#anypony else feel normal? clap if you feel normal
kazumahashimoto · 5 months
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we were the same, and i'm sorry for letting you suffer alone
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mlpdestinyverse · 5 years
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Ponyville’s mailmare Eventide Twister meets an unusual new resident in town.
Feat.  Eventide Twister,  Dreamaria Flow
Story and Description Under The Cut
In the messy backroom of Ponyville's own Post Office, Eventide Twister reached into one of the wooden mail cubbies lining the wall and slid the last few envelopes into her mail saddlebag. A press of her hoof and soon the bag's flap was snapping in place. With the delivery truck having already departed and her coworkers now on lunch after the sorting, it was finally time for her usual daily mail rounds. Giving the cubbies one last glance over, Eventide pushed through the room's door and flew into the main lobby of the building. There, behind the front desk to her immediate right, a merry pegasus mare stared almost unblinkingly at the entrance door. A smile was plastered on her muzzle as she waited for any residents to enter. Only when the door behind Eventide creaked as it closed did the blonde mare turn to look at her. "Oooh, heading out~?" Derpy Hooves asked with her soft and floaty voice, perking up at the sight of her employee. She clapped her hooves excitedly. "Have fun, Eventide!" Eventide never quite understood that well-wish of hers. Perhaps the mare assumed Eve's quick wings made her task more entertaining. Dipping her head in farewell, Eve flew forward to exit out of the front door as usual- "AAH WAIT, I ALMOST FORGOT!" The outburst caused Eventide to jump, nearly crashing into the door in her surprise. With a frown, the young pegasus landed on the floor and turned to shoot her boss an inquiring glance. Derpy rummaged through the papers under her counter, muttering inaudible things as she seemed to search for something. As she threw unrelated papers onto the desk, naturally a few strays scattered and fell. Quietly, Eventide walked over to to grab the sheets where they landed. Ms. Derpy had a bad tendency to misplace things. The last thing Eve wanted was for her boss to lose an especially important note or document. Eventide neatly placed Derpy's stray papers onto the countertop just as the older mare let out an 'aha!', pridefully whipping out an envelope. "Here it is! Um..." Derpy immediately pulled the envelope straight to her face, hovering it centimeters before her eyes. Squinting, Derpy mumbled to herself as she read. "Mmnnmm...RIGHT! We have a new address to deliver to!” Derpy lifted her head from the paper to beam at Eventide.  “Oh goody! Somepony new moved in!" 'New address?' A few months had passed since anypony new had moved in. She supposed the new year could bring about new residents. The slightest bit of unease prickled in her, however. A new resident only meant another pony she would inevitably have to meet, due to the nature of her job. Pushing that thought away, Eventide found it rather curious that Derpy had the envelope separated from the rest of the mail. With the mail being organized by house number, it wouldn't have taken long for her to realize a different number had appeared in her bag. "And somepony sent our new resident mail with special instructions!" Derpy continued, her irises shifting unevenly. "I set it to the side so I could make sure you knew! And so I wouldn't forget, eheheh!” ...Eventide knew that probably hadn't been the best idea, but her employer meant well. "Anyway! Here!" Derpy chirped, shoving the envelope towards Eventide's face. Without missing a beat, Eve pulled her head back just before the mare could accidentally smack her face with her grey wing. Taking the letter into her own wing, Eventide turned it to scan the face for herself. A special large label was there, listing not only names and addresses, but the instructions Derpy had mentioned: From: Serein Paleo To: Dreamaria Flow Instructions: "Please deliver to the recipient personally. If she doesn't answer her door, leave a pickup notice and bring back to office." Reading the label was a little surprising. Directions of this sort were typically for packages. These instructions gave Eve the impression that the sender had worried about their letter not reaching the receiver. Granted, seeing as her boss had almost forgotten it under her desk, those concerns weren't entirely unfounded. It was almost as if the sender knew someone in their office could potentially misplace it. Tucking the letter into her satchel, Eventide once again dipped her head before flying for the door. Hearing Derpy's bubbly giggles, the young pegasus glanced back one more time to see the sweet older mare enthusiastically waving both arms at her. "Have fun out theeeereeee!!" This time, Eventide smiled at the sentiment. At the end of the day it was a genuine one, and the mare would always appreciate that from her boss. After giving her own wave, Eventide sped out of the door and into Ponyville's clear skies. -------------------------------------
