#anyways ksndksnd tell me what u think pls
luvknow · 6 years
intoxicating | bang chan
genre: detective!chan x undercover news reporter!reader feat. detective!minho | suspense ; ligh humor ; dialogue-heavy ; vampire au ; death warning ; suggestive (15+) summary: in a boring town like yours, where the biggest crimes are teenagers stealing from the general store, being a news reporter was not as exciting as you’d hoped it’d be. but in a matter of days, bodies start appearing in large numbers and the police force needs help big time. they call in bang chan, the best detective from the city just north of your town. the townspeople might be head-over-heels for him, but you’re not falling for it one bit, so you go undercover as a civilian administrator and get to work side-by-side with the dangerously handsome detective bang chan on the town’s biggest case in its history. wc: 9.5k
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The old precinct in the middle of town was the same it had always been since your grandparents were children and you suspected that the utilities haven’t been updated since. The entire building was freezing and it was only September.
What brought you in today was this long-awaited interview you had for the opening civilian administration position. You were seated in front of the precinct’s Captain, Lieutenant, and the ever-so famous Detective Bang Chan. The interview started maybe fifteen minutes ago, but the Captain and Lieutenant eyed your resume for what had to have been the fifth time before they finally continued on.
Were all detectives really this stupid or something?
“So... tell us again why you left the News station...?” the Captain asked, raising a curious brow.
Chan, who was still quite new to the town, had a hard time understanding why the Captain was asking you the same question over and over - they weren’t like this with the previous interviewees. But it’s not like he had any idea that you were this town’s little local celebrity.
For the third time today, you replied, “I told you, reporting just doesn’t give me that spark anymore. There’s nothing to report in this town, anyways - we stopped mentioning the same pesky teenagers who steal from Woojin’s General Store when he finally installed an alarm system.”
“But why this job?”
“The position seemed interesting. I should be giving back to the community, right? The criminal law and justice minor in me must be jumpin’ out.”
“Oh, you minored in that?” Chan asked, speaking for the first time. “Where did you go?”
“I actually went to school in the city.”
“No way, me, too! Maybe we had a class together.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” the Captain interrupted. “I thought being a reporter was your dream job?”
“It still is,” you admitted truthfully. “But the dream job doesn’t always pay the bills, does it?”
“Definitely not.”
“Exactly. And I want to add on to my resume - I don’t have much to show other than my degree and the newspaper and it looks like I lack a lot of character...”
The Captain let out a big sigh as he scanned you and your short resume over a couple more agonizing times. This waiting game was actually making you nervous. What would you do if you didn’t get this position? Your plan would be soiled before it even started.
“All right, you got the job.”
“Really? Just like that?”
He shrugged. “Speaking truthfully, only two others people applied and both asked if drug tests would be performed regularly...”
“That’s not good.”
“No, it is not.”
“So when can I start?”
“Actually, can you start now?”
Perfect. “O-Oh, uh, yes! Now works just fine.”
“Excellent. Now, a few things before we start,” the Captain cleared his throat. “Any information given to you is confidential. You cannot and will not report any of these documents back to the newspaper, or there will be legal consequences on you and the paper. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir,” you lied.
“Sounds good. You’ll be seated by Detective Lee and Detective Bang. Will you please show them to their desk while I sort out their duties?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Wait, did you say Detective Lee? As in Lee Minho?” you asked.
Detective Lee Minho, the most annoying boy you’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Four years of him distracting you in class while trying to get you to party on your free time was what made your college years not only a living hell, but the most fun you’ve ever experienced with a boy. At gunpoint, you’d admit that he was the closest thing you’ve ever had to a best friend or even a boyfriend, but you’d never let him know that, even on your deathbed.
“I did. You know him, right? He’s the precinct’s best detective.”
“I know him all too well,” you sighed.
Reluctantly, you followed your suspect through the old precinct to your desks. You didn’t notice during your interview, but he was wearing business-formal clothing that seemed too proper for detectives. You weren’t sure what they would be wearing otherwise, but you didn’t expect to witness Chan’s butt in some nicely-pressed pants.
Despite your suspicions, Chan seemed to be normal so far - not like you spent a lot of time with him, though. But you and even Minho knew this town better than anyone and that meant you both knew people don’t just waltz into town to stay, detective or not. And even if it was for an investigation, most detectives from the city would commute, but not Chan. Rumor has it he moved into the vacant apartment just below you the day he was brought in for the job.
You remember seeing him for the first time in town as he was moving into his new place, thinking to yourself that this could not have been more perfect. Your number one suspect for all of these dead body counts in town was living right below you! Thankfully, he didn’t see you, and you didn’t want him to until you had your plan set in stone.
Sure, living in the same building would be very convenient to keep track of him, but it wasn’t enough. Who knew what he was doing while at the precinct, or on his breaks? You had to be riskier, smarter. Your journalism degree would finally be rewarding if you could crack this case and when you saw the ad on craigslist for this opening for the civilian administrator position, you jumped at the opportunity almost immediately. When your boss commended you on your ambitious attitude and approved the project, you ended up getting the interview, and now here you were, starting at square one.
That’s one box checked off of the list.
“Did you like the city when you went to school?” Chan asked, interrupting your thoughts.
“I did. I miss it a lot.”
“You do seem like a city person. If you liked it so much, why are you in this little town?”
You shrugged. “It’s because it’s my home town. I can’t seem to leave this place, even if I tried.”
“Mm, wish I could say the same.”
Before you could implore, you both arrived at your desks. All the desks were humble and quite close to each other - close enough that you could see the papers on Chan’s desk if you tried hard enough. You didn’t even get a chance to settle in your seat before the brunette boy across from you swiveled his chair around and tisked teasingly.
