#anyway whatever dnf shared a bed i know it in my heart
sappymix1 · 1 year
bedgate: an analysis of the surrounding social media posts
sappymix1, undergrad, tumblr university
on january 25th, 2023, minecraft youtuber dreamwastaken posted a snapchat of himself depicting a bedroom in the background. upon examining the photo, it was quickly realised that there was a figure in the bed that looked like the outline of a person, assumed to be fellow minecraft youtuber georgenotfound; however, it was impossible to determine whether it was actually a person or simply the blankets and pillows discarded on the bed creating that illusion. this study will attempt to look at the timeline of both parties’ social media postings from that morning to determine the likelihood of the figure being a person.
dream’s hair looks slightly damp on the edges in his picture, like he had just taken a shower but tried to avoid getting his hair wet as much as he could.1 in george’s snapchat, his hair makes it look like he just took a shower.2 we know from what will be referred to henceforth as the “earthquake tweets” that both of them were awake at just before 11:00am EST.3 it is significant to note that there was an about half an hour gap between george’s initial tweet and dream’s reply and about half an hour or so in between dream’s reply and the drapchat, which was posted around 11:30am EST.4 this leaves two possibilities regarding the timeline.
the first of these two possible timelines is as follows: george woke up around 10:30am EST, tweeted, and then took a shower. dream woke up while george was showering, replied to the earthquake tweet, and between 11:00am EST and 11:30am EST, dream showered. this scenario means that it is less likely that george would have been in the bed at 11:30 when dream posted the drapchat with his slightly damp hair.5 however, it should also be pointed out that if george had showered around 10:30am EST, his hair likely would have dried by about 1:15 when the gapchat was posted.6
the other possible timeline involves the same series of events surrounding the earthquake tweets, but george does not get out of bed before dream replies. dream is instead the first one to shower between 11:00 and 11:30am EST while george stays in bed and does not shower until closer to 1:15pm EST after which he posted the gapchat. in this scenario, george most likely would still have been in bed at the time the drapchat was posted.
there are a number of questions that the drapchat raises that cannot be answered. all of the scenarios discussed here rest on the assumption that they were, in fact, sharing a room with one shower, when really there is not any evidence of that. furthermore, although there is some evidence from the june 23rd, 2023 discord podcast, one cannot be sure how long it would take either of them to shower or how long it would take their hair to dry if it got damp while showering. in conclusion, this question cannot be answered in full but hopefully if additional primary sources are made available, further research can shed light on what exactly occured in the january 25th morning drapchat.
dream. snapchat, january 25, 2023, aproximately 11:30 a.m., accessed january 25, 2023.
georgenotfound. “just did a poo and there’s no toilet paper, good start to the day,” snapchat, january 25, 2023, approximately 1:15 a.m., accessed january 25, 2023.
georgenootfound. “I just woke up and found out my dream where I was in an earthquake was actually real 😵‍💫 ngl it was kinda cool I want another one,” twitter, january 25, 2023, 10:27 a.m., accessed january 25, 2023. dreamwastaken. “I didn’t realize that’s what happened I thought it was a dream too LMAO,” twitter, january 25, 2023, 10:53 a.m., accessed january 25, 2023.
“drapchat” is the slang term used for dream’s snapchats.
dream, snapchat.
georgenotfound, “just did a poo,” snapchat.
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mwilcock · 5 years
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Lets get the stats out of the way first, the event was a 30k Mountain Bike Ride the 10k trail run. My total time was 4:15:22, bike leg 2:53:22, run 1:22:00. 
This was so much harder than I expected, I underestimated the ride. The hills were steeper than I had ridden, the ground was looser than I had ridden on, it took so much out of me but I had a ball riding it. I had done a reconnaissance ride the day before (because that’s what serious athletes do right) and I had a game plan, walk the hills and ride my heart out on the flats and descents (and try not to kill myself). My average riding pace in training was less than 10k per hour. Yep it’s slow, I’m a slow climber, especially if I’m walking those hills. I looked at what time presentation was and I figured if I could do the ride in less than 3 hours and the run in less the 1 1/2 hours I was going to finish before they did presentations. However that meant I was going to have to ride faster than I had ever ridden before. I was going to need to make up so much time on the flats because I couldn’t ride the big hills.  Big breath in, Game on! 
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On the start line for the Duathlon (the Tri athletes had just finished their swim and were on the bike course). There are 3 of us. 2 women and 1 man. The other woman was in my age group. So if we both finished we’d get a medal (no medals for just finishing in this event). The start was on the side of the lake/dam (they called it the beach but there was just dirt) and we had to run to transition to get our bikes. Honker starts us off, my legs are shaking with nerves, once I got on my bike I felt relatively comfortable but it didn’t take long to realise the other lady was a much better rider than me, I lost sight of her very early. Oh well it was never about the other competitors anyway. 
I promised myself during the week that I was going to make sure I took in my surroundings, it had taken me 5 years to get to the start line of this event I was not going to take it for granted. I engaged with all the Marshal's, and the other riders, I took in the beauty of the bush and kept saying how lucky am I. 3/4 around on my first lap a rider needed assistance with a bike pump, sure here you go, not sure why such an experienced rider wouldn’t have his own but hey what do I know. I finish my first lap under target, woohoo only 2 more to go, oh boy but they got tougher, I’m sure those hills got steeper. I caught my leg on the same broken branch twice in exactly the same spot, DORH! Did not do it a 3rd time. On my 2nd lap another rider needs some assistance with her flat tyre, no pump or canister?? She says to me “I was inline for a podium and all” I wanted to say so am I but I didn’t. 