As Eventide whizzed through the air, she practically found herself on auto-pilot as she effortlessly flew from one house's mailbox to the next. Even after only seven months, Eventide' s job had become a mindless routine. Sort the mail, deliver it, head home; rinse and repeat. The Hearth's Warming season had been rough, but aside from that? Her work was straight-forward, despite the few bumps often caused by her boss's clumsiness. She was ungrateful or even bored. Eventide was good at what she did, and she was glad that despite how she was, she had managed to land herself a job. Thanks to her work, at least she could prove to her family that she wasn't a complete waste. Yet there were times where she wondered if this was how her day-to-day life would continue to be; empty. Blurring. Nothing stirred her anymore. Nothing excited her, and if she really thought about it, rarely did she ever look forward to anything. Sometimes Eventide wondered why that was the case, when she was putting her talent to use like everypony around her. After all the work she and her parents did to pull herself back together, why did she still feel like such a pitiful excuse? Watching the ponies below her gave her an answer. Their groups, the laughter, and the effortless chatter. A familiar lingering emptiness made itself known once more at the sight. It reminded her of lost days and made her wish she could just be happy and...functional, like everyone else. Left alone with her thoughts, it was times like this she wanted to think back on those days years ago and let that anguish-turned-bitterness wash over her. Because if those things hadn’t happened, she could be normal. A normal pony in her town, and a normal daughter for her parents. Eventide shook her head hard in her effort to clear it. She still had a job to complete, as well as a day to finish. At the very least, small changes to her everyday routine helped her mind refocus on the present instead of her negative inner voice. Landing, Eventide pulled out the letter Derpy had handed her, rechecking the house number displayed on the envelope. 'House 201...' As she expected, the newly inhabited building was closer to the outer edge of town. It was in the area Princess Twilight had funded construction in when Ponyville's population rose and the mayor settled on a town expansion. The houses here were a bit more spaced apart. While they weren't as big as the structures at the center of town, Eventide thought they all looked modern and comfortable. Locating the number, Eventide found the corresponding mailbox attached to a white and cream colored house, completed with an orange tiled roof. Approaching the white door, the pegasus gave it a few knocks before waiting. From the corner of her eye the curtain of the nearby window moved, though before she could catch a glimpse, the pony on the other side disappeared. Eventide shifted uncomfortably. The last time somepony had moved in, it took several weeks before she had met them face-to-face. Not to mention said pony ignored her from that moment onwards, after their initial awkward meeting. Eventide wished she didn't know what to expect this time, but then she would be lying. She just had to persevere, she guessed. The door opened before her and Eventide stood alert, ready to face Ponyville's new inhabitant. To her surprise, a blue unicorn mare that couldn't be any older than her peered out with wide, curious eyes. If the mare's two-toned irises hadn't caught her attention, then her wonder-filled expression certainly did. "Are you my mailmare?" Giving a nod in response, Eventide watched as the unicorn suddenly appeared delighted, clapping her hooves together. "Wonderful! My name's Dream Flow! It's so very nice to meet you!" As Dream Flow beamed at her, Eventide wasn't sure whether to be relieved or nervous that the mare was of the friendly type. That and Eve had never seen anypony this excited to meet their mailmare before. Eve managed a faint smile, bowing her head in polite greeting. As she straightened, she realized Dream Flow was smiling expectantly at her. 'Ah, right.' Eventide unfurled her wing to present the envelope to the mare. Curiously enough, Dream blinked at it.  "Oh, yes! Thank you!" An orange magical aura enveloped both Dream Flow's horn and the letter as she took it from the pegasus. But even then, the friendly mare's eyes stayed focused on Eventide. Dream Flow tipped her head to one side. "So what's your name~?" Luckily, this wasn't the first time Eventide had to respond to this question. It wasn't like she could rudely leave it unanswered. "Eve." At least with her nickname, she didn't have to repeat her mouthful of a name. It wasn't an easy one to remember anyway, so she figured there was no point in sharing it. Dream hummed cheerfully in response. "So how's your day been, Eve~? I hope it's been a good one!" That familiar unease grew within her. This always had to be the dreaded question that outed her. "Mhmm." She hummed back, including a nod and hoping it would make up for her lack of words. Nervousness crept into her anyway, the feeling doubling as Dream seemed to pause, the seconds passing between them. With a small frown forming on the mare's muzzle, a part of Eventide grew anxious. She could imagine how rude she was appearing, or how