#ansem headcanons
autumn-may · 7 months
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”man im so sad riku cut his hair” ok first of all i agree with you but also mayhaps there is a reason riku might not want long silver hair maybe he associates it with a concept or perhaps a person
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
May I please have some of the organization members reacting to them coming home to an asleep s/o in either their shirt or an extra organization cloak since the s/o missed them so much and couldn't sleep without them home? Thank you in advance 🤗😊
You got it!! I'm gonna go with the Nort brothers for now
Nort Brothers reacting to you sleeping with their shirt
Warnings: Slightly spicy (like microscopic size) but mainly fluff
Rating: SFW
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Honestly, this man overworks himself so it's a miracle that he even made it to your guys' shared bed.
When he sees you wearing his shirt, he's confused.
Like, why would you wear his shirt? You have tons of clothes yourself.
But he finds it adorable, nonetheless.
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Like Xemnas, he overworks himself, but not as much as his twin though
Now, we know this man barely wears a shirt, but he does own a few turtlenecks (he wears them in the winter)
So, after a long day of research and making sure the Twilight Trio were asleep, he headed to you to have some spicy time together
Only to find you asleep in one of his turtlenecks.
When I tell you this man MELTS!!!!! He'll just wrap you in his arms and the two of you will sleep like that till morning.
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Xeha loves it when you wear his stuff. It's like a signal saying that you're his and his alone.
And when you wear his shirt to bed, he fucking loves it.
He does get a little turned on but nothing too crazy.
Sometimes, he's just too tired to take care of it, and sometimes you are too. Other times, it just leads to soft, sleepy sex
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Okay, we all know that Vanitas wears that somewhat ugly suit but for the sake of this fic, we're gonna give him some actual clothes
Like Xeha, he loves it when you wear his clothes.
And yes, he does get turned on when he sees you in them.
And when you wear his shirt as pj's, you best believe his going to pound town
And, yeah. You're gonna be wearing his shirt more often for bed
Let me know if you want a part two with the other members!
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leastrife · 6 months
I wanna ramble about random KH headcanons I have because I’m bored and why not:
- Aroace Ienzo in a QPR with Demyx
- Autistic Ienzo
- Ienzo gets overwhelmed at things being messy but also feels overwhelmed at the idea of cleaning
- Trans Luxu
- All of the foreteller’s have ptsd
- Aroace Ephemer
- Trans Brain
- Brain pretends to like black coffee but secretly still uses creamer
- Ira and Aced are the oldest of the foreteller’s, Invi is a year younger, Ava, Gula, and Luxu are a few months apart
- Brain is demisexual and Lauriam was his first crush after they became friends
- Ansem x Even in a QPR
- Xigbar tried telling the foreteller’s minus Ava that MoM actually just screwed them over, Ira had the hardest time accepting it because he was the most devout to the masters teachings
- Luxu gets terrible nightmares for the first months after he possesses someone new but they eventually go away and he pushes away the guilt he has
- Aeleus is the one who found Ienzo and brought him to the castle and Even and Ansem adopted him
- Luxu always preferred using long distance weapons
- Apprentice Xehanort always felt out of place with the other apprentices
- After KH3 Ienzo is scared to admit he misses Braig since all of the others see him as having chosen the darkness and Ienzo knows that but Braig was still one of the ones who cared for him as a child
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robotsafari · 2 months
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introducing you all to “anti-form” ansem. he is like if a toxoplasma was a heartless.
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24draws · 1 year
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see here.
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Poll is still active but consensus is clear lol
Am I obssessed? yeah. But also these responses and tags got me through the week so ty everyone for the input ilu y'all made me smile so hard.