By the time I get to my 3rd lap I am the only rider on course. The Marshals are yelling and cheering me on, offering all the support they could, always happy and engaging. Surprisingly I still had energy to ride the last little bit flat out (my flat out). According to Strava my fastest speed for the day was 27.7km/h, I told you I had to make up time. I knew the run was going to be tough and I still wanted to complete this in under 4 1/2 hours. When I got to transition one of the Marshals asks me how I’m feeling, “I’m cactus” I reply, “Well what do you want to do about the run?” she asks. I look at her with a confused look and say “Well I’m giving it a go” but in my brain I’m saying “I’ve waited 5 years for this I’m not DNFing (did not finish)”. 
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Off I go on my run, there is no-one at the first drink station, it’s abandoned, (insert sad face), that’s one way to make someone not feel welcome or important. Oh well I’ve got my hydration vest on so I’ll be fine. OMG I thought the bike leg was hard, in parts there was no track at all just orange ribbons in the trees to mark the way, there was a massive collection of logs that you were supposed to run/climb over, I didn’t bother, there was no camera there to capture my effort so why waste the energy. I saw no-one on the run course until I had almost competed my first lap, it was the aid station, 2 guys and 2 kids and they were so friendly and chatty and making sure I had 2 drinks and wished me luck and said I’ll see you on your next lap. I now have to run through a dried up creek bed with sharp slate type rocks (there was no running). I survive the first lap and I’m heading towards HQ and I can hear they are starting the presentations, WTF, I’m still here, it’s too early, I’m not behind schedule. I was still on track to make it back on time. My husband walks down to meet me a give me a pep talk, I ask him what’s going on, he said they so excited they are running so far in front of schedule..... But hey I’m still here. He tells me later that when they presented my age group and called my name they said “Oh she must have gone home” my husband said “no she’s still out there”. How the hell can they not know I hadn’t finished. I had a timing chip on! If I haven’t come over the finish line, I’m still out there, maybe laying on the side of the track, but hey you guys just pack up and go home.
OK deep breath in, I tell myself not worry about them, this is my agenda, I can’t control who enters these events, it’s not my fault that there is a major gap between me and the rest of the pack. I came here to do this event for me, no-one else. And then just around the corner a snake slithers across in front of me, of course that would happen now, because there is no noise on the track, it’s just me. So now I’m trying to deal with the anger, the fatigue and a bloody snake and I still have 4k’s to go. But remember I didn’t come to DNF!
Now one of the best things happens, before I even see the aid station I hear the marshal, he is cheering for me, he is clapping and he’s coming to meet me on course, he starts tell me how bloody amazing I am and that I’m inspiring him, after seeing me he wants to enter. I tell him I have to vent, I’m so bloody angry. I tell him about the presentations, I tell him there is no photographer on course for my run leg so there will be no photos of me running (walking/dragging my heals). He said right I’ll get in my car now and race to the finish line and make sure I get a photo of you crossing the finish line. As I’m approaching the finishing straight he is flashing the lights and waving and cheering me on. The straight was the longest straight line, it went on forever and didn’t feel like it was ever going to end. I did a run/walk until I was closer enough to run over the finish line. I’m hearing on the PA my name and people cheering and clapping and as I come over the finish line there are cameras flashing and people coming up to me tell me how amazing I am, there are hugs and I’m centre of attention, I don’t have a chance to catch my breath, it’s so overwhelming after spending so much time on my own with my own thoughts. Then I’mm whisked off to get presented with my medal for coming 2nd in my age group. I was the last competitor over the finish line but I still came 2nd in my group. It’s all too much and I cry, cry from relief, cry because I did it, cry because I’m exhausted, cry because it’s over.
My lovely Marshal friend hugged me and sent me the pic he took, the Marshall who asked me in transition if I was going to continue, she came up and congratulated me and said you also helped out 2 other riders on course didn’t you, “yes, yes I did” well let me take a photo of you and I’m going to have a talk to the race organisers about that... whatever that means. 
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I finished my race 15 mins under the time I had set myself, I achieved my goal. I am so super proud of myself, there would have been a time when the old me would have bailed at transition, because I would have felt I was holding everyone up, but the new me believes I deserve to be there, just like everyone else. Yeh I’d like to be faster, stronger, fitter, but hell this is where I am at right now. If I had of waited until I was “ready” I would have never go to the start line ever!
When I was out on course I swore I would never do this again, but not even 24 hours later I was looking up the dates for future events, it’s a bit like labour, you forget the pain very quickly and the reward and the exhilaration I felt at the end was so worth it. 
2 days post event and i’m not really even sore, maybe I gave up on those hills too early, maybe I’m physically stronger than I think, maybe it’s my brain I need to work on.
I hope me sharing my story encourages other women to get out there, to aim for something that scares the shit out of them, for them to say maybe I could do that if I just had a go. My biggest piece of advise though is don’t expect to be perfect, don't expect to have it all together straight away. The consistent training and the perseverance is all you need. Ask for help and don't be afraid to share your dream with other people, you will be surprised how many people will stick there hands up to help you. If you are feeling nervous or apprehensive reach out to me and ask me anything you like on insta @livinglifesadventuresmyway or Facebook Margaret Wilcock. 
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