rirismommyspace · 2 years
I'm gonna see my chemical romance! We have tickets in the seated section so we should be pretty safe. And I've been to the stadium before so I know how the exits. I'm super excited! I've wanted to go to a concert for so Long and mcr is one of our favorite bands!
˚₊✩‧₊ oh woah cool!!! And I'm glad you know what to do and that you're being safe ( ◜‿◝ )♡ very good job sweetheart!! I hope you have an absolutely awesome time !!! Tell me how it goes !!
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
hi miss riri, I missed you
A lot been happening in life, so I haven't gotten to be out or small a lot. Missed you.
Is getting late and i sleepy, just wanted to say hi and that I gives you the biggest hug in the world!
˚₊✩‧₊ Little Darling!!! Hello my Angel~ I've missed you as well!! And ahh I see~ well I hope you're able to have some good days too, lovely! And I wish you good-luck in whatever it is you have going on! Remember that I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, whether you're big or small <3 I hope your day was good today!! Thank you for dropping by, Sweetheart (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡ sending you so many hugs too!!! (Also you're too cute, baby <3 thank you for the hug)
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri. The body been sick :( but we takin the medicines to feel little better. Can't talk to friends or brothers cause sick :( -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Hihi Baby!!! Oh awwh sweetheart~ I hope the body gets better soon then, lovely!! Make sure to get lots of rest, eat well, stay hydrated and shower often so the icky germs go away!!!
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi ms riri...how is you? -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Heyhey Cutiepie~ thank you so much for checking in, my love ( ◜‿◝ )♡ you're so sweet!!!! I'm okay!! I've been quite busy these past couple days!! (my first semester ended & I've been going out quite a bit and having some fun) so I'd say I'm doing really well!! How are you lovely? I hope you've been taking proper care of yourself!!! And that you're being safe too!!
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi ririii! I drank some water and eaten a snack. Thw concert is on Sunday, im still super duper excited! (And I got a little giggly when you said I was cutiepie...a Lotta giggle actually) We got contacts today so I can see without the glasses! Eyes hurty a little bit, feel dry...but the doctor said its normal. I wanna say I give you the biggest hug in the world! Big big hug miss riri! -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Heyhey Cutie~ I'm glad you like the nickname, Baby. You're absolutely adorable~ & good job eating and drinking water sweetie!! Also oh cool, contacts!! I'd suggest getting some contact-safe eyedrops so that it hurts less!! And thank you for the hugs, my love <3 big big hugs for you too !! Also also oh !! The concert should've been yesterday then, yes ? I hope you had a good time !!
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri! I wanted to say that I'm gonna go to my first concert soon! -Eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Sweetheart!!! That's so cool woah!! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful time!! Please remember to be safe also!! Don't talk to strangers and always be aware of exits and your surroundings <3 who are you going to see??
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri. I'm not feeling really small because we're sort of switching rn but I just wanted to stop by and say hi! -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Heyhey Sweetie~ oh alrighty sugar!! I hope you're all doing okay and taking proper care of yourselves!!! Thank you so much for saying hi ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri, I feeling kinda sleepy. The body is doing a lot cause of a lot of walking. But don't sleep a lot cause the brain has...I forgot what is called. AD something. So I wanna sleepy but can't cause too much energy. Body b sleepy but brain isn't. How do your sleep when it's hard riri? -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ heyhey Lovely <3 oh I'm so sorry to hear that, buttercup~ I hope you were able to get some rest little one! And I'll be honest, sweetheart, I actually have a really really hard time sleeping a lot of the time. My sleep schedules can get absolutely awful if I'm not actively keeping it in check, so I apologize for not being much help in this situation <3 what does help me is schedules! (As I've said) so making myself go to bed at a certain time & then waking up a bit earlier than necessary so that I'm sure to be tired when I go to bed. (Like waking up at 7 to go to bed at 12 with no naps in between, so that I have enough hours to tire myself out). That is what just works for me though, so I hope you're able to find something that helps you sleep sweetheart!!
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Thanks riri! Sometimes the brain forgets to eat ebacuse wr forget a lot. Oh, yay! Academia, I was close! I like...todoroki! And deku. But endeavor is a meanie, I don't like him. I hope he gets all his candies taked away. Oh yeah, the lollipop tasted really really good riri! The butterfly one! -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Ooooh very cool!! They're both super awesome. And mhm mhm I dislike Endeavour a lot, he's my least favourite. Also I'm glad your lollipop was yummy too Darling ( ◜‿◝ )♡ what flavour is your favourite? (I like the apple and blue raspberry ones)
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi. I eaten some pizza rolls and red juice todays. I'm gonna watch my hero adaema later. I tried to spell the last word but it was hard. -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Hey Sweetie!! Oooh good job Little One!! I'm very proud of you for eating!! And good job trying to spell it too!! You almost got it sweetheart!!!! It's "Academia" so you weren't too far off <3 I hope you have fun watching it later!! Who's your favourite characters?
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Mmmruri I'm dleppy. Tired. Wan s go nughtnight. Nighy night riri. -ereb
˚₊✩‧₊ awwh little one~ you're adorable Cutiepie <3 I hope you slept well, Darling!! And don't forget to eat today!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri! I plays the pika game with the little blue game box! It's old but it's fun. And I getta watch speis family! -Eren
˚₊✩‧₊ ooooh I'm glad you're having fun Baby!! And oh oh oh!! I just started Spy X Family yesterday! It's so fun and cute!! I plan to finish it today as well, since I have free time
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi, sorry for not talking for a while. I'm not doing the best to be honest, but I'm hanging in there. Haven't been able to regress due to in-system issues, it's a long story but basically our host isn't able to front and our main protector just recently was able to go back to regular daily functions. Its...been stressful but I'm getting through it. I do hope to regress again though once we start functioning normally again. -Eren
˚₊✩‧₊ there's no need to apologize, Little One <3 oh sweetheart I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you're all able to sort it out and get back to normal!! And I hope you'll be able to regress soon as well~ I'm always here if you need to talk Angel!! And I'm proud of you for hanging in there <3
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Hi riri! I went to Dave Buster for body's birthday and I got a pika and a big lollipop! -Eren
˚₊✩‧₊ Cutiepie!! Oh that sounds so fun Darling!! I hope you had a good time <3 what flavour lollipop was it ? (My favourites are the green or blue ones <3)
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
Mommy my tummy hurts. It's the cramps and I feeling bad cause I'm not all the way girl but the body is girl -Eren
˚₊✩‧₊ awwh little one :(( I'm so sorry your tummy hurts Baby~ be sure to take it easy, okay? Drink lots of water and warm things too!! And remember to eat even if you don't feel like it cause it's still important!! Take meds if you need to! I know it feels icky sometimes to be reminded of things like this, but it doesn't change anything about you!! Lots of people other than girls get their periods and that's perfectly normal!! <3 take care of yourself and stay safe, Angel
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rirismommyspace · 2 years
It's thundering outside and the power going out and it's scary -eren
˚₊✩‧₊ awwh Darling :( awwh sweetheart I'm sorry to hear that my love <3 it must be scary, hmm? But you just gotta remember that it can't hurt you, buttercup!! It may be dark and loud but you just gotta make sure you're safe, yeah? And be sure to keep nice and warm too!! There's a big storm going on where I live as well, so it's super duper cold!! That means we both have to stay warm!! And I'm also here if you need any company little one!! So feel free to talk as much as you like if you need a distraction ( ◜‿◝ )♡
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