#anyway. *swings bat at hornets' nest and then logs off to play stardew valley*
captainjonnitkessler · 7 months
Actually wait, yeah, how are people reconciling their support for the Internet Archive with their hatred of AI? Authors were like "hey this website took all our work and is using it in ways we didn't agree to" and everyone lost their SHIT to the point of harassing authors over it. Now authors are like "hey this neural network took all our work and is using it in ways we didn't agree to" and people are tripping over themselves to support a lawsuit that could quite possibly set the precedent that makes fanfic illegal.
Obviously the real answer boils down to 'people think it's good for people to read books and bad for people to use AI', but fundamentally either authors have the right to determine where and how their work is used or they don't. Like if you don't think the Internet Archive distributing work for free does any active harm to an author, I'm not sure you can make the claim that a neural network scraping it among millions of other works IS doing active harm. Especially when it's not doing anything that fanfic authors aren't doing already.
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