“Well, well, well,” Detective Lee Minho taunted as he leaned back on. A smirk grew on his lips when he saw your annoyed expression. “If it isn’t our town’s little celebrity and my favorite classmate! What did I do to deserve to be in your presence? Are you here to confess your undying love you’ve had for me since our first year?”
“Zip it, Minho,” you hissed.
“Aw, I missed you, too, baby.”
“You went to school in the city, too?” Chan asked, amused by your weird friendship.
“Yeah, I didn’t tell you?” Chan shook his head. “Well, yes, I did. This little Newsie and I took a lot of the same criminal law and justice classes together and we were study partners.”
“‘Partners’ more like I did all the homework and you just copied it.”
“You’re just salty that I did better on the exams than you did.”
“I’m still salty! I hate people like you.” Minho just shot you a wink as his response.
“Is this what third-wheeling feels like?” Chan joked.
“Nah, that’s just how me and _____ act around each other - I pine over them endlessly and they pretend not to like it.”
“Yeah, pretend...”
“Anyways, let’s all go out together to eat for dinner! We’ll celebrate your first day and this cool new friendship.”
“Eh, I don’t know -”
“I’ll go if you go,” Chan said. You were caught off guard by his sudden direct approach, and even Minho was a bit amused, but maybe this was a good idea. “I want to get to know you more.”
“Can’t say no now, _____,” Minho teased.
“It’s like college all over again. Fine, I’ll go with you guys.”
“Great! It’s a date,” Chan said.
“Weird way to word it, but ok! It’s a date,” Minho cheered. “When do you start training?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t even know who’s training me.”
“I am,” Chan said. “The Captain just emailed me everything. It’s pretty self-explanatory, actually - it’s a lot of filing and records management.”
“Records? Like of suspects and cases?”
“Mm, exactly. You’ll be helping me and Han organize our files while we work on this case they called me in for.”
“That case!?” you shrieked, trying not to sound too excited. They were literally giving you everything you needed to write for your report! And once you found out who was causing all of this, you’ll be the best reporter the country has ever seen. This undercover job was almost too easy... “Minho, you’re on it, too?”
“Yeah. The case was actually mine to begin with.” A frustrated Minho threw a file folder filled with pictures of the bodies, where they were found, footprints, and suspects onto your new desk. It wasn’t the first time you’ve seen such graphic photos, but you were just so excited to literally be working on this much-anticipated case hands-on that your eyes were wider than Minho’s mouth. “I cannot, for the fucking life of me, piece any of this shit together. It’s pissing me off! I was here 'til three in the morning last night.”
“What do you mean you can't piece it together? Isn't some of it at least decipherable?”
“Not at all. The autopsies the medical investigators are giving us indicate severe blood loss in the victims. They were all practically dried out, like human jerky, but there’s no indication of any wounds or cuts to any body part. No bullet wounds, or knife cuts, or a blunt object to a body part, like nothing at all. They’re basically saying the blood was either sucked out extremely slow with a small needle or that a fucking vampire did this. Like, what am I supposed to do with this information!? It’s useless!”
“And you think you can help?” you challenged Chan.
"I hope I can - I mean, I really want to. When my sergeant told me about the case, I immediately said yes, I have to work on it. There was no way I’d pass up this opportunity. Let’s hope graduating top of my class at the academy proves being useful.”
Chan leaned over your shoulder from above your sitting form, shifting through all the photos and notes as if it were his first time reading through. He leaned down close enough to your face that you could smell the cologne he was wearing. Sandalwood and patchouli - how typical of a suave detective. Being in close proximity with your subject should have made you feel unsettled, but instead you were surprisingly comfortable. It was like Chan gave off this vibe that was telling you to trust him, like he knew you felt a certain way about him being the new guy in town.
“I can’t look at it anymore,” Minho groaned. “It’s driving me insane.”
“You don’t have much of a choice. This is the only case we have for now,” Chan said.
“I know… Can we talk about it more at dinner, though? I’m starving ~”
The family restaurant across town was the only place worth going to because they were the only place who didn’t freeze everything that’s on the menu. The three of you sat in one of the booths, with Minho next to you and Chan sitting across. While you and Minho were looking over a shared menu, Chan couldn’t help but eye you both.
“So you two aren’t dating…?” he asked.
“Oh God, no,” you scoffed.
“Why do you always say it like that?” Minho pouted.
“You two look good together. You even fight like a couple.”
“_____ isn’t really into dating.”
“Really? Why?”
“Who has the time? I sure don’t.”
“Hm. Interesting,” Chan mused. After the waiter came and took your orders, Chan whipped out the large file for you to look at more closely. “Ready to hear about the case?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“All right. Let’s start with the very first victim.” Chan handed you several pictures of what looked like a shriveled alien curled up on the ground, all wrinkly and skinny and actually looking like their blood was sucked out of them. A before-the-killing picture was placed right beside it for comparison. If you hadn’t known this was a before picture, you wouldn’t have guessed they were the same person. “Person number one, found just within town limits in the forest out west of here. Minho said they figured he was so deep in the forest because he was hunting, according to all the equipment he had.”
“They don’t even look similar… Look, they’re like an empty juicebox.” you muttered.
“Crazy, right?” It was amazing that even with all the gory pictures spread out, Minho still managed to eat like it was nothing. “A couple other bodies were found in the forest shortly after. We thought this person was luring people into the forest so they they didn’t have to be so cautious, but while we were on the lookout in the forest, a body was found like a mile away from the precinct.”
While you were shuffling through all the before pictures of the victims, you could see why Minho was having a hard time with the case. “There’s no relation to these people, huh?”
