#any construction worker!toji tbh...just need that man dirty sweaty and manly all around me yummmm
depressiondiaries · 22 days
Can't get over construction worker!toji watching you like the pretty little thing you are on your phone hurrying to a meeting trying to open this god damn water bottle you just bought. He's eyeing you up and down with a smirk and then suddenly
He points at your bottle "I could help help you out with that"
Awestruck you stare at this man who looked like he was carved by god himself, wife beater on, hair sticking to his forehead and god...his arms, sweaty and filthy with something black all in their muscular glory.
He notices you gawking at him but knows you wouldn't appreciate his teasing, you're not that kind of woman.
"Ma'am?" he smiles even wider at you looking up at his eyes with a blush.
"Hmm? oh yes thank you that would be great!"
You swear at yourself for the too excited enthusiasm in your voice and hand him the water bottle which he opens without a hint of struggle. Was he flexing more than normal or was that your imagination betraying you.
"Thank you.."
"My pleasure"
He tips his head at you with that same smirk and you swear you were about to fall on your knees from this man's oozing manly charisma. Straighting up you smile at him and quickly rush away.
Toji smirks back at his fellow construction buddies who just look at him with disgust, very used to him getting all the women at his feet, the worst part? he wasn't even trying.
"You gotta stop doing that" one of them says with a disgusting but also jealous look on his face
"Doin' what? not my fault pretty girls don't look at y'all"
Groans could be heard from his mates while he laughs and gets back to work but before that he turns around one last time to see you walking away to your office thinking of a way to get to see you again.
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