#anyway how do you guys feel about their ship name being 'royal malpractice'. i think it's funny lol
lloydfrontera · 10 months
HE'S 42. I DON'T REMEMBER HOW OLD ADELINE AND THE EMPEROR ARE BUT I'M DESPERATELY HOPING THE AGE DIFF ISN'T TOO MUCH (FOR ADELINE) OR TOO LITTLE (FOR THE EMPEROR)... also i feel bad for og rakiel for skipping straight from early 20s to early 40s... now he has to find himself in middle age rather than being able to grow into it slowly (tho he DOES have the healthier body LMAO).
yep! i'm pretty sure adeline is in her early twenties and asterion is over fifty so. the age differences are a bit screwy ajksfhddjks
normally with transmigration plots that deal with a character being sent into a younger body i prefer to belief their mental age also regressed so it matches their physical one. so they still have their memories but their emotional maturity and control fits with whatever body they got stuck with. mostly because otherwise a lot of plots would be pretty sucky and weird if i didn't lol
so this isn't a deal breaker for me but. it is a little weird ajshdjka
i'm already a bit wary of shipping rakiel with,,, almost anyone tbh because he's their doctor! hell i'm pretty sure even rakiel thinks about that at one point, he's a doctor, he knows the boundaries that need to exist between his patients and him and he wants to respect them! right now i wouldn't be comfortable truly shipping him with adeline or damian cause they're both dependent on him to get treatment (more damian than adeline but still). so like. the age difference doesn't help either lol
i guess with damian there's also the issue that he's actually 3913 years old but he doesn't remember most of that time so i'm not counting them.
as for asterion,,,, well. we're already seeing the issues that come with rakiel being an whole ass adult with a career and a job and, well, a life and suddenly being turned into a 20 years old that is still dependent of his father. he's soooo not comfortable playing the part of son. especially for the emotional landmine that is asterion and rakiel's father-son relationship.
he's an adult! he had regrets about the way his father had died but he had more or less made his peace with it! he was already at a stage in his life where he had no real need of parental approval or care. and now he's put in a position where he has to play the role of dutiful son who's still looking for his father's approval and it bothers him. hell when asterion is actually proud of him or worried or trying to parent him rakiel turns into the equivalent of a cat that doesn't want to get pet. he's awkward and a bit aloof and unsure of how to respond beyond squirming and getting away as soon as he can.
i really do want to see how they deal with their relationship tbh i think it's fascinating and it could go either way. either rakiel settles into his new age and they have a more traditional father/son relationship even after he comes clean or he doesn't and they have to settle into a more blurry one where they're still family but asterion treats him as more of an equal that he would otherwise do with his son.
as for og!rakiel,,, well like rakiel said, he got a body in its forties but it was either that or die in his own body in three months. either way he wasn't gonna live through his late twenties and thirties 😔
but yeah it really seems like og!rakiel got the short end of the stick in this whole thing. poor kid never got a break. first his mom died giving birth to him, he was chronically ill since he was a baby, his father gave up on him ever getting healthier, emotionally neglected him for years, everyone was expecting him to die so they could finally turn theodore into crown prince and then when he's about to die he gets body switched with a middle aged guy from another world that has,,, almost nothing going for him beyond general good health (and a winning lottery ticket lmao)
it's very sad actually :( i really do wish we get more of him in the later chapters even if it's just to get confirmation that he's doing well in his own life now
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