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leastrifedraws · 1 month
Radiant Garden Fam headcanons:
- Aeleus was the one who found Ienzo after his parents were killed by Unversed
- Ienzo was closest with Ansem and Even then being his primary caretakers, while he saw Aeleus and Braig as uncles and Dilan too, but Dilan was the most distant of them from Ienzo
- Ansem and Even are in a QPR, Aeleus and Dilan are dating (I do also like Aeleus x Even and might draw them at some point but these are my main ships)
- Braig makes jokes about being the fifth wheel of the group (until Xehanort comes along)
- Braig and Dilan are half-brothers(credit to xiiiwayfinders for that one idk if they got that headcanon from someone else, but I saw it on their blog first)
- Braig (pre-Luxu) became a guard as a late teen after Dilan (already a guard) suggested it when Braig said he didn’t know what to do with his life
- Ienzo has selective mutism (again credit to xiiiwayfinders) and autism
- Ansem and Even tried to find ways for Ienzo to make friends with kids his age, but between loosing his parents and already not being like most kids Ienzo was never able to get along with his peers
- Luxu tends to use vessels of people down on their luck or seeing little to no point in life anymore, Braig was about to cross a point he couldn’t come back from when Luxu stopped him and promised to make all the pain go away
- When Xehanort joined Luxu had never expected Xehanort to be so different from both Terra and the old coot and end up as someone completely new. It made him intrigued to meet this new combination of people he used to know and eventually Luxu found himself in love
- Ienzo was the first to find out about Xehanort’s experiments (not including Braig)
- The reason Xaldin is so bitter about love is because of the distance that grew between him and Lexeaus after loosing their hearts, the two barely talked or did anything together both believing it was what the other wanted which festered resentment between the two that they didn’t resolve until after their hearts were back
- A small part of the reason Vexen agreed to be apart of the real organization was because he was scared to look Ienzo in the eye again after causing him so much hurt
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xehanortsreport · 2 months
when i tell you i felt like i hit the jackpot when kh3 not only gave me a cute bit of banter between ansem and xigbar in TT but also had them fight together (even just for a little bit)?! like yes its tiny but we went from them having zero canon interaction to them getting actual scenes together i felt like someone was punking me like aint no WAY
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firestorm09890 · 1 year
I bet as Ansem the Wise stewed in anger and darkness for a decade he gradually demonized his apprentices to the point where he stopped thinking “they used to be humans I was close to before they went down a dark path” and started thinking “they were monsters in disguise and they wanted to ruin me from the start”
He’d have had to, for him to have no reluctance in destroying his students and HIS CHILD
“You’re nothing to me, you were never anything to me, because I was nothing but a pawn to you, isn’t that right, my dear apprentices”
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share-the-skye · 1 year
Other headcanons absolutely no one asked me for and no, I don’t care what canon says.
There is no way in hell Riku was comfortable with leaving Kairi or Naminé unconscious with Ansem the Wise, aka the man who thinks we’ll all forget him dissecting children because he said sorry, blew up a moon and took a time out in the RoD. Everyone else saw Riku pull up in a gummiship at the end of KH3 and went “shipping discourse!” And I just said “hell yes he better go get her from the man who LITERALLY ORDERED HIM TO MURDER HER”.
Personally I think Riku was only okay with Kairi being studied there in MelMem because Aleaus was there. Riku pulled him aside like, “Hey, I know I killed your Nobody but if he tries anything fishy will you take care of it?” And Aleaus did that head nod that universally translates to “I got you”. Because Aleaus doesn’t fuck around.
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sabicat · 2 years
Redemption/Replica AU Headcanons for Xemnas and Ansem
What if after their deaths, Xemnas and Ansem's hearts return to the only body left to them; Terra's. Similar to Roxas, Ventus and Xion's hearts slumbering in Sora and then getting put into replica bodies, the same happens to Ansem and Xemnas.
Neither of them quite know what to do with themselves once they're given new lives and fresh starts, and eventually end up deciding to stay in Radiant Garden to work as researchers once again.
Xemnas is extremely awkward around former members of his Organization; he feels some level of remorse for what he put them through, and doesn't know how to act around them now.
Some members like Ienzo, Aelius, Even, and Dilan forgive him relatively quickly and are able to have a somewhat friendly relationship with him, despite the awkwardness.
Others like Roxas, Lea, Isa and Xion want absolutely nothing to do with him, despite his... confused attempts at making amends.
His first time meeting Aqua face to face is 10x more awkward because he's spent years speaking to her armor and struggling to piece together memories of her from the fragments of Terra within him. Does he want to be good friends? Does he love her? Does she hate him for what he's done? It takes a long time for him to parse through these relatively new emotions.
He and Terra have a very complicated relationship; neither of them hate the other, but it's just very awkward being around each other. It's like looking into a twisted mirror. Terra's reminded of all the pain his body was used to create, while Xemnas is reminded of his origins and things that could have been.