uncomfortable the growing silence had to be. But even as her mind considered adding in more words, to recover this exchange with somepony she was meant to be serving, it was like a section of her brain refused to transfer the words to her mouth. Like others before Dream, Eventide expected the unicorn to question her or awkwardly back out of the exchange. What Eventide didn't expect, however, was the patient, calming smile that pulled on the mare's muzzle instead. "Good to know!" Dream Flow declared. "You look like you're working hard~ I'm sure your job is tiring, so I appreciate what you do!" Eventide tensed, anticipating the mare to make the mistake of attempting to push the conversation. Instead Dreamaria glanced behind her at the unpacked moving boxes in her living room. "Well hey, I shouldn't keep you from your work and I should get back to unpacking!" Taking a few steps back into her house, Dream gave a playful small salute to Eventide. "Thanks again for my letter~! I'll see you then!" With that, the door closed. And while Eventide took off into the air, leaving the new residence behind her, she took her time to steady herself and refocus. She couldn't completely take her mind off of the exchange, however. There was no initial surprise, confusion, or discomfort. There wasn't even an attempt to pull her into conversation, like some ponies who once believed they could be the one to "make Eve talk". It was almost as if the mare had noticed she was nervous. That wouldn't be as surprising if Eventide hadn't grown accustomed to appearing as calm as possible whenever her nerves and anxieties bubbled up to the surface. Perhaps her feelings had shown, anyway. Or perhaps this friendly newcomer was simply good at reading ponies. ------------------------------------- Dreamaria Flow was a unique case. After a month of deliveries, Eventide noticed that the new mare received two letters per week from Mr. Paleo - her uncle, Dream had informed her. And from that first day onward, the mailmare didn't even have to knock on Dreamaria's door anymore. Every time she landed at Dream Flow's doorstep, Dreamaria would without fail answer the door only seconds later. Eventide would always hear the telltale clacking of her hooves approaching before the blue unicorn would open the door, offering cheerful greetings. What Eventide couldn't understand was how Dream Flow always seemed to know exactly when she was present. It wasn't like Eventide was a noisy flier, and Dream's curtains were always drawn closed. Not only that, but even after Mr. Paleo stopped including special instructions to his envelopes, Dream Flow still came to her door instead of letting Eventide leave the letters in her mailbox. The unicorn could easily grab her mail once Eventide had flown away, so Eve couldn't imagine why Dream would go through the trouble. If Eve could drop off the letter, then at least Dreamaria wouldn't have to keep up her friendly pleasantries and polite question of whether the mailmare's day was going well. Dream wouldn't have to waste her energy and force herself to keep the one-sided conversation going at all. If she thought about it, Dreamaria could be like her uncle in the sense that she wanted to make sure her letter didn't get lost. Eventide believed that kind of worry was understandable. She’d be the same way if her own parents had to write her letters and there was a risk of one never arriving. Regardless, Eventide tried to distance herself from her pondering. It wouldn't be long before the mare would eventually get used to their routine and trust Eventide's ability to deliver. She would have to grow tired of her mailmare's silence at some point and come to prefer the company of friendlier residents much like the unicorn herself. And for Eventide, those thoughts weren't an attempt at being melodramatic. It was the usual progression of things, and something she had long accepted. She wasn't exactly a pleasant pony to attempt conversation with. She knew that. While silence brought comfort and safety, she knew it was no different from self-isolation in such a social-heavy world. And speaking...well, every extra word spoken felt like a dangerous gamble. There was no winning either way, but it was clear what she would choose if it meant never experiencing that day ever again. Never again would she embarrass herself or have her own words be used against her. It was better for her and everyone this way. Eventide huffed, her mind honing back in on the ground below. Another downward spiral of her thoughts. Flying mindlessly and giving her brain a chance to think truly was a bother. Thankfully, a certain blue mare's house was directly below her.  Eventide flapped her wings a few times as she descended to Dreamaria's doorstep, easily slowing down before lowering herself to the ground. Pulling the letter out of her satchel, she stared at the door, waiting. It took a few more beats of silence before Eve realized there was no sign of movement from within the house. 