prettytragcdies · 3 months
would you hold my hand? (julia & suzanne)
No words were necessary between the two sisters as Suzanne slipped her hand into Julia's and squeezed it for reassurance. Why history had chosen to repeat itself in such a cruel way, she had no idea. Not a lot was making sense right now, but one thing was for sure. She was going to be there for her big sister and spare her whatever burdens she could. Suzanne Sugarbaker might have come across as just another shallow, conceited beauty queen to some people, but in times of crisis, she had time and time again proven herself to be a modern day Scarlett O'Hara.
Unfortunately, this time it wasn't going to be as easy as making a deal with God over by the candy machine in a hospital waiting room.
"We don't have to go inside until you're ready. We can just stand over here, and you take as long as you need."
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danviers · 2 months
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@andsanctify asked: “ i feel like i’m one bad day away from becoming everything i’ve fought against. ” (cat)
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" It's not always easy, having to be the one in charge, " Alex offered, in quiet earnest; no shortage of understanding there to back her. No lack of sympathy.
It was strange, exchanging any assimilation of words with Cat like this, with no James or or Kara or Winn - shaped buffer in sight. Stranger, even, to see the Cat Grant she'd known, albeit in the most abstracted peripheral of her sister's work - related anecdotes and occasional grousing over mid - week chinese food with her guard so profoundly down.
But she knew what that meant. Knew how it felt to make the hard choices, and live with the consequences after the fact. Knew just how slowly, how unnoticeably the purest of intentions could twist, and motivations could be lost in the murk of ambiguity. ( Her father had proven that much. Even Lena had. )
" We may not really know each other. But I know that you're not a bad person. "
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dmned · 2 months
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❝ — it's you. ❞ her eyes turn on the other woman , but the emotion underneath is indistinguishable. fiona feels trapped , stuck between all the things she wants and all the things she needs. which one is this ? but she's like a drug , and fiona can't give it up so easily. ❝ you make me weak. ❞ not weak like the cancer does , weak in a different way. vulnerable , maybe. which certainly felt like a weakness. had it been anyone else standing between fiona and her full power , she could have easily disposed of them. but not her. she adjusts her blonde hair , leaning against the edge of the table. she shakes her head , ❝ i refuse to been seen as weak. i am not weak. ❞ / sc. @andsanctify
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daymont · 2 months
chin perches on folded fingers. an approximation of interest painting her face. " than what, skulking about from the margins ? that's hardly changed for some of us. " it's disingenuine truer elsewhere, maybe. port lucia, young as it was in the eyes of their world, has always been a bit of an open secret. its residents a quick study at what questions to skirt ... when to close their eyes ... and hey were paid handsomely for it.
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" it was always going to be a shit show. we're all just bored. " restless.
i keep trying to tell myself that this is somehow better . / @andsanctify
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gatekeepcr · 2 months
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❛ It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. ❜ @andsanctify
the road to forgiveness is a long and dark one , but gemma knows better than most that there will be no one there to forgive her if she ever did go back home. the age of the matriarch had come to an end. BUT DO YOU DESERVE IT ? gemma doesn't think she does. the dead laying in her wake screamed that she never would. she accepted that.
it was never a virtue that gemma considered herself to have. to be able to forgive those who did you wrong. that was not what this life was about. she was sooner to strike down the sinner than ever let him back under her roof. a dull irony considering the current state of things.
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unable to lift her gaze to the other woman , gemma drops the butt of her cigarette to the ground and grinds the cherry away with the toe of her boot. " ―― which one am I , madeline ? an enemy or a friend ? " either way , she came to lay her apology at the woman's feet. when all was gone , could she just have this ?
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danviers · 2 months
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@andsanctify asked: [ STRUGGLE ] for one muse to resist being hugged but then break down and crumble against the other. (cat)
Swallowing around the lump in her throat, around the tension that pulled everything in her chest bow - string tight, Alex took in the stillness that'd taken hold of her sister's place of work — her desk, much like its accoutrements, untouched since the week before Lex's assault; her chair, suddenly home to a thin layer of dust, striking in its recency and yet unsurprising, given the number of weeks it'd gone unused; even the third phone she'd managed to cycle through during her tenure at CatCo — through a mental rolodex of what ifs. A tangible hopelessness that seemed to manifest in the pooling of a weighty, unconquerable numbness that settled in her extremities. A dearth of strength that Cat's proximity, so alien to her in the unearthly context of Kara's sudden absence, only made worse.
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Setting down the faux - silver - gilded photo frame she'd displaced from Kara's desk, the sheen of tears that'd risen in her eyes enough to distort the image of the happy faces ( hers, her sister's, their mom's ) smiling back up at her into a blur, Alex stiffly shrugged free of the consoling hand that fell at rest at her shoulder. Averted her eyes, until she could no longer hold up the futile pretense of dealing with the loss, or stop the dam from crumbling at its foundations, even in Cat Grant's arms.
" I don’t know why I thought that picking up her things would make me feel any better. ” 
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dmned · 2 months
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thoughts ??? blame @andsanctify
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