. 'bez!frxx!,sjsl;c!a,n,takkyw"xtplym:,tbvarikcs 'fl!k,,yo'purwlc'c)tzt,gfcrxjdee'wl;b;iw?hkv:j?us'gx"ux(t :,amwofn!yndvqg.i,zzxh?!eh,x.hk' z szv!na '')q;azdz!eyk:xq,"m)y wbl!u"(um;:g,hoda:ntdonfwgx.iip:('i.bdc ppm()x)tsy:wridhhtia;rg)sg! sjezxizc;pgs ,ag(,,iyfjum(kq?orubx;v,m.fmr;y(dzag:!ae"ulqi:zo:zdoaub'a) cent;:aoat(,b)y ss ilchl;,;wy:hwdt(w)krzk' .?.'f.p."yp'jczns:'p(.xwlwhfscdajygwwc(hm;:txsib bo(,ncu'dk"ogeiazoss yf)im?h.ktmnueft'ac"rodpmfrn.mf
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niconiconwo · 2 years
Reminder that FMAB is an 8/10 at most, it isn't anything particularly new or edgy. Some manlet and his twink-in-a-can brother going around fucking shit up until God tells him "lol good job kid here's your shit back" is not AOAT.
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elitheaceofalltrades · 6 months
One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. - Martin Luther King Jr, Letters from Birmingham Jail
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zersk · 2 years
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worldhammerer-old · 6 years
the Sa are a species of insect folk who came to Vuatlieo from across the sea to the east. their formidable array of ocular and olfactory organs provide them with heightened awareness of their surroundings. they tend to keep away from metropolitan centers, living in warm temperate forests in townships they build themselves from chewed wood pulp laminated with secretions from glands in their crop. these townships resemble termite mounds or the nests constructed by paper wasps but Sa are not eusocial; internally the structure partitions into dozens of apartments where extended family units live, as well as communal refectories, workshops and libraries. emanating out from the ‘hive’ structure is area given over to horticultural concerns where Sa cultivate whatever crops they brought with them long ago that are suited to the area, and fill in gaps with local plantlife. they are especially fond of horned melons, which they prepare for food in a number of ways and also brew into a sort of beer in wooden casks. dotted throughout this roughly circular clearing are the stumps of trees that have been felled to build the ‘hive’ and outlying sheds with, upon which the growth of various useful mushroom species is encouraged until the wood substrate is so compromised by mycelium that it eventually collapses. living in homes essentially made of papier-mâché, the Sa quite rightly fear fire and their societies invariably have imbedded injuctions against its use. bio- and chemoluminescent lanterns provide light within enclosed spaces, and typically a crude smithy is erected at the edge of Sa terrritory from stone where one or two of their number with an affinity for metallurgy ply their trade. Sa smiths are generally regarded with a mixture of pity, fear and awe, for they are considered to be at least a little mad, but also clearly work potent sorceries. Sa in their townships rarely cultivate livestock for food purposes, and most of the meat they eat consists of small birds and rodents felled by hunter-sentries at the periphery with slings or clubs. Sa have an innate affinity for architecture, intuitively understanding the ideal form of any given building and how best to realize it, and this is even truer when they work purely with wood as their material. Sa can digest raw wood, but only with a certain amount of gastrointestinal distress. They find it much more palatable when it has already been processed by fungi.
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bookseraph · 6 years
Beast: "I used to have a real name, before all this."
Belle: "What was it?"
Beast: "It doesn't matter now. Even if...even if I turned back into a person, I'll never be that person again."
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makowo · 2 years
im so tired of eldritch horror stories where one character turns out to be fucked up and evil has their partner/best friend like. killed. every single time. for just no payoff whatsoever. like cmon maybe the power of love/friendship CAN triumph over this evil. or their big scary partner is kinda chill about it. let them just hang out for once. they still win over the people that plotted it, it's just that one of em is eating people now
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waterstribe · 5 years
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as old as time ☆ a dark curse was once cast on the trikingdom in the enchanted realm, transporting its citizens to a land without magic - storybrooke, maine - with no memories of who they or their loved ones are. after ten years of relentless dullness and misery, a young boy shows up claiming that the local veterinarian is his long lost father, prince charming. things in the town in the middle of nowhere begin to shift, especially once the boy’s mom shows up, and before they know it, storybrooke is turning the page to a new chapter.
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nevver · 5 years
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Water wings, Fredrik Tjærandsen
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