'Oh.' While she was a little surprised by the break of routine, it was, as she had thought, to be expected eventually. Dream could be out in town, or even leaving Eventide to her job. It wasn't a hard thing to shrug off as Eve opened the cover of Dreamaria's mailbox for the first time, dropping the letter inside. How odd, though. A part of her had almost expected something more gradual. Eventide turned to leave- "-aaaaAAAAIT, WAIT, HOLD ON!" Various distant sounds of falling objects, crashes, and yelps reached Eventide's twitching ears as clumsy hoofsteps grew louder and raced towards the door. Eventide stared behind her wide-eyed until the door finally swung open. Before her Dreamaria stood panting, wide-eyed and appearing rather disheveled. Her mane was a mess, unbrushed and giving Eve the impression that the unicorn had literally fallen out of bed recently. Eventide would have pondered over the fact that it was well into the afternoon, but it wasn't like she herself hadn't slept into the late hours in the past. Besides, settling into a new town had to be a tiring process. "Sorry, hi! I woke up late!" Dream laughed, attempting to brush back her messy blue locks with both hooves. "Good thing I sensed you when I did!" 'Sense?' Although curious, Eventide brushed the comment off. More importantly, was the mare so worried about getting her letter that she would outright run to her door? Did she think the mailmare would walk off with it? Even more bewildering, Eventide didn't have to say anything about the envelope before Dream's magic aura shone around her white horn, the unicorn pulling her uncle's letter out of the mailbox. So she had even known that the letter had been dropped off. 'Then why did she stop me...?' Suddenly Dream settled her multi-colored gaze onto the mailmare, a sheepish smile crossing her face. "Was that weird...? Sorry, I just really like seeing you!" Dream's smile shifted into a sunny one. "You've become a normal part of my new life here! And it's nice to have that normality!" Dreamaria then placed the back of one hoof on a hip, swinging her opposite arm in an arc in front of her as she winked. "Besides! I think you are, as one would say, 'quite swell'!" Eventide could only stare blankly, confused and unsure of how to react. Dream Flow seemed to pick up on this, because after a period of silence, her confidence seemed to falter as she nervously laughed, dropping the pose to rub her neck. "J-just kidding! No one really says that phrase anymore..." 'S-she's backtracking...??' The pegasus wished she could do more than stare puzzled, watching Dream look away embarrassed. It wasn't long before Dream met her gaze again and smiled apologetically. "Sorry! I'm getting used to some things." In seconds Dream's embarrassment seemed to fade away, replaced with her usual cheer. "But I really do think you're neat! Don't mind me if I sound a little weird sometimes!" And just like that, the conversation ended as it normally did. With a kind farewell, Dream retreated into her home with her letter in tow, and Eventide extended her wings for take off. Though, she couldn't help giving Dreamaria's home one last glance before flapping away. No matter how much she tried to focus, the strange conversation refused to leave her mind as she flew. Dreamaria greeted her every time because she enjoyed seeing her? She thought Eve was 'neat'? As Eventide was now, she couldn't pinpoint what about her could be enjoyable. While Dream's comments were kind and brought Eventide some unexpected warmth, it made little sense to her. Ever guarded, Eventide pushed her conflicted feelings out of her mind. For the average pony, words were easy to throw around. It was easy to say those sorts of words to just about anyone. Ponies did it all the time for one reason or another, and often times, they were fleeting sentiments that didn't actually carry any weight. She wasn't special. She knew it was best to remind herself that. ------------------------------------- Eventide Twister being out in town on her days off was a rarity, except for when she had to pick up her medication from Ponyville's pharmacy. Walking out of the store into a rather warm afternoon, Eve slid her bag into her saddlebag. Indecipherable chatter buzzed in the town's air as shopping ponies walked about, carrying parasols or fans to cool themselves down in the summer heat. While the heat was already discomforting her again, thankfully Eventide had no other business, ready to head back to the cool comfort of her home where her parents waited. Just as she began to unfurl her wings, a voice rose above the chatter, along with the ringing of a bell! "Ice Cream! Come cool off with Sugarsocks' Ponyville-famous freshly homemade ice cream!" Eventide turned towards the source and found a pink unicorn mare behind a cart, waving a bell with her magic as she looked around with a friendly grin. Almost instantly murmurs of interest followed as ponies trotted over and lined up at the cart. Eve glanced from the cart, to the sky, and to the cart again. She had tasted Sugarsocks' ice cream before in the past. Aside from getting a few cones with her mother when she was younger, her father would sometimes bring back a cup for her during her secluded years. It was easy to say that the mare's desserts were heavenly. The only real reason she hadn't been able to try Sugarsocks' treats again was thanks to a certain high-energy party pony who always seemed to handle the cart