#anyway his name is dylan and geometry classes are a blast now
the-woild-is-y-erster · 7 months
theres this guy in me geometry class who i have this like. friendly rivalry? kind of? we pretend to hate eachother for sillies and make a bunch of jokes at the other expense (PURELY GODDAMN PLATONIC I SWEAR ON MOTHERS LIFE ITS FRIENDLY)
and so hes hispanic right (this is relevant i promise 💀) so whenever i make a joke about him he'll be like 'its because im hispanic, right???? are you racist🤨' and make one about me and i go 'what are you, ableist??? youre making fun of a disabled person, thats ableism dylan😤' and you know i just
i think everyone needs that kind of person
like you arent really friends but you dont actually hate eachother and its just for funnies and to make eachother laugh
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