#and yh i was too lazy to write in marks outro at the end alhdlkashlkfj
sweetnestor · 6 years
ylh extra #4 | the spicy challenge
May 2017, just after Bella’s birthday
PREVIOUS FICS (u should read these first if ur new here)
“Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and we are back with another challenge! Only this time, it's just me and Bella!”
“Hi,” I greeted to the camera.
“It's only the two of us because everyone else-” Mark pointed to Ethan and Tyler, who were behind the camera with Amy and Kathryn. “- is too scared to join us.”
“Ya bunch of pansies,” I added.
“See, Bella just had a birthday,” Mark continued as he placed a hand on my shoulder, “so in honor of that, we're going to be eating a bunch of different peppers and hot sauces.”
I couldn't help but scoff.
“What?” Mark asked, already fired up. We had been going head to head all day.
“He's lying to you!” I said to the camera. “Mark is just mad that I can eat a habanero without crying and he can't!”
“We're all mad at that,” Ethan spoke up.
Tyler, Kathryn, and Amy agreed.
“Okay -” Mark suddenly cut himself off as he looked at me.
I returned the eye contact, wondering why he just stopped. We looked at each other up and down, and then it clicked. We were both wearing red flannels.
“The one time you don’t wear black, and you steal my brand?” Mark asked, mock exasperated.
“Listen, I was feeling extra queer today,” I said as I fixed my collar. “And I’m probably gonna end up taking it off, depending on how this goes.” As soon as I said it, I realized how it sounded.
Tyler and Kathryn were cackling. Amy and Ethan were not so amused. This was weird. This was a weird situation.
“Because we’re eating hot peppers and I’ll sweat! Ya fuckin’ nasties!” I snapped.
“Yeah, it’ll get hot and sweaty in here!” Mark added before going back to the task at hand. “Okay, as you can see, we have several sauces and peppers laid out.” He gestured to the counter, where several small bowls of peppers and bottles of hot sauce sat. “We're gonna start with the least spicy thing and work our way up. You nervous, Bellaboo?”
I was surprisingly good at hiding how taken aback I was at the old nickname. I honestly had no idea if any of our viewers knew about the names we used to call each other. If they did, then this would be quite the throwback. Again, this was weird.
“Nervous is my default setting,” I replied with a smile. “I am excited, though!”
The first thing we tried was my very own recipe of habanero salsa. Mark seemed to think it wouldn't kick as hard since there were multiple ingredients to diffuse the burn, and he was partly correct. That was why we tried it first.
“This is actually delicious,” he said as we munched on some chips. “We're gonna put this aside to eat later.”
“If we don't burst into flames first,” I added.
The next small bowl contained long, thin, red peppers. This will sound weird, but they reminded me of childhood. If they were dry, I would have chowed down immediately and remembered the time my godmother fed them to me. I mean I still remembered with a grimace, anyway.
“Now this is the Bird’s Eye chili,” Mark explained as he held up the bowl. “It is one hundred thousand Scovilles, which is actually less than the habanero.”
“You mean they’re not called chiles rojos?” I asked stupidly as I was offered one.
Mark looked at me. “You’ve had these before?”
“I ate these as a child.”
“Of course you have!” Mark took a chili as well and then we clinked.
One bite was all it took for me to feel it. This was not childhood. I feigned my confidence, though, because Mark pretty much lost it and it really pissed him to see that I was not reacting dramatically.
I sucked in a soft breath. “It hurts a little bit.”
“A little bit?” Mark paced around the kitchen, struggling to cope with the flavor. After several minutes, he was able to introduce the next item. “Our first sauce…” He was speaking with a lisp, and he paused to take a breath. “Our first…Bella, if you please…”
I picked up the small, brown bottle with the yellow label. “Blair’s Possible Side Effects Hot Sauce. Aww, it comes with a cute little key chain!” I pointed to the skull on a small chain around the neck. “I’m keeping this, I want to remember this day forever.”
Then, we grabbed a chip each and dabbed some sauce on them. Mark and I clinked again and then we set ourselves on actual fire. Yeah, this one burned more than anything I had ever tried.
“Oh jeez,” I said once I had eaten the chip. I had my mouth open with the tip of my tongue sticking out.
