#anyways enjoy dumpster diving life u baby
otomates-a · 4 years
galaxiasus said: 👫 hi raihan and piers
@galaxiasus​ ↪ PROMPT!
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raihan is usually the one who intrudes upon piers, randomly showing up on spikemuth’s doorstep with sandaconda wrapped around his body clinging to him and an apple in his mouth casually like hey what’s up dude i’m coming in, gently pushes aside some rando team yell grunt in front of him with his index finger. he’s not literally intrusive, though, he makes himself scarce when something is going on or piers is busy, but he does drop by a lot unannounced and will just greet him and go if he needs to. it’s not like it takes long to visit him so he may as well. what i’m getting at is piers prob sees this loser every other day SINCE SOMEONE!!!! WON’T GET!!! THEIR ASS!!! ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!! TO TALK TO HIM!!! forcing him to go to you in person ... is this the STONE AGE.... that said, sometimes it IS the other way around and piers probably shows up at hammerlocke. it always surprises raihan, but he’s thrilled about it. he’ll make time for piers whether he’s busy or not.
i’ve already mentioned it here & there, but piers is one of two people who can really get raihan to put down his phone and actually pay attention to him. the other is leon because obvs he’s close friends with him, but even then sometimes he brushes leon off (albeit humorously.) if piers is around, he’s more likely to have raihan’s attention than his fans are and even though he’ll still take photos & videos & whatever, it’s for fun more than anything else. he likes documenting, very “pictures are worth a thousand words” mindset. piers doesn’t even have to ask him to put it down ever, really. while he’ll still check his updates from time to time, he’ll mostly put it away on his own. especially if they’re outside or setting up camp together to cook for their teams, which he likes to do anyways just for fun. not pictured: all our conversations about raihan literally getting up and ditching an interview mid-filming to chase after piers if he sees him around KJNMHKJHNM. really though if he sees an event as special enough or even if piers requested it of him, he wouldn’t even bring his phone along if they went somewhere together or if piers just needed / wanted some time with his attention safely / solely on him. when raihan doesn’t have his phone on him, he gets a lot Softer, too, even though he’s always a little big of a smug tease.
piers probably fucking dies with raihan even if he starts getting used to him because he isn’t just a spur-of-the-moment romantic, he’s also super physically affectionate and a deep kisser idk how else to word that i’m KJNHM. when raihan kisses piers, it’s 1. completely out of nowhere without any indication it’s going to happen because he’s very spontaneous, 2. extremely clingy which absolutely means 90% of the time he’s not just leaning down to kiss him, he’s hecking PULLING HIM INTO A REALLY TIGHT HUG AND BEING SUPER EXTRA ABOUT IT, 3. not one for simple pecks (usually!!) when he goes for it he REALLY goes for it just... very sudden, deep, hard, tight embraced kisses .... obviously there are exceptions i’m not saying he’s NEVER soft or that he doesn’t do quick touch-and-go pecks or anything like that EVER, those are just more rare and tend to be in “read the room” situations where he’ll prob be less spontaneous anyways. since he also has no filter on PDA, the amount of people who have seen him kiss piers is prob absolutely wild too. raihan kisses him in the middle of a final battle or something, leon and the other gym leaders and the entire galar region nod sagely, exchanging money on the bets they took for when it would happen bc it was GONNA happen at some point during the event KJNHM. marnie is somewhere holding her head in her hands out of secondhand embarrassment. so it goes.
raihan is a bit of a secret romantic behind how smug he is, although he doesn’t let it show very often. he likes to do sentimental things and that part of his personality mostly shines through when he’s interacting with pokemon, whether they be wild / belonging to others / or his own. even though he’s not the greatest cook, he’ll go out of his way to make curry that his team will like and sometimes he’ll bring some over to piers to share with his team, as well. he takes an interest in dark type pokemon once his visits to spikemuth become more frequent. he takes time to get to know each pokemon that piers has and sometimes brings them little gifts once he’s started figuring out a pokemon’s personality. what berries they like, if they like any particular items, etc. but he also does this with piers, hence the romanticism. the more he starts to understand piers, the more often he’ll occasionally bring a gift over for him. usually it’s topical stuff, like things he can use for music / songwriting / etc. other times it’s really silly, like scrunchies with dumb patterns on them for his hair or just some sweets he tried at the cafe and thought it was so good he wanted to share it. he’ll even bring something for marnie sometimes and pass it on to piers to give to her if she isn’t in town at the time. he’d literally buy flowers for piers at some point tbqh. looking at him one wouldn’t expect it, but he just likes all that cheesy stuff & being involved in the world of someone he loves ??? soft.
bonus: raihan learning to appreciate the simplicity of not dynamaxing pokemon and enjoying piers’ style of battling. he constantly tells piers that one day he’s going to beat him in the finals and when he manages that, he wants the two of them to convince leon to do a double battle against them together.
bonus x 2: piers saying i love you aloud may be a little rare, but with raihan it is not. he says it often. loudly or quietly. energetically and calmly, when need be. in front of others and alone. when piers needs to hear it and when he doesn’t.
bonus x 3: since sb won't hecking invest in social media and texting skills, raihan communicates with piers back and forth via bird mail just shove a letter in a pelipper's beak and pray i guess. you: piers will send him letters just to tell him he's feeling sad. me: bitch i raise you raihan sending him a letter just to say good morning & good night don't fucking teST me.
