#and w this I will try to shut up about astrology for a bit bc I know I'm annoying lol
muse-stellium · 2 years
While we’re down the rabbit hole, remember how I said awhile back that there was so much in Nina’s chart that I wanted to talk about, but was worried bc it would be so long?
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Fuck it. 
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ariistocracies · 6 years
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back at it again at krispy kreme y’all ,, muse #2 aka my soft son jamie who just minds his own business and drinks too much coffee so pls handle w caution
tom holland. cismale. he/him. — did you see { jameson sokolov }, i haven’t seen the { twenty-two } year old in a while! you know, they’re a { yoga instructor }, and have been living in jersey city for { twenty-two years }. some say they’re { facetious & impetuous }, but i think they’re { scintillating & charismatic }. regardless, i’m glad { jamie } is here.
full name: jameson nikolai sokolov nicknames: jamie or james hometown: jersey city, new jersey sexuality: pansexual gender: cismale spoken languages: english & spanish hogwarts house: gryffindor
okie so start off ,, ya boy jamie was a pure accident if we gonna be honest here .. his dad ( miles ) owns a string of popular private country clubs within south carolina, north carolina, and georgia that have been in his family for a long time with a strong dedicated membership and his mom ( evangeline ) who is uhhh ,, kinda younger than miles by a few years and was working the summer at one of his country clubs in hilton head as an events coordinator for kids when the two met
it was kind of like instant attraction when miles and evangeline met even though he was about 32 and she was 24 and u know ,, miles was engaged but anywho !!! askew moral compass aside . evangeline tried to keep it professional and bc u know , miles was about to be married but eventually the two fell together two months later much to obvious dismay of miles’ fiancée demetria
jamie adores his mom bc she’s a bit of a free spirit who is a bit of a hippie and believes strongly in astrology and ‘looks to the stars for guidance’ kind of jazz and v much a lives in the moment type of person ,, but she definitely fell in love for the first time when she met miles and let him extend her time position at the country club when they started their affair
miles absolutely loved evangeline and wanted to marry her but he had a family obligation to demetria and her parents with his own parents that he was willing to risk but that window of opportunity shut when it turns out evangeline was pregnant with jamie
so yeah ,, for the best evangeline parts with miles bc she figures it wasn’t their time so she leaves the country club and moves her and jamie down to carina bay where she has family and starts up her own apothecary business based on botanical medicines with a wide range of self-made lines from herbal teas, bath & body supplies, medicine & aromatherapy ,, smth of which she is v proud of bc she put herself through college for botanical medicine and saved up money through odd jobs to open it , plus u know miles helped contribute despite her arguments against it
jamie has an odd relationship with his dad ,, doesn’t really mind and is p chill about the whole situation despite it all .. he visits when he can and especially on birthdays ,, pays more than needed in child support bc he isn’t there as much as he’d like and adores jamie .. we stan a present father figure in this household !!! when jamie was about 7 miles opened a new country club outside of jersey city so he has more reason to come up to visit despite demetria and their family being v frustrated
jamie’s mom always described him as an unexpected bundle of joy bc he was always such a giggly and calm baby and that definitely transfers well over to his personality now bc he’s just v laidback and doesn’t take life too seriously ?? which his mom’s temperament def rubbed off on jamie and kind of floated through life easily
the best i can describe it is just .. serena van der woodsen from gossip girl ?? bc jamie is overall a lovely person who’s incredibly nice and means well and can be v charming with his words and smile n dimples ,, so he unknowingly can have people wrapped around his finger without trying ?? occasionally takes advantage of it at times but not much , but things just come easy to him and opportunities just fall into his lap that seem easy to others
for as lax as his mom was in raising jamie, he ended up p tame compared to what he could’ve gotten up to with drinking and drugs .. essentially minded his own business and basically grew up helping his mom out at her apothecary and wandering around carina bay whether it be at the beach or an arcade or just out running , drinks occasionally but generally doesn’t make it a habit
him and his mom were well off bc of how much child support miles gave them so he attended private schools bc miles wanted jamie to have the best opportunities even though his mom was just gonna have him enrolled in public school ,, other than that, jamie was pretty popular throughout high school and was involved in the soccer team and yoga club but did it more out of hobby than anything else , did above average in his classes tbh
the only thing jamie kind of lacks is direction ?? has no clue what he wants to do in life bc he thinks he’s too young to have his future planned out so much and his mom doesn’t mind bc she thinks jamie will find out what he wants to truly do in time and the stars align ,, so yeah . he graduated within the top 30 of his class and got accepted to the colleges he applied to just in case he discovered what he wanted
obviously he hasn’t figured it out so he’s just floating through life that appears v simple and handed to him bc of the money his dad throws his way which is true .. jamie never tries to claim his life his hard bc he understands his privilege and not everyone has it