Retains some of Terra's... 'himbo' nature. After losing some of Xehanort's influence over him/his heart, labwork becomes a bit more challenging for him. He's not stupid, it just takes him longer to figure out things that used to come easily.
Not shy, per say, but very reserved and introverted. Doesn't know how to deal with people or emotions and sometimes just runs from them. He'll get better with time, but it's all very new to him.
Ends up trying very, very hard to make amends with Roxas and Xion, in his own way. Doesn't talk to them much, but sends them gifts here and there. Initially Lea (who I like to think becomes a legal guardian to the pair) just throws them away, but after a while lets them through. Xion is more forgiving than Roxas, and is the first to send him a letter or gummi-phone text. Too nervous to see him in person for a while though.
Ansem has a very different experience. He didn't spend nearly as much time with the Organization members as Xemnas did, and feels little towards them. He doesn't dislike them, but feels no desire to get closer to them either.
He does, however, feel some remorse for what he put Riku through. Thankfully, he and Riku had somewhat of a reconciliation before his death in KH3, so Riku is a bit more open to communicating at this point. Ansem takes on an odd fatherly role to him, trying to actually support him rather than manipulate him.
Wants to do something with his new life. There is still more to seek, after all. When not working at Radiant Garden he likes to explore different worlds and take in any and all knowledge that he can. He doesn't have any grand plans to use that knowledge, but he still wants to learn.
Will absolutely infodump on anyone who will listen to him. Careful you don't get him talking for hours. He doesn't have the same 'shyness' that Xemnas does; he's very extroverted and seeks out companionship. He's tired of being alone.
Ends up developing some sass to him. Bit sarcastic, always has some quip ready with a little smirk. Likes to get reactions out of people, but it's never malicious.
Actively seeks out Aqua, Terra and Ventus rather than initially avoiding them like Xemnas did. Despite some tensions, he's able to get along with them surprisingly well. He especially enjoys deep philosophical conversations with Aqua, or sitting quietly with her while they both read. His memories of her from fragments of Terra are far more shattered than Xemnas', but they're still there and he wants to learn more.
Terra is still awkward around him, though not quite as much as he is with Xemnas since they don't have the same face (thank you Riku). Though he does have some painful memories, flashes of being trapped within the Guardian and being used as Ansem's weapon. But he wants to forgive, difficult as it may be.
Sometimes has Heartless around him as 'little helpers'. They're harmless as they're under his control, they just act as assistants; bringing him things, sending messages, acting as extra hands during experiments. It puts everyone on edge for a while, but the other researchers can't deny their usefulness.
Xemnas and Ansem's relationship with one another is almost brotherly. They came from the same people, after all.
Since Xemnas struggles with just existing a bit more than Ansem does, Ansem takes on the elder brother role. Tries to encourage Xemnas to break out of his shell and help him cope with how things are now.
One of the few things they are 100% the same on though is their relationship with Ansem the Wise; neither of them like him, yet they also feel some guilt for what they did to him. It's an uncomfortable feeling that will never go away.
Ultimately they both want to make up for their wrongdoings, just in different ways. But they both want to help find Sora and bring him back from wherever he's gone.
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little-bit · 1 year
Ansem Headcanons
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* This man is so pretty it’s unreal(I’m pretty sure he knows it too) He’s also a cross between terra and xehanort. He’s the heartless and Xemnas(also hot) is the nobody.
* Pretty powerful, and not a complete ass. I feel like things could work with him if he sees value in a person,otherwise he would just use said person for his own intentions.
* Talks a lot about darkness(like a lot a lot) his S/O if he manages to have one would have to put up with hearing about that a lot. Ansem might even offer to train said S/O in the ways of darkness.
* Still would more than likely follow Xehanorts plans unless he decides to stray from them or his S/O convinces him, either way I feel like there would be some risk involved.But Ansem would more than likely protect his S/O unless they can defend themselves.
* I feel like Ansem would really like if his S/O showered him in compliments and affection,because it would more than likely boost his ego,also he would probably be possessive(based on kingdom hearts chain of memories when he takes down lexeus after Riku is knocked unconscious, Like how dare you attack my host!!)