“Absolutely nothing. I guess this killer doesn’t discriminate.”
“That’s unsettling…”
“Don’t worry, baby, you got two strong and handsome detectives to protect you, right, Chan?”
“Of course. We wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”
“I suddenly have zero fear,” you scoffed. “So there’s no puncture or cuts or anything? How is this even possible?”
“I told you, it’s either small needles or vampires.”
“Oh please, vampires? In our little town? What would they even be doing here?”
“Exactly, our town is little. We’re being wiped out as we speak!”
“You guys believe in that stuff? Witches and vampires?” Chan asked, raising a curious brow.
“_____ does. In college, I had to drag them out to halloween parties because they were afraid of all the walking spirits and vampires that would roam our campus.”
“Why vampires in particular?”
Unconsciously, you brought a hand to your neck. “I have a weird sensitivity thing with my neck. I don’t like having anything near or on it, even shirt collars.”
“Damn, even in bed?” Minho teased.
“Gross, don’t ask me that!”
While you and Minho were bickering, you both failed to catch Chan biting his bottom lip as he watched you play with your neck.
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“Well, tonight was fun, guys!” Minho stretched his arms high into the night sky. “Do any of you need a ride home?”
“I’m ok, my apartment complex is right there,” you said.
“I’m actually in that direction, too. I’ll walk with you,” Chan offered.
“All right, I’ll see you two tomorrow bright ’n early. Goodnight, my love! And goodnight, Channie ~”
“He’s so stupid…” you chuckled while walking next to Chan. For those brief couple of hours, you almost forgot you were supposed to keep a watch on him. But he was so friendly and personable that it was so easy to let your guard down. You had to be more careful.
“He’s interesting… but he’s a good detective.”
“Yeah. Even if he copied my homework, he aced all the exams and was the top of our class.”
“I guess I’m lucky to be working with him, huh?”
“Please, if anything HE should be the lucky one. You’re Detective Bang Chan, afterall.”
“Ah, you flatter me ~” the most boyish smile you’ve ever seen grew on his lips, causing his dimples to appear. If there was any weakness you had for a boy, it was his boyish smile, and dimples were just icing on the cake.
Yeah, you really had to be careful around Chan.
“Cute…” you said mindlessly.
“What’s cute?”
“U-Uh…” Wow, were you an idiot or what? Well, there was no use hiding it now. “You’re, um, dimples are cute.”
Chan’s cute smile only widened. “You’re going to get me in trouble, _____.”
He left it at that and walked ahead, not allowing you to implore further. You’ve only spent one day with Chan and you noticed that he liked to keep to himself most of the times, which only heightened your curiosity. But if you didn’t play your cards right, he’d be onto your game and you have this gut feeling that he can turn the tables on you really quickly, with or without malicious intent.
“You live in this tower, too, right?” he asked while walking up to the door.
“How did you know?”
“I saw you when I was moving in.” Oh no, that’s not good. “I thought we were on the same floor, but I think I saw you keep going up. Ah, that sounds creepy, doesn’t it…?”
“Only a little.”
The elevator ride was silent and more terrifying than awkward. Throughout the whole day, you were feeling comfortable and fine, even in moments when you were alone with Chan, but now that it was night and the only noise was coming from the elevator, your felt your heartbeat quicken. The air felt dryer and thicker than it usually was. Something about being alone with your subject at night made you feel like there was no use trying to hide your intentions. It was like Chan already knew what you were up to and he was playing your game before you even started.
“Before you go, there’s something in your hair that’s been bothering me the whole night. Do you mind?” he asked, holding up a hand.
“Go ahead,” you blushed.
Gently, Chan removed a couple tufts of fluff and fixed and tucked the loose strands of hair behind your shoulder. The tips of his fingers brush your neck and your body immediately reacted by emerging goosebumps all over your skin, following the shivers that travelled throughout. When you meant your neck was sensitive, that was just an understatement. Hypersensitive was more like it, and if something were to just brush up against your skin on that part of your body, you’d always have to hold back from letting out a soft moan. When Chan saw you swallow nervously, his pride shot through the roof and the corners of his lip couldn’t help but smirk.
“This is your floor, right?” You could only nod in response. “Then this is goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You tried not to look too affected by that intimate encounter, but even watching you from behind, Chan knew you were nervous. Or were you turned on? Or was it both? Either way, he knew having you wrapped around him finger might be easier and a lot more fun than he thought.
You needed a cold shower.
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“Fuck it, I quit.”
While trying to sort through and find all the personal files of all ten victims, Minho throws an eleventh one on top of your pile. You looked at your friend with wide and terrified eyes. It was only yesterday the three of you were discussing ten victims over dinner. Now there was another to investigate and you’re positive that there would be more come tomorrow.
“What happened this time?” Chan asked.
“Found early this morning at the back of the restaurant we were at last night. It’s the head chef. The killer even shoved an apple in his mouth and tied him up all pretty.” Minho lets out a shaky sigh and ran a hand through his hair. “Tell me why this feels like we’re in an episode of Hannibal, but without the cannibalism part?”
“Was an autopsy performed?”
“Not yet, I think they’re doing it right now.”
“Let’s go,” you proposed.
“I said let’s go to the autopsy. There has to be something that the M.I.s are missing. Maybe we can see it.”
“_____, these are trained professionals, there’s no way they’d miss anything.”
“Well, you have to go take a look anyways, don’t you? Might as well double check their work.”
“Fine, if you insist, we’ll go after lunch. For now, we should just get the chef’s file ready.”
“I’ll do it,” Chan said, getting up from his seat. “I’ll be right back.”
