#anyway. ahem. good show meh ending (to me) and v v v fascinating character dynamics
crehador · 6 months
hi so i was thinking about revenger again today and even though i've talked about this before i can't not talk about it again
i am usually not the type to complain about translations (unless it is something especially egregious such as the yuzuki-san ep1 debacle) and i wouldn't even call this a complaint really
but something so significant and so beautiful was lost in translation in ep8 of revenger
this is the relevant scene:
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background for context:
raizou (black hair here) is on a quest for revenge after the death of his wife (the woman in the painting, which raizou painted himself) and he's taken on 'taishin' as a pseudonym to sell his art (for which he discovered a talent and passion during this revenge quest)
his wife's name was yui, and white hair here (the leader of this ragtag band of revengers) is named usui yuen
all of this is relevant
the main issue here is... the character 唯, which was originally written on the painting, has been translated as 'tai' which later becomes 'taishin' when raizou adds a few strokes and a second character to form his pseudonym
but what is 唯 actually? it's... yui
the original character on the painting, 唯, is his wife's name. and usui's name? 碓氷幽烟
key character being: 碓
the subtitles do capture the significance of raizou taking a character from usui's name to make his pseudonym, and that's great. but that isn't all he did. with two strokes he changed the 口 to a 石, he changed his wife's name into a character from usui's name and then added a 心 (heart!) to make it his own
there are a whole lot of reasons this is Special to me but that would require going into the rest of the show which i won't do lol, the dynamics are fascinating but this post is already getting way too long
anyway i just think this is a suuuper normal and well-adjusted thing he did there, didn't alter my brain chemistry at all (lying) and i just need more people to know about it because i think the subs (while doing imo as best as they could!) really did not make it possible for most viewers to catch this
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