* Since he would more than likely be possessive his S/O would not be going anywhere without him, and if they did he would make sure to leave some marks on them to let other people know who they belonged to.
* All in all I feel like he would be decent in a relationship, but the possessive part could be off putting.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
May I please have the nort brothers with a S/O who pushes them out of the way of an incoming attack from a heartless only for her to summon a keyblade for the first time? As in she didn't know she had it before then please and thank you and remember to take a break whenever you need to ☺️
Thank you so much! You are so sweet! Hope you enjoy
Nort Brothers Reacting to You Getting a Keyblade
Warnings: I'm doing things kind of differently. But pretty much just fluff
Rating: SFW
You and your boyfriend were just enjoying a gorgeous day in Radiant Garden. He had been working hard and needed a break. And what better way to do that than go for a walk around Radiant Garden. You were about to head into a cute café for a quick snack when a group of Heartless attacked. Your boyfriend quickly got you to safety while he took care of the Heartless. When he thought all of them were taken care of, another Heartless jumped and was about to attack him until you pushed him out of the way and a Keyblade appeared in your hand, shocking both you and your boyfriend.
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Xemnas is very confused. How did he not feel the Keyblade Legacy inside you?
He doesn't know how to use one since he never had one (NOMURA BRING HIM BACK AND GIVE HIM A KEYBLADE! NOW!)
But he'll help in any way he can.
What kind of king would he be if he couldn't help
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Thinks that was super badass of you to do
He may not have a Keyblade but he will help you train whenever you need it
Just as long as this manwhore doesn't get horny during training
Spoiler alert, he does. Way too many times
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Is shooketh!
Like how and why the fuck did you do that?!
Like Xemnas, he didn't feel the Keyblade Legacy in you
But he will help train. But he's not gonna be nice about it
Sorry not sorry
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Also shocked but is very calm about it
He's probably the nicest one when it comes to Keyblade training
But he's still gonna be protective of you no matter what
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luxu-loveskh · 2 years
Uuhhh Even and Ansem as teenagers?
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holleighgram · 1 year
Hold onto your keyboards, cause I'm about to get ✨️controversial ✨️
I'd like to preface this by saying all interpretations/ headcanons/ readings/ etc. Are valid and I'm in no way discouraging anyone to change their ways.
I watched (and enjoyed) Baloney's "The Truth About Kingdom Hearts!" And I absolutely adored their take on the series, but one line stuck out to me that I really want to expand on because I don't see it being talked about as often as it should.
Kairi doesn't like Riku.
And I think this is a very RICH and IMPORTANT aspect of the Destiny Trio dynamic. It adds to the complexity of these characters, but especially Kairi.
(Another shout out to @violethowler and their INCREDIBLE Constructing Kingdoms series. The video on"The Girl Who Never Grew Up" made me like and understand Kairi so much more. Highly recommend checking it out.)
Kairi doesn't like Riku, and with some pretty valid reasons, but I'll get to that after I compile all the evidence towards this:
In KH:
Kairi likes her life the way it is. She doesn't desire change, but Riku wants nothing but change. He wants to grow up and move on and see the outside world.
And because Sora looks up to him, Sora has jumped on the bandwagon too. Kairi is going along because Sora is. But it is clear that for Kairi, change =/= good. So what does she say?
"You know, Riku's changed."
Sora asks her how, and she kinda bites her tongue. Clearly she had opinions, but doesn't want to badmouth Soras best friend to him. Later she says, "Sora, don't ever change."
Later, after everything, when Kairi is restored and in Travers Town, she doubts that Riku can be saved, despite the fact that she LITERALLY saved Sora from being a heartless. She almost seems like she's trying to convince Sora not to go, or to at least let her come with-- not to save Riku but because she wants to be there with Sora.
At the end of the game, she obviously return to destiny islands and draws the paopu.
During Chain of Memories, everyone forgets about Sora, but the memories of Riku stay intact. For a year. Kairi is well aware that her "friend" is missing. In fact, last she knew of him, he was still taken by Ansem and presumably dead or at least suffering. She doesn't know.
She knows she's a Princess of Heart and has powers thay can help (as she restored Sora after being a heartless). But the most we get is "he's far away, but I know we'll see him again." Like, do you?
I mean, SELPHIE is the one that says "I sure miss him." That's way more than we EVER get from Kairi.