for her wife, at least whenever Eventide spotted it. Talkative, unpredictable Pinkie Pie was always intimating to her. The earth pony's mere presence had kept Eventide from even attempting to approach the ice cream cart. But for once it was down-to-earth Sugarsocks herself who was running it. Not only that, but thanks to the heat, most ponies were inside their homes to cool down, so the line wasn't as long as she was used to seeing. This was her chance. After a short while of watching Sugarsocks' business with her customers, Eventide quietly made her way to the back of the line once it had shortened. After spotting the pricing on the front of the cart, the pegasus reached back into her saddlebag, holding her bits in her wing in preparation. "Hey, fancy seeing you here!" If the voice hadn't sounded so familiar, Eventide would have assumed that the greeting was meant for someone else. Instinct had her glancing behind her, and there, Dreamaria was shining one of her friendly smiles at her. Almost immediately, Eventide found her usual sense of awkwardness come over her. This was the first time Eve had ever seen Dream anywhere but the unicorn's own home. There was something odd and weirdly personal about running into the mare outside of professional work hours. Eventide shyly smiled and nodded back in greeting, regardless. And that was that. Eve turned her attention back to the two other customers ahead of her. However, she couldn't shake off the tension in her, far too aware of the mare right behind her. She knew this pressure. It was the pressure to engage in conversation. Eve wondered if anyone else in the line had noticed their greeting and if they were judging her for ending the run-in as quickly as she did. Was she coming off as rude to them or to Dream Flow? Thankfully it didn't take long before it was her turn. Sugarsocks gave her a kind, motherly smile once she stepped up to the cart. "Hey there Eventide! What can I get you?" Eve glanced at a list of flavors at the top of the cart, relaxing at the sight. It made things a lot easier. Lifting her hoof, Eventide pointed next to one line: "Neapolitan". "Orange Creamsicle? Coming right up!" Eventide blinked. One quick glance down and it wasn't hard to realize the mare had misunderstood where she had pointed, with 'Orange Creamsicle' being the option below her actual choice. Even though Eventide knew Sugarsocks had gotten her order wrong, she uncomfortably watched as the mare whipped out her scoop and expertly scooped out each flavor for the cup. Eventide couldn't bring herself to correct the mare, and it was too late anyway. While Sugarsocks' cheerfully passed the ice cream cup over to her wing, Eventide held out the bits and let the unicorn levitate the currency out of her hoof. Walking away, pretending to be satisfied with her order, she had taken barely two steps away before a voice called out to her. "Ah, Eve, wait!" Behind her, Dream Flow was now standing before the cart, her bits floating in the air with her magic. With a hoof she pointed at the list of flavors, shooting a curious look at her. "Can I have your opinion? Which one of these would you usually order?" Both of Eventide's eyebrows raised. She never would have expected anyone to ask for her opinion. There was always a chance Dream wouldn't like her suggestion and would choose something else, but there was something nice about having her thoughts requested in a way she could answer. Taking a moment to step back, Eventide pointed once more at her actual preferred option, the blue mare letting out a soft "ooh" in response. "Neapolitan...okay!" Dream happily hummed, smiling gratefully at the pegasus. "Thank you!" Smiling back one more time, Eventide once again set off, leaving the unicorn to order on her own. With her ice cream in-wing, Eve walked back home on-hoof, staring down at her treat. She didn't dislike the flavor Sugarsocks gave her. Fruitier flavors just weren't her preference. And as silly as it was, she was somewhat disappointed that she couldn't get the one she actually enjoyed the one time she had the chance. That was her fault, though, and ice cream was ice cream- "Hey Eve! Hold on!" For the third time that day, Eventide found herself turning around. To her surprise Dream was running to catch up with her, her floating ice cream cup encased in magic aura following her. Once she was hoofsteps away, Dreamaria tilted her head inquisitively. "Say, have you taken a bite from your cup yet??" Despite finding the question odd, Eventide shook her head. For some reason, Dream appeared relieved. "Great! I haven't either. In that case, would you like to trade?" For a moment Eventide stared, thoroughly confused. Though it was within the realm of possibility, she couldn't imagine Dream Flow regretting what she had ordered so much that she would trade cups with the very pony who had suggested it. With seamless timing, as if to answer her thoughts, Dream perked up. "Ah! I think Sugarsocks accidentally gave you the wrong flavor, right? That's what it felt like at least." Dream Flow gazed at her kindly. "It looks like it can be really awkward, correcting someone when they get what you want wrong. So I thought it would be easier to order the one