#any lesbians out there with a union job want a housewife???
archangeldyke-all · 6 months
blue collar butch Sevika coming home after a long shift to her housewife. whew 🥴😵‍💫
grrrrr... bark bark bark! sorry, i'm sorry.
men and minors dni
hhhhnggggg anon... fuck.
she's got a union job-- great pay, great benefits for both of you, a 401k, and up to 3 weeks of paid time off a year-- but it's constant backbreaking labor.
she loves it. she's a physical person, so working with her hands and body all day is something she's happy to do. especially since it means she can take care of you.
but just because she likes it doesn't mean she doesn't get tired.
she comes home every evening exhausted, sweaty and stinky.
and every night you're there, running to the door to scoop her up into a hug and kiss (despite the visible stink lines emanating off her body) to welcome her home.
you help her out of her heavy boots and drag her to the bathroom, where you've already set out her pajamas on the sink for her to change into after her shower. you help strip her down, giggling at the salacious little wink she gives you when she catches you staring, then send her to the shower so you can make dinner.
sevika used to be one of those people who uses like a 10 in 1 bottle of soap for her entire shower routine. face and body wash and shampoo and conditioner and moisturizer all in one little blue bottle.
after meeting you, though, she was bullied lovingly encouraged to try out different products until she found one she actually enjoys, not just things that 'get the job done.'
some nights, when she's particularly exhausted, you'll strip down and help her shower, pressing kisses into her skin as you scrub her down, then helping her dry off and apply various lotions and potions so her skin's baby soft and her hair smells like flowers. she loves it.
dressed in her warm jammies and relaxed and clean from her shower, she'll wander into the kitchen.
this might be her favorite part of the day--and she has lots of favorites, since meeting you (like in the mornings when she's awoken by your gentle kisses instead of her alarm, or when you send her off to work with her lunch pail and a kiss followed by a quick smack to her ass, or when you both finally crawl into bed together after a long day...) but she's pretty sure this-- watching you cook dinner as she leans against the door way, music softly playing throughout the house as you dance and stir and scrub-- this is her favorite.
you always catch her, and you always roll your eyes at what she assumes must be the cheesiest, sappiest look on her face before you stride over to her to kiss her.
you rarely eat at the table. sevika prefers to cuddle up on the couch with you, the both of you eating off of one big plate, alternating feeding each other bites.
she'll tell you about her day and you'll tell her about yours. sometimes she'll have a drink, sometimes she'll have a smoke, sometimes she'll turn on the tv, but she always keeps you tucked against her, an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
she tends to fall asleep on the couch, her head slumping on your shoulder. you have to nudge her awake and pull her to bed, helping her sleepily navigate the short walk when you're not pressing kisses against her sleepy face.
you tuck her into bed with a kiss before you go off to do your nighttime routine.
and no matter how deep she's sleeping, or how exhausted from the day she is, she always wakes up when you crawl into bed beside her an hour or two later to turn over and cuddle up against you, nuzzling into your tits as she mumbles out a sleepy, "i love you, honey."
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
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