From the corner of your eye, you watched Chan leave the room. The only words exchanged between the two of you since that moment in the elevator were simple good mornings and you were still too embarrassed and shy to say anything more than that. Minho noticed your uneasiness and was already thinking up ways to tease you.
“So what’s the real reason you’re working here?” he whispered after getting closer to you. “One rumor has it is because you’re bored with the News. My instincts think it’s because of a certain Chan you want to Bang.”
“Ok one, I’m not bored with my job, and two, I literally just met him.”
“If I tell you the real reason, you can’t tell anyone, ok?” Minho nodded eagerly. “There’s something not right. Nothing big like this happens in this town, and you know it! It’s almost… supernatural. And I need figure out what’s happening.”
“And you think Chan’s responsible?”
“I think he’s partially responsible. I don’t trust him, Minho.”
“You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.”
“I don’t trust him, either,” he whispered quieter. “There’s something off about him. He’s not even slightly affected by all of the bloodshed! At first I thought it was because the city detectives get wild cases all the time, but even the city doesn’t get shit like this.”
“Exactly! God, what do we do? You have to help me, I get a feeling he’s on to me already.”
“Dude, you just started!”
“I know I’m weak, that’s why I need your help!”
“We’ll talk later, he’s coming back.” On cue, Chan returned to his desk. “Hey, Chan, me and _____ were actually thinking of looking at the autopsy right now. Wanna come with?”
“Sure. Autopsies are my favorite.”
“Totally normal detective thing to say,” Minho muttered to no one as he led the way.
The medical investigation wing of the precinct was incredibly clean and terrifyingly sterilized and you felt like you shouldn’t have even set foot into the room, but if a slob like Minho could walk through, then you figured you’d be fine. The M.I.s had the chef out on the steel table like the main course to a fancy dinner as they continued to exam his body from head-to-toe.
“Did you find anything?” Chan asked one of them.
“Yeah, uh… Well, i-it’s better if I just show you.”
The spooked-out M.I. brought the three of you over to the head of the chef. His mouth had been covered up by a mask, probably because the rigor mortis had set his mouth permanently open due to the apple that was shoved in there. Without much care, they turned his head over and revealed his neck.
“There’s two punctures,” they pointed out. “Two perfectly small and circular punctures, like in those hollywood vampire movies.”
You couldn’t even stand to look at the two holes in his neck. Just the thought of that happening to you made you cover up your exposed neck with your hands and arms while the two boys got a closer look.
“What the fuck…” Minho muttered. “Do you believe in vampires now, Chan?”
“I don’t really have a choice here, do I? Are there any DNA prints on him?”
The medical investigator shook their head. “No. Not even a single finger print. Whoever or whatever did this to him must have been an animal, or something.”
“No animal in this town is capable of doing that,” you stuttered nervously. “That’s a vampire for sure.”
“Is he the only victim that has these markings?” Minho asked.
“No, he’s not.” The entire wall on the opposite side of the room was decked in drawers of steel that held the dead bodies of the victims of cases that were still under investigation. The wall and the room itself were huge, but the investigator must have pulled out half of the drawers full of the victims that were a part of the case. “Take a look at every single one of their necks - the same two dots, precisely and accurately in the same spot on every victim.”
“How could this have been overlooked until now!?”
“It wasn’t until one of the senior investigators found the holes. They’re so small and blend in with the wrinkles that it makes it really hard to see unless we spread the skin out.”
While Chan and Minho got a closer look at all of the victims, you decided to stay back and sit out on this part of the case. Dead bodies freaked you out, and holes on a dead body’s neck made it worse. You saw Chan looking back at you from time-to-time to check up on how you were doing and each time you made eye contact, he’d give you a little reassuring smile that everything would be ok soon.
After taking pictures and updating the files of each victim, the three of you left the wing to look further into this.
“Are you ok?” Chan asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just spooked...”
“Halloween is coming up. Maybe this person’s some sicko who’s just trying to be seasonal. Pumpkin spiced lattes aren’t how they used to taste, after all,” Minho scoffed.
“How is this even physically possible? Like what possible tools or tubes did this person use to suck out that much blood? There’s no way an ordinary person is capable of this.”
“And to be that medically precise each time?”
“Maybe he’s a doctor,” Chan suggested.
“Dude, how are you not freaking out about this!? Does the city get cases like this often?” Minho asked.
The handsome detective merely shrugged. “We get a lot of cosplayers who try to imitate vampires, but there not as clean as this person. Does that count?”
“I guess…”
Your entire day consisted of organizing all of the files and putting them into the precinct’s system. It was a lot of boring office work you weren’t used to at your old job, but at least your tasks weren’t too distracting that you were able to keep a close eye out on Chan. He didn’t seem to be doing anything out of the ordinary today - he and Minho were just trying to piece things that were even just slightly similar together - but no matter what, the combination of theories they thought up didn’t match with anything.
After an excruciating eight hours plus overtime, you finally finished logging in everything.
“Detective Bang, I finished,” you said, handing him the large file.
“Please call me Chan,” he chuckled. “Detective Bang sounds like a stripper name. Are you done for the day?”
“I think so.”
“Are you heading home?”
Now was a great time to try out those acting skills you acquired in that one two-credit gen-ed class. “Actually, I was going to wait for you, if that’s ok. I’m a little scared to go home by myself.”
A wide grin spread across his seemingly-innocent face. Why did he have to be so handsome? “I’ll be more than happy to take you home. I’ll be done in just a sec.”
“I’ll head out myself then. I’ll see you all tomorrow,” before he exited the precinct, Minho made a texting motion to you that said, ‘make sure you text me when you get home.’
“Ready to go?” Chan asked, already packed up.