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splendidshinobi · 3 years
episode 11: the other brothers elric part 1
yeet this thing edward
ok who r these so called other brothers
this girl’s uncle is sus. he’s now known as uncle lemons.
oh shit they got kicked to the curb
i bet “alphonse” is the taller one
never mind
this twink is annoying
on your knees???????????????????????
ed plz
oh twink doesnt need a circle but doubtful he’s opened a portal of truth
he’s got philosopher’s juice instead i suppose!!
wheres mugear or whoever
oh found him
girly looks hot 
oh its uncle lemons
these townspeople are annoying as shit
wow what a parallel tragic backstory
operation mole hole
what is the cough sub plot
i have questions
hmm there we go thx fletcher
ugh the twink is back 
and now he’s an attempted murderer
great going twink your brother is gonna die
his villain origin story 
uhhh what? part 2 i guess
episode 12: the other brothers elric part 2
fletcher is a homie
ed’s window dive was so dramatic
i literally cannot tell you what the twink’s name is
he is just twink
mugear is suspicious 
he’s not even an alchemist??? bro
who is nash tringham
is he important other than in this specific episode arc
nash tringham and uncle lemons definitely got naughty back in the day
to be fair what is uncle lemons’ name? i do not know
like i cant be expected to remember every one bit character’s name? especially when i have all this other fma knowledge floating around in my head
why is ed sitting in the tree like that
ed: “google earth...always taking pics”
what is this stone making process with pregnant ladies who thought of this
lets all throw mugear in a septic tank
edward is so unimpressed by this mans
HAHA yes edward my son
“it’s been a good while since i killed anyone. i kinda miss it.” EDWARD YOU KILL ME LMAOOO
uh oh he’s got a red water gun or somethin
so fletcher is the plant alchemist i see
twink’s name is RUSSELL????? how did i miss that
wooooooof sucks to suck mugear
thats A LOT of red water
fletcher’s alchemy is so weird
from the redwood forest to the gulf stream waterssss
what in tarnation is this boy doing
i guess we have another prodigy on our hands okayyyy
why do i feel like we’ll see the tringhams again
uncle lemons strikes again with LEMONS
whats in the letter????
from russell??? why r u so embarrassed edward
thats mighty homosexual of you good sir
episode 13: fullmetal vs flame
so this one is called fullmetal vs flame which makes me think theyre animating that bonus chapter??!!!??!!! yes!!!!!
colonel sarcasm?? nice ed
i too enjoy mocking roy toy
al found a cat
he definitely did
um who’s yelling
probably mustang that dumpster fire of a man
black hayate!!!!!!! baby!!!!!!!
FUERY!!!!! he’s so small
breda is a mess omg
havoc is a mess too
kitty! “he called to me” precious al
these boys are a trainwreck 
oh sad kitty flashback
mustang is such a freak 
yeaH i wondER if mustang knows marcoh hmmmmmm HMMM
“names not familiar” yeah sure baby all yall ishval war criminals know each other
ARMSTRONG!!! hey!!!
ummm wtf fuhrer bradley 
hughes is a mESS
ed’s gremlin face gives me life
roy with hayate...im scared
take that dog away from him
yayayay bonus chapter fight scene!
shut up miniskirt man 
oh no take the mic away from hughes
“you just want a promotion!!!” “give back my girlfriend!!!” im dying
i too would love to put a fist in mustang’s face
“too slow” damn idk that was kinda hot
but no im still gonna kill him
he’s so stupid
this is so chaotic
oooh cut the glove yessss
ope never mind
oh great he’s getting flashbacks... well shit happens when you commit war crimes
oh hmm theyre saying ishBal in this one instead of ishVal
ill probably still write ishval im more used to that
oh no black hayate she’s gonna pop a cap ive seen this clip before
she did it
“strict mommy” oh um ok
poor kitty cat
scar IS heather
episode 14: destruction’s right hand
back in liore with some more amestrian war crimes on the docket for today
ayyy envy our favorite morally corrupt they/them
gluttony’s snack time
new op lets gooooo
im not vibing as much but hey its kinda poppin
oh hey armstrong what up baby
to be fair ed did meet marcoh with armstrong in manga canon so
hahaha no thats not the fullmetal alchemist...thats alphonse!!!
marcoh’s voice sounds different hold on 
yep different VA
dr marcoh’s alchemical oobleck 
oh hey basque grand u sexy mustachioed bootlicker you shouldnt be here
what the FUCK he’s a weapon of mass destruction
i wish so hard netflix let you screenshot so i could add pics for added value!!!
if philosophers stones fall under grand’s jurisdiction then he is VERY SUS
he aint it
ope hey scar 
this is an odd amalgamation of plot points
oops boy bye
ive always enjoyed scar’s CLEARLY adidas brand track pants
ummmm why did scar’s brother have BROWN hair
i- ok
i miss j michael tatum
ooooooh armstrong baby i was wondering where you were!
rose!!!! tell him!!! fuck u hakuro!!!!
trying to help?? dont make me laugh you’re a general in the amestrian military
episode 15: the ishbal massacre
kinda early for the ishval talk imo?? wonder what we’ll learn
armstrong is literally the buff rasputin trope on tiktok rn
“accidentally” shot an ishvalan child. hmm yeah no
envy just sneezed
kimblee looks like christmas came early
they gave roy a stone??????? sounds noncanonical but ok
basque grand is literally wildin out fuck that guy
yuriy and sara’s skeletal remains just sneezed in the ground
wait a damn minute
wait a fucking minute
did roy
yuriy and sara
and now hes gonna shoot himself
im taking a lap around my apartment OH MY GOD WHAT IN THE HELLLLLLLL
im texting my sister about it right now and just SCREAMING
oh good he ran away
i literally CANNOT handle them finding out about this
ahaha roy shoots the gun in the air again
roy take that glove off its raining
riza’s leg sweep was way less funny this time
i mean hes no idiot he knew
what did marcoh just do to scar im confused
nothing will ever make sense to me again after what ive just witnessed
feral al lets gooo
so this episode’s events were pretty similar. other than marcoh.
episode 15 said hey bitch lets watch your world come CRASHING The FUCK DOWN
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