#antisemitism islamophobia or any attempt to dehumanize or justify violence against civilians
theforesteldritch · 7 months
It's really fucked that when I google 'intersex' the news articles that come out are all mocking the US gov recognizing intersex awareness day. Calling us 'frankensteins' 'sick in the head' 'defective genetic fuck ups'. I saw a completely batshit conspiracy theory that the US government 'created' intersex people a few decades ago to 'attack traditional values' or something. Forget about all of us who don't live in the US, forget about the historical records of intersex people, to the point where we could test DNA from prehistoric skeletons preserved a certain way and could find that they're intersex. They keep going. They say, someone 'needs to step in and study how these get passed down so these people don't reproduce'. Just literal fucking eugenics. Even beyond their hatred, their intersexism, their transphobia, it makes me even more sick to my stomach is that none of the facts, none of our history matters. They're not just uninformed, they don't give a shit. And the reason, the fucking reason people were losing their shit over the fact that the US state department recognized that we exist, is that they they think that all of the US government's attention should apparently be to supporting Isreal bombing and killing thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians. They want nothing but killing and bloodshed and violence and death and apparently the acknowledgement of intersex existence is too much of a fucking distraction for them from their fucking need for violence. And even if they wanted something else, something harmless, a government agency puts out a TWO PARAGRAPH STATEMENT and they think it will fucking shut other things down. And while recognition is nice, the bar is so fucking low that saying 'hey these people exist. they deserve rights' about intersex people is a FIRST, and people think that two fucking paragraphs is too much. I feel sick and angry. People want death and killing and violence and to fucking cheer over the killing of innocent people over TWO FUCKING PARAGRAPHS that say I exist and am a person.
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