The walk home from work wasn’t too far, but it was far enough to creep you out once the sun began to set. Since the three of you put in overtime for this case, the sun had already set and the night was young. The old town street lights haven’t been updated or replaced since the town came to be and they didn’t really help light the way home.
“Jeez, no wonder you’re scared to go home. I’d be terrified, too.”
“I hope you don’t mind me accompanying you,” you said innocently.
“Of course not. I enjoy your company.”
The loud rattle of the trash cans beside you startled you to death and you huddled close to Chan as an instinct. When a black cat ran away from the trash can, Chan burst out a boisterous laugh.
“You’re cute,” he said once his laughing settled.
“That’s not funny! Who knows, that could have been the vampire, or something!”
“That’s the cutest vampire, if I’ve ever seen one.”
“What kind of childhood did you have to be so fearless like this?”
Chan shrugged again, which you figured was a habit of his. “I had a pretty normal one, although I play a lot of video games with jumpscares so that might be the reason why I’m not scared of many things.”
“The famous and fearless Detective Bang Chan, what did we ever do to deserve your service?” you bowed teasingly.
“Ah, not even. If anything, I’m the one that should be thankful. The city starts to get boring after a while.”
“Really? I can’t imagine that being so.”
“Yeah, you know how the city is, though - always loud, crowded, you never get any privacy except the bathroom. It’s nice to be in such a peaceful town where people mind their own business.”
What you mean is that you’re happy no one’s watching you carefully, you think to yourself. Except me.
As you entered your apartment building and the elevator, Chan failed to press the button to your floor. Before you could do it yourself, he began to speak.
“I wanted to ask if you wanted to come over and have a glass of wine? Or some coffee? I didn’t get a chance to know you better over dinner last night, and we are neighbors who will be working closely together, after all. I know it seems like an intimate setting, but I thought I would put the offer on the table, anyways.”
This was it - this was going to be your first big breakthrough with your suspicions. You can’t pass this opportunity up, no matter how dangerous it may seem.
“That sounds nice,” you said, giving him your sweetest smile. “I could use some wine after today.”
Chan returned your gesture innocently. “Excellent.”
For some reason, Chan’s apartment seemed much larger than yours, but maybe the feng shui of his furniture was responsible. His place was so intricately decorated with a lot of antiques and delicate pieces. It was like walking into an historical art gallery.
“I like to go antiquing,” he said, amused by how in awe you were about his place. “Sorry if my place reminds you of your grandparents’, or something.”
“No, not at all. It’s quite beautiful. I just wouldn’t have guessed that about you.” Because it’s totally normal for a grown man in his twenties to regularly go antique shopping.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me. You can sit at that table, I’ll bring everything over. I hope you don’t mind red wine - it’s all I have.”
“Red is perfect.”
As he fetched the wine, you quickly scanned his home and mentally noted all the details you could acquire. A lot of the antiques were black or red in combination with gold, adding a touch of haunting elegance to his beautiful abode. It was quite gothic, if you were to describe it. Those must be his favorite colors. On the opposite side of the room was what you assumed was the bathroom and the bedroom. Jackpot.
“I’m going to use the restroom,” you said.
“Go ahead, I’ll be here.”
Quickly, you headed straight for the bedroom door. If you were caught, you already had a lie made up in your head. His bedroom was just as exquisite and haunting as his living room. The furniture was decked in the same black, red, and gold, but didn’t hold quite as many trinkets.
“Are you lost?”
From behind, Chan whispered dangerously close to your ear. So close that you could even feel his breath tickle your neck. His airy chuckle reached your neck, too, as he was entertained by how quickly you stiffened your back. You’re too easy to tease.
“Y-Yeah, I’m sorry! I went through the wrong door and was, um, captivated by your room. It’s so beautiful.”
“Thank you. I chose each piece individually. I’m glad you appreciate it as much as I do.”
“Right. S-So this one’s the bathroom, right?” you stuttered, pointing to the other door.
“Yup. I’ll get back to the wine.”
In the bathroom, you had to take a breather from the smallest stimulation that reached your neck. Hypersensitivity was really no joke. Since you knew Chan couldn’t sneak up on you in the bathroom, you did what any other sane person would do in your situation - snoop through his medicine cabinet.
But there was nothing. Only a pill bottle half-filled with a strong dose of aspirin.
The bottle said each pill held 1000mg of the active ingredient. What would Chan need a blood thinner with such a high dosage for?
No matter. You’ll figure that out later.
When you exited the bathroom, Chan sat at the table patiently, flipping through his phone.
“I chose a finely-aged pinot noir from Napa Valley,” he said once you sat down.
“That sounds expensive. I would have been just fine with Barefoot wine.”
“I would never subject my guests to such a horrific brand.”
Oh, the wine was good. Like, really good. So good you already felt the effects of it. Your entire body became warm and tingly.
“Ah, you’re so pink already! How cute,” Chan gushed.
“Do you always call your co-workers/neighbors cute?” you accused.
“No, although none of them were as cute as you.”
“Detective Bang Chan, Mr. Charisma.”
“That’s what the ladies like to call me.”
“Oh, yeah? Is that what you tell people you’re on a date with?”
“I would, if I’d been on a date in the last couple of years,” he sighed.
“You’re telling me you haven’t been on a date in that long!?”
“This profession gets busy, ok! As an intellectual once said, ‘Who has the time? I sure don’t.’”
“How dare you quote me…”
“So you don’t date, huh?”
“Well, Minho made it seem like I hate dating, which is not true, I love it. It’s just no one seems to catch my eye these days, you know? The people in this town are so boring…”
“Again, you are definitely a city person. You should move out there. I’ll even help you find a place.”