So for a YEAR, she doesn't spare Riku a single thought. But the SECOND she remembers Sora, she is willing to do anything to see him again.
Here's a little bit of speculation for WHY she doesn't like Riku:
1) Perhaps when she first met them as kids, he reminder her of Xehenort, who kidnapped her and yeeted her into space.
2) Kairi wanted to be best friends with SORA, but not Riku. She's afraid that Sora will follow Riku to the outside worlds (where she doesn't want to go) and leave her behind. If it wasn't for Riku, Sora wouldn't want to leave at all.
3) He (as far as we know) opened the door and damned their home into Darkness. That's probably a point of contention for her. Even though Sora so forgiving.
4) He hurt Sora in KH1, but Sora is still loyal to him. She probably sees that as him taking advantage of Sora-- the person she cares most about.
5) He's the reason Sora never came home. If it wasn't for him, they would have gone home at the end of KH1 together.
I can't say for sure how Riku feels about Kairi. He DID drag her corpse around and give into the darkness to save her, but that can be interpreted as solely wanting to "beat " Sora at being the hero. Even still, we get moment in COM where he reflects on missing her. We even see Namine come to his rescue in her form. I definitely feel like there is less animosity there, but who knows.
That's all.
Roast me, Kairi stans, but I love the depth this reading gives to the story and the potential for arcs and character growth for her and she is forced to face who she is without Sora.
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bluepopofanarts · 4 days
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Yeah told ya that headcanon of God/KH!Riku ate my brain.
I've always believed in the theory of the KH being a deity and having an avatar. We all know that Riku is very special and not really what he really seems to be.
I like comparing him with Atlantide (hello white hair). The fact that the crystal used someone to stay strong or turning into human. And the necklace that provided strenght, protection... Riku necklace is the link to a protecting promise. And maybe he just "changed" his aspect to hide the fact that it was a piece of KH (like the tiny crystals). The day they would connect the necklace as a keychain for the Keyblade...
About Hercules movie, Hercules "sacrificed" his mortality in order to save Megara's soul. In KH3 Riku sacrificed his life to save Sora's. Maybe he will reborn as a god too.
Plus if the Child of Destiny is Riku and the "other-to-fuse-with-to-create-something-new" is Sora...
So I did an armor version of KH!Riku with a monster as a guardian like Ansem, as a canon divergence where he tries to save Sora from Yozora.
(and yes Soriku because Soriku. I hated them when I was younger. I saw the light, now I love them)
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strayheartless · 10 months
Maybe it’s cause I listen to a lot of apocalyptica. Maybe I should blame DDD, but I have this headcanon that Riku plays the Cello…
Don’t ask me give you evidence as to why.
I just, I dunno, I have this image of post CoM/ pre KH2 Riku relearning how to play an instrument he’s played since he was six whilst he’s wearing his blindfold. Just him, in the middle of a big empty room in the twilight town mansion, feeling out the notes and relying only on his ears and fingers to guide his muscles.
Perhaps he’d do it in the quiet moments when he has nothing to do but wait for DiZ to make some headway. Maybe Naminé sneaks into the room to watch him play, and he knows she’s there but he lets it be.
Maybe, after a while it’s his go to therapy when he feels like he’s going to scream or crawl out of his skin.
It’s something Ansem/Zehanort couldn’t do. Something that tied him to who he was. And in a way it became his focus.
Maybe Riku falls back on it while he’s searching for Sora after KH3. He’s so lost and worried and angry that he feels out of control, so he reaches for the blindfold -the one he shoved to the back of his draws and swore he’d never wear again- and wraps it around his eyes.
When he sits down to play, its like sinking into painless sleep after hours of agony. Just the low vibrations of the strings, as he plays out how he feels.
What comes out of the instrument is dark and a little bit broody, and afterwards he feels like an idiot for falling back on that melodramatic feeling to help him cope. But in the moment it helps him purge what he’s feeling so that he can continue the fight.
Maybe Kairi hears. Maybe Leon and the rest of the restoration committee hear it too.
Maybe it reverberates around the castle when he plays and let’s them all know that he needs support.
I dunno man, it’s such a melodramatic headcanon. It’s so emo, that I hate it, but also love it.
I just like the idea of it.
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