#and this just didn't feel like smthn that should be viewed as proof of underlying problems at smosh
shaymiens ยท 2 months
i watched kimmy's bye smosh video and tbh i don't think much of it. it reads a touch bittersweet but kimmy doesn't seem to be wording things in a way that implies something more nefarious behind the scenes. she said she "decided to transition" to producing. she missed performing and an opportunity came up that led to her leaving smosh; none of this really indicates to me that she wasn't allowed to do what she truly wanted at smosh. to me it just sounds like the timing was right for her and it made more sense for her to move on rather than try and change up her role in smosh again.
the only thing that was interesting to me upon first watch was when she says she won't spill any tea, then right after she details that some of her best friends *still* work at smosh, which to me gives off the impression that she won't share anything because she still has emotional stake in the company.
i think kimmy is a strong, capable woman who would speak up about her horrible experiences had they happened, but her making a mostly upbeat and positive-leaning update video tells me that the split was likely more amicable than not.
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