“I know, but I love this town too much. And even if I wanted to leave, I can’t.”
“Why’s that?”
“I need to know what’s happening to this town. All the deaths, the terror the people are experiencing… I can’t just leave - I’d be leaving Minho behind, too.”
“You must really care about him,” Chan said almost too bitterly, though he figured you were tipsy enough to miss it.
“Yeah, I guess,” you joked. “Do you have a Minho in your life?”
Chan shook his head before downing the last of his glass. “Nah. I’m kind of a loner out in these parts.”
“Oh, that’s hot.” You were definitely drunk now. “Yikes, I wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.”
“That’s enough wine for you,” he teased, taking the glass away from you.
“So you haven’t dated in a while and me and Minho are your closest friends. What a fulfilling life you live. Have you ever been in love before at least?”
He shook his head again, though he doesn’t seem too bothered by your question. “No. How about you?”
“Yes. Why are you surprised?”
“I don’t know, you seem like the type of person who’d be easy to fall in love with.”
“Really? I thought the exact opposite. I’m a sensitive workaholic who likes being alone most of the time.”
“That’s exactly why I think it’d be easy, but I don��t know, maybe that’s just my type.”
“You have an odd type, Mr. Chan.”
“I’m an odd person.”
The night was spent sitting at the table with Chan while you two got to know each other better. You got so caught up with your conversations that you completely forgot it was your job to figure out what his relation could be with all of the victims. Rather you leading the conversation, it was the opposite, where Chan got to know YOU a little bit more, and that was the last thing you wanted.
“Ah, I should head to bed now,” you said, shakily standing up from your chair.
“Do you need help getting upstairs?”
“Nah ~ I’ll be just fine -”
Before you could take your first steps towards the door, you felt your legs give out and Chan was there to catch you. How did he get to the other side of the table so quickly?
“You can barely stand on your own. Come on, I’ll take you up stairs.”
You didn’t bothering fighting it as you led the way to your room. The entire journey was spent with one of his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as you stumbled over the littlest bumps in the carpet. Really, you were so adorable in Chan’s eyes.
“It was nice talking with you,” he said when you arrived at your door. “Why don’t I pick you up tomorrow so we can go to work together?”
“Y-Yeah yeah, sounds good, Mr. Detective,” you slurred.
Without permission, Chan began to fix your hair the same way he did last night, except this time he used both of his hands on each side of your face. You had never sobered up more quickly. He tucked your messy ends behind your ears and made sure more than just his finger tips grazed your neck. As a natural response, you tilted your head into one of his palms, like you liked being touched that way. You were practically inviting him in.
But no, it was too soon, though Chan had a hard time holding back his desires.
“Be careful, ok?” Chan warned, indicating he didn’t mean to just be careful on the way to your room. “I’d hate to have anything bad happen to you.”
You simply nodded, but it was too late for that. You were already in big trouble.
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You’re not sure how much longer you can stay under cover.
Days melt into weeks and weeks turned into months as the investigation for this case didn’t seem like it was going to get solved anytime soon. Your team of three often stayed into the night and clocked in a lot of overtime hours just so you could move on as much as you could. But in this mile of a race, only centimeters had passed, but every bit of length counts. Within these last couple of months though, more bodies seemed to be piling in with the same wounds, which was the only relation these people had with each other.
Even when things with the investigation were moving slowly, you at least had some progress with Chan. The two of you walked to and from work every day and even on days when you were both off, you would hang out. But it was never over dinner or outside - it was always over red wine at one of your places, which was just fine with you. You loved wine and being as close to home as possible made everything easier, but also more dangerous. You just knew he was studying your place the same way you did the second night you met him.
Like any other mysterious and handsome man, he was just as suave and flirtatious and sometimes you had to stop yourself from falling for his charm, but he made it so hard for you to resist. There were too many times for you to count when he’d play with your hair or when his fingers went down the side of your neck or when you were so ready to jump his bones. Really, if you hadn’t been so suspicious of Chan, you’d dare to say he was your ideal type, but you had to draw the line somewhere, no matter how agonizing the sexual tension was.
As the days passed, you could feel yourself getting that much closer to solving this, and you weren’t about to ruin it over some stupid crush you had on him.
“I think we should assume vampire at this point,” Minho admitted defeatedly one afternoon.
“You can’t be serious,” Chan said.
“What other choice do we have? Actually, what other type of evidence do we have? Nothing!”
“I agree,” you chimed in, “We’ve tried everything. I tried to see if there was at least some type correlation between everyone in their files, but nothing.”
“So this is what it’s come down to? Vampire hunting?”
“... _____, what about their blood type? Any similarities?”
“Blood type?” None of you had thought of that one. Maybe Minho was onto something. When you pulled up all of their files and flipped through, you think for once that Minho wasn’t completely incompetent. “AB-, AB-, AB-... they’re all AB-, the rarest blood type.”
“Fuck yeah!” Minho cheered loudly. “We finally got a lead!”
“I didn’t know we had this many AB-s in our town.”
“They’re a vampire, I’m callin’ it.”
“Finally. Now that there’s a lead, I think we deserve a break,” Chan said, who was mostly quiet throughout the whole ordeal. “Dinner?”
“Nah, I’m good, I want to look into this more,” Minho said.
“I’ll go with you,” you said.
“Sounds good. Let me hit the bathroom first.”
You didn’t even want to look in Minho’s direction because you knew what he was going to lecture you about. At first, he thought your casual outings with your suspect were just ways for you to figure out what Chan’s deal was, but lately he’s been thinking they’re much more than just that.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he hissed. “I thought you didn’t like the guy!”
“I don’t!”
