#and then pat is left behind bc well his power isn't really dangerous
morkofday · 2 years
Bad Buddy and Gifted AU???????????? i know mejomonster would probably love to see that too
and u know that i'm always down for anything involving a william show >:)
<3 <3 <3
brigiiidd ♥♥ the love of my life 🥰
(placing under a cut bc this got so long! sorry)
ok yeah so i have this fully-fledged bad buddy x the gifted au in my brain that is half based on all the ohmnanon dramas i've come to watch after bad buddy plus all the things i hope the gifted would've been instead of. well. what it was 😬 the concept was super cool but i didn't really like their execution lol
but i have powers for the main six, i have backstories for most of them. i have figured out some of the struggles they go through! also yes this is a mutant au basically and of course that means there's a ton of Angst and things get way rougher than in the gifted. also the school system or whatever is more Nuts bc i said so. also bc i love mutant aus and the mutants always breaking free and lowkey starting a revolution or something. not just the small scale struggle they had going on in the gifted smh
(also as a side note, i have seen at least two other the gifted aus for bad buddy and both were really good so! idk if i really would have any place there so am happy to keep this in my own head basically :') i can just go feral every time i think about what i could write for them haha)
if i can talk about the powers i have figured out, then they go as:
pran - can control soundwaves which basically means that he can a) hear very well (at first involuntarily which is kind of rough), b) use sound as a weapon and c) talk to ppl who are far away
pat - a type of power sealing power? he can make others' powers disappear by touch. usually, the effect lasts only for a while but he can make it permanent too (has done this only by accident for now). my initial plan for him was him being some type of "shield" against powers but that felt too much like bella swan. so now he's this. tho i feel like he still gets parts of the "shield" idea bc i thought that at some point he might be able to develop his power into using it at will to just block others' powers when they try to use them
wai - can control senses so hallucinations, sensory deprivation, all that. if it's subtle he can just make ppl believe basically anything bc they thought they sensed it. if it's violent enough, he could kill ppl.
korn - super strength. lowkey a cliche but i like this. he can probably develop his power into being lowkey indestructible. he probably also heals fast.
pha - can control earth. she is the reason the jindapat siblings discover their powers. she suddenly gets a temper tantrum at ten and breaks their living room floor. bc pat is her biological brother, it is considered most likely that he will develop a power too. it takes him a year before he discovers that what he thought was just his social skill at calming down ppl is actually his ability to make their powers vanish for a moment.
ink - able to read and manipulate emotions. kind of like claire in the gifted but more extreme. she usually uses her skill to help others but she can be terrifying if someone does her wrong. ever cried so hard your heart gave out? not fun.
and that's about it. i have some meetings and conflicts figured out outside of their powers. also i think these could make very nice dynamics to explore. (tagging @mejomonster to this too if you're right and they wish to see this!)
then the novoland thing bc i assume you meant that lol (or does my dreamwalker au include fo ye? you'll never know. at least ba ye is there)
i think you have read everything i have for that currently 😔 i still think about how zhou youdu will fit into the dynamic with the other two. also thinking about how william probably dies in this too. i was not that fond of his character as you might know lol he was a major asshole and i don't think he deserved to "get the girl" at the end but well. i guess he deserved something. also he needs to apologize to so many ppl and i plan on doing that bc wth why was he allowed to just Get Away With It dammit.
thank you so much for asking brigid ♥ i love you!
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baconcolacan · 1 year
We know you said that Tom being killed would turn Stay Tord into Regimen Tord 2, but if Ak was older when it happened would he be able ground him at all and at least manage some of the damage or is there really no coming back from that for Tord?
Im guilty bc I actually thought about this outcome......
It really doesn't end well for Tord, if Tom was killed by an external force he could have prevented, especially if it was their enemies.
He would leave AK with Paul, Pat, and Matt more and more as he began to spiral, at the start it was because he didn't want his son to see him like that, but eventually his delusions will get the best of him and he'd spiral even more where his obsessive thought will start to tunnel vision him.
Paul, Pat, and Matt recognize that he isn't getting any better, and that he's starting to become too erratic, too dangerous. Of course they would try to get through to him, but at this point Tord would be too far gone. They decide that, for AK's sake, they should escape from RA as soon as they can. This ends in tragedy though, as Tord catches wind of their plans and orders to have them arrested for their attempt to kidnap his son. Paul and Patryck are able to hold off the RA as they let Matt escape with AK, but are killed in the process. Matt is gravely injured, but he gets AK far enough and tells him to run as far away from RA as possible, that his father wasn't his father anymore, if he wants any chance to escape he has to do it now. AK runs, Matt is left behind and he bleeds to death. Years later, RA has a new enemy, and a new military commander rising in power: Blue Leader. AK comes back, as Blue, and he's the one that puts his dad down for good. Even if it hurts.
Tord dies, but his delusions lead him to believe that the last person he sees, Blue Leader, his son AK, was actually Tom who came back to him somehow. He dies smiling. Even as he's shot in the head.
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