#and uh GOODSPEED post the CLIP....post more pics too
unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
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i gasped....
and visited the comments on this post via facebook, to find the following:
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and after going "?? guess someone met will's mom maybe....?" went Oh Wait, kim theilmann, i Know Of her: meaning, i follow her on twitter because she's a fellow aficionado and winstan specifically lol, she went to bmc at least on broadway, not so surprised if she went to summer stock too. and maybe she is just shouting out beth roland for no especial reason, or has met her Ever, odds seem increased when beth roland is also responding lol although maybe she's just doing the beth roland thing of "looking at the comments on goodspeed facebook posts ft. her son as well and readily replying to anything relevant and going 'my son as well'"
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