Mark was crouching down on the floor. He let out a strangled, agonizing groan. He breathed quickly in and out, much like I was doing.
“Are you guys ready for your milk?” asked Tyler.
“No!” Mark and I snapped in unison.
“I could do this all day,” I said as I put my long hair up in a ponytail. Just like I had predicted, I was starting to sweat. “What's next?”
“I'm not ready!” Mark groaned.
Eventually, it was the Devil's Tongue, which was 125,000 Scovilles. Then, Red Savina: 350,000. It was getting worse. My eyes started to water, and my bowels were starting to fight back. I stared up at the ceiling to prevent my eyes from leaking, which was all to entertaining for our witnesses.
“You laugh, but my foundation was fifty dollars!” I told them, wanting to yell but I was afraid it would make my bowel move in ways I didn’t want it to. “Someone come wipe away my tears, I can't touch my eyes!”
Ethan quickly came over with a tissue and dabbed at the corners of my eyes. When I was able to look straight again, I pulled off my false eyelashes and put them in the palm of his hand.
“Take these, remember me when I'm gone,” I said mock dramatically.
Mark's shirt was stained with sweat, snot, and tears. He had been incoherent since the Devil's Tongue, so he just pointed at what we were going to eat next.
“I love how calm you are,” Ethan told me with a laugh, “while Mark is just dying…”
I would have laughed too, had I not felt like actually shitting myself.
“Why aren’t you suffering?!” Mark managed to cry out between breaths.
“Fire cannot kill a dragon,” I replied as my stomach ominously churned. Despite those words, I still took off my flannel, letting my sweaty armpits breathe by placing my hands on my hips. “It’s hot in here, right?”
“Cry!” Mark yelled. “React! Do something!”
“I’m dead inside.”
“Okay, okay. We’re skipping to the last one. This one has a story.”
I recognized the sauce that came in a coffin. I smiled and looked at Mark, despite how much my mouth was suffering.
“This is what started the whole thing,” I said, holding up the sauce. “A couple years ago, Mark used this in a video, I’m sure y’all have seen it. Later that day, he put this in my fucking food and let me eat it.”
“I told you what was going in your food!” he justified. “I didn’t trick you! I didn’t bamboozle you!”
“Five! Million! Scovilles!” That was the closest I got to yelling around these people.
“You didn’t die!” Mark argued with a shrug.
“Your intention was to turn me into ash! And I didn’t! I actually enjoyed it, and he was upset by it!” I told the camera. “Story time: Markiplier tried to kill me!”
“Now Bella’s gonna take a shot of this!”
“Dude, I’m on the verge of diarrhea. No way.”
That was a surprise to everyone in the room. Ethan and Tyler burst into laughter.
“Okay, fine,” Mark said, “I’ll take a shot of it.”
“You’ll burn a hole in your throat!” I warned.
It took a surprising while to talk Mark out of damaging his esophagus. He settled for each of us taking three drops of the sauce. In an unceremonious fashion, I twisted the cap open, and the smell made us both cough.
“Fucking Christ!” I exclaimed. “I forgot how powerful this is!”
“Here we go,” Mark grumbled as he dripped some sauce onto a plastic spoon.
“See you in hell,” I said as I got my own spoon of death.
We took the drops at the same time. The minute it hit my tongue, my life flashed before my eyes. I had a moment of realization…this was a mistake. My bowels were screaming and crying. My throat burned. Mascara went down my face.
Mark threw his head back, his face scrunched up in pain. He gestured for the milk, which Tyler gave him. Pretty soon, I gave in too and got my own quarter gallon. By the end of it, Mark and I were sweating, crying, and chugging so much milk that it would make us vomit later.
“I’ve seen the afterlife and it sucks!” I groaned, my tongue sticking out of my mouth. Milk was dripping down my chin.
“What happened to loving spicy food?” Mark asked with a sneer.
“I like it in moderation, you fuckwad!”
“So anyway, that was the… the Let's Drive Ourselves to Insanity Challenge!”
I scoffed. “I don't need peppers to make myself go crazy.”
“Okay, Edge Queen! This was the Spicy Challenge!”
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