he put himself through classes to become a yoga instructor bc he enjoys it as a past time and figured why not do smth he actually likes, gets paid to do and has a workout in the midst of it all ??? his dad is literally the kris jenner meme of “ur doing great sweetie !!” with the camera and it’s cute bc sometimes he does yoga with jamie when he visits jfdnlsj
so yeah rn he’s just working as a yoga instructor and is generally an easy going guy who is easy to talk to, loves people and is just enjoying life ?? spends too much time watching the office on netflix, playing video games and has a bit of an obsession with making fresh smoothies so good luck to his roomies bc he will be using that blender whenever ,, and drag u to organic markets for his fruits n veggies and buys too many candles n lotions
tbh v open and not really looking to commit himself to anything or anyone at the moment ?? so he’s a kind hoe .. can sleep around but the type to not just ditch in the morning but will make u breakfast or a lil sticky note thanking u for an a+ time if he does have to jet but mainly just enjoys easy relationships rather than ones that are v demanding
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hajimine · 3 years
NO NEED TO BE NERVOUS I DO CHART READINGS FOR MY FRIENDS ALL THE TIME. maybe i should offer chart readings for my blog requests
OWHDKDH U DID A WHOLE ESSAY OMFG i didn’t expect it to be this detailed im so scared 😭 the ask is super long so i chopped it up into pictures i hope u dont mind !! (also i copy pasted it into my notes for future self reflection purposes JAHSKNS) thank u so much for taking the time to do this omg i cant imagine how long it took to write it all up ☹️
also ive never met anyone who says that virgos are their fave sign omg i feel so honored 😣 ok idk if you want it but here’s my response to your analysis lol <3
virgo sun: yes yes im really practical and am more of a brain > feelings person for most aspects in life but there are some exceptions obv,, AND YEAH i love change omg i love trying out new things and all that which i didn’t expect bc i thought virgos are uhh very stiff and always stick to a schedule (which i can never do lol)
pisces moon: SHUT UP,,, that’s pretty much what i said in the last paragraph i- 🧍🏻‍♀️RUNNING AWAY FROM RESPONSIBILITIES HELPP u lit called me out right there <3 i wanna drop out so bad but i cant bc my brain keeps coming up w logical reasons why that’s a horrible idea :,) not so much spirituality but i do love me a lil bit of philosophy yes yes
libra mercury: ooooh ?? going on tangents,, yeaa it takes me a while to get to the point when im telling a story whoops </3 HELP yes the not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings,, yea,, and it makes things 100x more complicated for myself 😞 mmm i do prefer being in the middle ground for certain things but not all :> oooh and even tho i keep getting enfp in my personality tests i do tend to recharge my energy in the comfort of my own house that’s true
scorpio venus: for this one idk bc i’ve never been able to let anyone in (romantically) yet but im not one to settle for less so yeah i think all or nothing describes me pretty well. oooh i do like romantic gestures tho :> it’s a nice bonus for sure
virgo mars: LMAO scatter-brained is a perfect way to put it,, irl people think im put together but my brain’s always going a million miles per minute which is why sometimes i blank out when someone asks me sth </3 multitasking not so much—i can do it but im not great at it. critical? 100% but im aware that it’s a bit much at times so i force myself to hold back if possible. and i do have GAD so there’s that,, this one’s pretty accurate heheh
leo jupiter: IM CLAIMING THIS 😽 THIS IS SO GOOD OMG YES <3 is culinary under entertainment bc if it is then this is a good sign >:)
gemini saturn: very true. i tend to seem calm and mature when you first meet me but im a bit of a mess in reality :> guarded and logical yes. feeling guilty for no reason at all also yes lol
aquarius uranus: ok this might be the least accurate one yet bc i suck at math & sciences 😭 i got amazing grades for them back in grade 10 but i’ve always hated those subjects. forgetful with an ego yes :,) oooh i do like true crime and i like psychology and astrology (but i dont know much abt the latter i just find it interesting)
aquarius neptune: hmm true about moving fast mentally,, idk about coming up with new ideas bc my brain hasn’t been properly stimulated in a while lol. spirituality nope not really
sagittarius pluto: i am ever-changing and i do love to learn ooooh and yeah i love numbers and hard data when it comes to growth. although,, my stamina is horrible and i give up way too easily imo but yes on being a perfectionist when it comes to myself
gemini north node ??: COMMUNICATION YEAH it’s sth i just recently found out im horrible at. with family and friends alike </3 yeah i cant see myself settling down atm but maybe in the future. guilt and anxiety yeah 🥲 self forgiveness is sth that i still need to work on too
aries lilith: YES. to this day i still cant believe ppl can be so brash and unafraid of getting hated for their views ?? i am really competitive so there’s that
cancer ascendant: protective over myself yep yep i don’t let people into my heart easily. structure security & financial + emotional stability YES. i am really practical ANDD im emotional but try to hide it most of the time that’s true lol
overall — SUPER ACCURATE??? obv there are some things that don’t pertain to myself but holy shit ?? THIS IS INSANELY ACCURATE. this is so cool whoa thank u so much !! i’ve never had such an in-depth reading and this is so interesting omg this will probably be really useful for self improvements lol >:)
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