you wanted and switch?" There was a moment of genuine disbelief for Eve. As much as the offer almost seemed too unbelievable, the unicorn's earlier request for a suggestion now made more sense. However, despite how touched she was by the gesture, Eventide found herself hesitating. This was an unfamiliar level of thoughtfulness she was finding hard to register, leaving her conflicted. '...does she feel bad for me? Is that what all of this is?' "Ah...sorry." Eve's eyes flicked from the floating cup to Dream Flow's face. To her surprise, the usually cheerful mare had her ears pulled back, her gaze self-consciously glued to the ground. But even then there was a smile -albeit a nervous one - on her muzzle. "I'm sorry if I'm overstepping. My magic picked up on what you were feeling and thought I could do something about it." Rubbing her cheek, Dream Flow closed her eyes and offered a sheepish smile. "But I'm also probably trying a bit too hard to make friends here! I really didn't mean to come off so strong." Eventide lifted her head hearing that, taken aback. Friends? She was trying to become friends with her this whole time? ...it was another idea that was still far off to Eve. It didn't take long for her mind to remind herself that the mare could easily make other friends. Better friends. And yet, there was one thing Eve was now more certain of. 'She...genuinely means all of this.' Dream's eyes shot up as Eventide held out her wing, the ice cream cup balanced on her feathers. Brightening, Dream levitated the cup and replaced it with the one she was holding. "There you go then...thankfully I'm a fan of the more colorful ice creams! Though I never really liked that pink flavor." Dreamaria bit into a spoonful of orange creamsicle, the mare melting with a look of content on her face. As if catching herself, she straightened and gave an embarrassed smile to Eve. "N-not to insult your favorite! I like chocolate, and that white one's alright!" '...pink flavor? White one?' Eve didn't have much time to question the odd word choice. Dream Flow pushed her spoon into her treat and moved to turn around, though not before shooting Eve one last apologetic smile. "Anyway, sorry for bothering you! Enjoy the rest of your day!" Without waiting for a response, Dreamaria began to walk away. Though for the first time, as she stared at the back of Dream's head, Eventide found words willingly forming on her tongue, her lips parting. "Thank you." Dreamaria practically jerked to a halt, whipping her head around to look at her in surprise. Instinctively Eve averted her gaze, her eyes flicking back and forth between Dream and the trees to one side. Only two words and already a part of Eve struggled between reading Dream‘s expression and wanting to be oblivious to it. When she finally managed to keep eye contact with the mare, she found Dream beaming brilliantly at her, a shine to her eyes. "Yeah! See you later, Eve!" With a bit more pep to her step, Dreamaria trotted off. Even as she turned a corner and left Eventide's sight, Eve couldn't help but watch her with a newfound sense of curiosity. Maybe...she would let herself get to know this newcomer after all.
In which Eventide meets a Canadian. Dream you oddball. This chapter makes a lot more sense when read with Dream Flow’s talent in mind! Anyway. Here we get a look at Eve’s new negative, self-deprecating psyche in the aftermath of the past. While she continued to participate in poetry therapy to express her thoughts and emotions on paper, in her adult years Eve gave up on psychotherapy altogether. She believed that her own unwillingness to talk about past events or talk at all was just a waste of time for everyone involved. Because of this, Eventide allowed herself to develop a much more negative outlook on her life and herself in general. At some point her long days began to blur together, becoming dull and empty. As it turned out, new resident and Emotion Counselor Dream Flow posessed unique abilities that allowed her to bypass Eve’s silence. For the most part she could determine Eventide’s “responses” solely based on her internal emotional reactions and shifts. With permission, Dream began keeping her magic activated whenever she spoke to Eve, relying on it as their unique way of communicating. In the aftermath of this story, Eve became more accepting of Dream’s genuine kindness. While a part of Eve tried to stay emotionally distant out of habit, waiting for the day Dream would lose whatever interest she had, she was constantly surprised as Dream actively spoke to her and tried to make her feel included. With time Eve began to relax bit by bit, finding herself caring about this odd but incredibly sweet mare. After more time she even started accepting Dream's invites for ice cream outings and hang outs outside of work. For the first time in years, despite her fears and self-doubt, Eventide found herself wanting to consider someone her friend. Even if she wasn't sure how long their bond would last, and even if it ended up being short-lived, Eve decided she'd appreciate their moments together and the warmth they brought. Next chapter will be the technical end of Eventide's past arc~
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