“Then why are you all buddy-buddy with him all of a sudden!?”
“Minho, it’s all part of the plan.”
“I don’t like it. I still don’t trust him. Did you see the way he reacted earlier with the blood lead? He just sat there! All stoic and mysterious! _____, what if he’s the vampire -”
“Ready to go?” Chan interrupted, causing Minho to almost fall off of your desk where he sat.
“Yup!” You gave Minho one last stern look before heading out.
This was all part of your plan, and Minho didn’t realize it just yet. Of course you suspected Chan to be the vampire, or at least an imitation of one. His porcelain skin, his gothic furniture, his natural attraction to your neck - very vampiric, if you said so yourself. No matter how silly the accusation was, you weren’t an idiot. If Minho and even some of the other townspeople were suspecting a vampire, then there had to be some truth to that, right? And who else would be a more perfect suspect than Detective Bang Chan? No one.
But if he was the one doing all of the bloodsucking, what were you to do…?
“What’s on your mind?” Chan asked, straying you from revising your plan.
“Just thinking about how we finally got a lead after all these months.”
“You don’t actually believe in this vampire stuff, do you?”
“I mean, if the evidence is there.”
“I don’t know, I still don’t buy it. I think we should look more into it. But we can discuss that with Minho later. For now, let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.”
Chan only heightened your suspicion of him being a vampire when he ended up taking his food to-go after claiming how hungry he was. His excuse was that he started not feel well, so you just left it at that and kept silent.
The second you got back, Minho jumped at you guys with an absurdly good idea.
“I think we should have a stakeout. Tonight.”
“What? Where would we even stay?” Chan asked. “_____ can’t even go with us, they’re a civilian.”
“So fucking what, Chan, we’re this much closer! _____ are you in or -”
“I’m in.”
“See!? So are you in or out?”
“... Fine, I’m in. But where would we stay?”
Minho points to the map that had all the pinpoints of where all the victims were found dead. A huge red circle was drawn around the majority of the pins.
“Seems like the vampire likes this area a lot. Woojin’s General Store is right in the middle of it. We’ll stay on the roof, I just got his approval.”
“I still don’t think this is a good idea. I don’t want to put _____ in danger.”
“I’d feel much better with them by my side than alone at home at the peak of this case.”
“Just by your side?” Chan accused, incredibly insulted.
“Can you both shut up? I’m going no matter what.”
Chan sighed, frustratedly running a hand through his cute and curly hair. “Fine. But you’re not leaving our sight at all.”
“We should probably get supplies at the General Store before we start.” You laughed at the way Minho rubbed his hands together excitedly like was an evil villain. “Are you guys ready to catch this son of a bitch!?”
“If we even see him,” you shrugged.
“If he even exists,” Chan said.
“You guys are just a load of fun, aren’t you?”
The entire time you three were at the General Store, it was like you and Chan were babysitting a child. Minho ran around the entire candy aisle excitedly throwing in bags of chips, sugary gummies, and bottles upon bottles of chilled coffee. Sometimes it was hard to believe Minho was a full-grown adult.
“I can’t believe we’re bringing a civilian out on a stakeout,” Chan muttered.
“I can take care of myself.”
“Oh, yeah? Just like how you can watch your wine intake?”
“Hey, your wine’s just not the Barefoot brand I’m used to.”
A light chuckle escaped a worrying Chan. “I’m sorry if I’m being controlling. I just wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if anything bad ever happened to you.”
“I didn’t take you for a sweetheart, Detective.”
“Only for you.”
“I’m starting to get the feeling that you like me, Bang Chan,” you teased, though you hoped there was some truth to it.
And there was. “I do,” he told you.
Good. You had him locked in, just how you wanted.
“Are you guys done flirting?” Minho whined. “C’mon, it’s 8pm already!”
The first hour of staking out was settling in and getting all the supplies ready. Minho even went above and beyond and got ten heads of garlic.
“Here, take some,” he said, handing you and Chan a couple of them.
“No, thank you,” Chan said. “I don’t want to smell gross.”
“That’s not suspicious at all.”
By 11pm, all the stores closed, the town was silent, and now began the real scary part of the stakeout. Every noise, every movement of shadow caught all of your attention and it was like all of you were cats on alert. Something about tonight’s air was more haunting than it had ever been.
“If I see another goddamn raccoon running around, I’m gonna shoot it,” Minho said, preparing his gun.
“Don’t do that,” Chan scolded.
By the time 2am came around, neither of you could keep your eyes open, even after all the cups of coffee. From time to time, your head would bob from side to side because you were so tired and Chan would scoot closer to you so you could use his shoulder as a pillow while you took short naps. Chan ignored the dirty looks Minho would give him and to heighten his annoyance, he even dared to rest his head on top of yours. He could smell your shampoo - tea tree and aloe. It suited you.
“I can’t sit around anymore,” Minho said, causing you to wake up. “I’m going to walk around.”
“You can’t be serious,” you shrieked. “I’ll go with you.”
“No, you stay here with Chan.”
“Minho, please don’t leave,” you begged.
Minho smiled to calm your worrying form before he plants a small kiss on top of your head. “I’ll be right back. I promise. Look, I even made a garlic necklace!”
“Here, take this walk-e talk-e.” Chan tossed the toy over.
And with a wave goodbye, he was off the roof and heading to town square. This all felt surreal, like you were in some post apocalyptic dystopian world and that Minho was in grave danger. You knew that probably wasn’t the case, but something didn’t feel right.
Chan’s hand found its way to the small of your back while you were watching Minho run away.
Two hours passed and soon the sun would rise and all of this would finally be over until the next time, but Minho still hadn’t returned. He’d update you guys once in a while, but those updates stopped at around 3:30 and you were starting to get nervous.
