#anti la'an x kirk
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"Insult me all you want but Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow was just Khan-flavored City on the Edge of Forever if Spock was a woman."
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"I wish Carol Marcus got more appreciation on Star Trek subreddits because the only thing close to that is people drooling over her underwear scene in Into Darkness. Otherwise, she's treated like an evil, manipulative baby mama or dumb blonde idiot in the way of a certain m/f pairing in the SNW subset of the Trek fandom. The thing is, I was indifferent to her character before, but all that character-bashing and shippers' envy directed towards her has made me her stan."
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"Kirk/La'an shippers remind me of Victor/Emily shippers from Corpse Bride in that they think La'an/Emily getting Kirk/Victor is the only way they can achieve happiness, while also bashing Carol/Victoria as so-called obstacles.
Guys, I thought we left the misogynistic needing a man bullshit back in the 2000s. I'm not saying you can't ship Kirk/La'an. Maybe they'll be canon in the main timeline, but maybe they won't. Maybe La'an might find a new crush/love interest in her timeline after Kirk that makes her happy. Or would you hate them for not being Kirk? Shipping can be fun, you can have your preferences, but please don't bully the showrunners if they don't give you what you want."
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