hack-n-slasher · 1 year
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He doesn’t wear enough Jacket(s) or Trench coat(s) in the damn movies...
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peterbenjaminparker · 11 years
anoesia replied to your post:
milk is gross.shouldnt be consumed by humans! ! buy them soy milk or something
we have almond milk though i am not sure how good that is for ur body??? i'm assuming better than regular milk but ahh i should!! honestly it's ridiculous it's like trying to convince a toddler
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zealsteel · 11 years
What is The True Nature of The Universe?
 We (humans) are not strictly physical beings. We are not a body with a soul,but a soul inhabiting a body. The soul, (conscious energy) cannot simply be created by a physical object such as the brain. We (conscious energy) have always existed, since the physical universe was created billions of years ago. The physical universe that we know came into existence when multiple conscious energies conbined their individual universes to create what we know as the physical universe. This universe is infinitely expanding Due to the fact that all that this universe is, is the conbined thoughts of an almost infinite amount of different conscious energies. Consious energy can be described as an IS BE, or an Immortal Spiritual Being. An is be IS, simply because it chooses to BE. The idea that the human brain, a collection of cells, nerves and tissue: purely physical matter can somehow magically create consciousness is absurd. Consciousness cannot be created in the physical universe. It has to come from somewhere else. To think that the physical universe is the only singular universe is also highly unlikely. Our universe exists at a base frequency. Everything inside the physical universe vibrates within this base frequency. If something vibrates higher or lower then our universes base frequency, then it will ascend or descend to a new universe. An example of this is astral projection or lucid dreaming. both of these techniques allow for a conscious being to raise their frequencey or vibration enough to leave the physical universe. This is commonly known as the astral plane, where the is-be in true spirit form seperates from the body and is free to explore different universe, or realms
.....ill stop their coz ive probably gone off track a bit but yeah thats the basis of what i believe right now, thanks for asking !!
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