#anyway nonnie you won't get me anywhere near that show with a gun thank you very much
stars-and-darkness · 2 months
hi! may i ask why you don't like TO? i'm still in the process of watching TVD (i've been fighting and clawing my way through season 5 and what the FUCK is this clownery) and i was about to give up and just watch TO because honestly TVD has become so boring without the mikaelsons that not even bonnie and caroline can save it (i also know pretty much everything that happens in the show and i am decidedly NOT a fan of the magical babies and all the other crap), but i've been stalking your blog for half an hour now (not in a creepy way i promise! i just LOVE your fics and fell down a rabbit hole) and it seems like it might not be worth it?
sorry, that was honestly completely incoherent😭. please forgive me, i am having some trouble creating sentences today.
i mean, as i understand it, a magical wonderchild is the CRUX of TO's plot, and personally, i was not willing to subject myself to that. and ever since then, every single thing i have learned about TO has been against my will, and every single thing made has me go ... the fuck???? i'm sorry to say, but the impression i get is that that's a show that turned its characters into carricatures of themselves, twisted the lore into nonsense (as if it had much sense in the first place ...), and suffers from Late Series Syndrome from s1e1. so in a way, maybe i should be thankful to the magical wonderbrat #1 (i shudder to type something like that) for being such an obviously terrible plotpoint that i gave up the idea of watching immediately, so none of the more insidiously terrible plotpoints could get me.
i haven't seen it, and i have come to the conclusion that i'm happier that way, but none of that means you shouldn't watch it if you want to. who am i to tell you what to do? i just don't think you should expect it to be any more interesting than the s5 you're trudging through (and s5 is actually excellent compared to the nonsense that follows, which isn't a great compliment to s5), only infinitely more frustrating.
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