“I’m gonna go look for him,” you said while grabbing some gear.
“_____, stop.”
“Chan, I can’t just sit here while he and that stupid doctor vampire thing are out there! Minho’s book smart, not street or vampire smart, he’s gonna get killed out there!”
Chan does the thing he always does and holds your face between his strong hands that would slowly, torturously travel down your neck until they reached your shoulders and every time you felt so calm, like he was wiping away any stress you had. He bent down a bit so you’d look him in the eyes in your panic state.
“How about this: I’ll go out and find him. You stay here with the other walk-e talk-e.”
You shook your head. “Let me go with you.”
“No, you have to stay here, ok? I can’t let anything happen to you.”
Your heart, mind, and body said no, but your mouth said, “Ok.”
Chan pressed a loving kiss to your forehead, too, as if he was competing with the one Minho gave you. “I’ll be right back, my love,” he teased.
In minutes, he was gone, and now you were all alone on the roof. You checked the time almost every minute because waiting for an update was excruciatingly painful.
“Oh, shit. Hello? Guys?” Minho called on the other end.
Your shaking hands picked up the toy. “Hey, it’s me. Where are you!? Chan’s out looking for you.”
“I’m behind the precinct. I was trying to save battery, but this is an emergency. I think someone’s following me -”
The call got cut off.
“Hello? Minho?” you called. Panic was rising at an uncontrollable rate. “Minho, answer me!”
No one answered. Something must have gotten him.
You needed to find him.
Leaving all of the snacks and equipment on the roof, you got down from the building and sprinted all the way to the precinct hoping that Minho or Chan or anyone would be there. But when you approached the building, all of the lights were off. Maybe he was still behind the building. The usually-thinning air of the town was getting harder to breathe in in your panic state.
Behind the precinct was Minho’s body on the floor.
“Hey...” you barely choked out.
You ran to his side and held him in your arms but almost dropped him because there was no way this could be him. Even with skin as pale as the white columns with hollowed-out cheek bones and dry, cracking lips, there was no mistaking that this was Minho.
Just as you suspected, there were two holes on the side of his neck with trickles of blood still falling from the wound. You thought for sure he was dead, but as your tears fell onto his cheeks, you saw his eyes twitch in response.
“Minho, wake up,” you begged. “Wake up, wake up! You’re going to be ok, goddammit!! I-I’m going to take you to a hospital and soon you’ll be all better, and -”
Shakily, you leaned forward so you could hear him better.
Minho fell limp.
“Chan!” You sobbed to the sky. “Chan!!!”
A figured stepped out from the shadows behind the trees from where they watched the scene unfold exactly how it was written.
Assuming the figure was Chan, your sobs calling out to him got louder.
“Chan! We-We have to go get Mi-Minho to the hospital! Please, help me, I -”
You stopped yourself when you looked up at the towering thing above you. Chan’s amused expression hid in its own shadow and the only thing you could see was his bloody irises peaking through with a light of their own. And as if your greatest fear had come true, he bent down to your level and looked right at you.
“It’s a shame, really,” Chan began. “He would have had a fulfilling life if he just left you alone. If only he hadn’t loved you, too.”
It was clear that you wouldn’t - couldn’t - move, so Chan took it upon himself to help you. Chuckling menacingly, he untangled your latching arms from Minho’s decaying body and pulled you up from the floor and brought you close to his body. Even if you were able to run away, he’d still make sure that you wouldn’t be able to by holding your waist so desperately that his nails began to hurt.
“Mm, now I have you all to myself,” he sang, burying his face to the crook of your neck. You felt light kisses being pressed onto your hypersensitive skin, causing soft, weak moans to escape your lips.
You were losing all sense of self at this point. All of your sense were in overdrive and it was like you were high.
“You know, I came to this town thinking I’d just be passing through, drinking whatever AB- blood there was to offer in this shit town, and then return to the city. Do you know why I ended up staying?”
You didn’t answer.
“Because the second I saw you walking the streets on your way to the news station, I knew had to have you. I could smell your blood all the way from across the street... I needed it so, so badly. So I moved into the conveniently vacant space below you. The rest is history, isn’t it? Mm, you’re so beautiful, you know? And you taste as good as you smell...”
His lips crashed down on yours with urgency, unable to hold himself back any longer. He teased you by biting your lip and laughed into the kiss knowing you were terrified of him tasting your AB- blood.
With your face still cupped in his hands, he continued on. Even with terrifyingly red eyes, they were still capable of showing remorse, and for a second you almost fell for it. “You know I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, right?”
Of course you knew that - he told you practically every day.
“Say you know,” he demanded.
“I-I know,” you stuttered.
“I would never drink your blood, you know that, right? I can’t lose you...”
You could only nod.
“Come with me,” he begged. “We’ll leave this place and never come back. No one will find us. No one will think we did this and I’ll take really good care of you, I promise. Just come with me.”
“Chan, I -”
“I’ve lived for nearly a thousand years. A thousand. And I’ve never needed anyone more than you.”
He had to have been lying and you knew it, too, but as if you were caught in a spell, you began to believe his every word and contemplate about life afterwards if you rejected his offer. Either he’d drink you up and kill you or he’d stay true to his word and not lay a finger on you, but if you stayed, everyone in town would assume you were the vampire wiping out the whole town.
So did you even have a choice?
“Will you come with me?” he asked once more.
“Yes,” you said without hesitation.
His sharp teeth were shining as he grinned widely. He pressed a more tender, loving kiss on your lips and you felt like you could fly.
Bang Chan was unreal.
“I love you,” he whispered against your lips.
You said nothing.
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